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The Old Sony Megathread


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People got upset when Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't come with trophies. Not me, I was excited about playing the game.

This is the only thing that bothers me about trophies; the fact that some people are willing to pass up games because they're not going to be rewarded for playing.

I don't see how that could be an issue since all games have had trophies for about two, three years now. :P

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I expect Skyrim to have countless trophies. I'm wondering why they don't put up trophies for a lot of PSOne Classics, it'd honestly be a nice little bonus to go with playing a game I already own but can't play without buying a new console.

I think the plan always was to release them "as is". They dident even bother to give us propper NTSC Versions as a Bonus in a day and age of HDMI, so you get to play all the old versions with slowdowns and pal borders...

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Been watching some of the trailers added to PSN this week.

Hitman Absolution is a MUST buy. That trailer is amazing.

Everybody's Golf in the Vita looks pretty much like the PS3 one so worth getting.

Mass Effect 3 is a definite.

Wipeout 2048 on the Vita looks like it's got some great features.

I'm in two minds BIG time about Deus Ex. Want to love it but after the first trailer last year each subsequent one leaves me a little worried.

New Assassin's Creed trailer tells us nothing.

I can dream that the new Sniper game is going to be good but it'll be a miracle if it is. Looks pretty good in the trailer though. I want an hour of mooching around in the undergrowth and then 2 minutes of crazy snipey action, then back to mooching around again.

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I hope they release Mass Effect 1 some time soon. (no idea if they even plan to). I´ed love to play part 2 and 3, put i don´t want to play the first one on my 2007 Mac while Bootcamping Windows... and after that switching over to to the PS3 Version.

Edit. Oh, nevermind, MS owns all rights to part one... never going to happen.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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ME 2 on PS3 has something at the start which goes over the events or something. Read a review. They mention it - I read them at the time before deciding I probably wouldn't be interested in it until it was cheap since I'm not big on long, narrative driven games.

Edited by QuomQuat
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Does the PSVita have a release date yet? I'm impressed by what I've seen of it and if the battery life is decent I'll definitely pick it up.

Another question I assume there'll be a subscription involved for the 3g Version how much is that likely to be?

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Does the PSVita have a release date yet? I'm impressed by what I've seen of it and if the battery life is decent I'll definitely pick it up.

Another question I assume there'll be a subscription involved for the 3g Version how much is that likely to be?

There was rumours of it being put back until sometime in early 2012, but I'm sure I read somewhere the other day that it's gonna be available worldwide in 2011.

No idea on the subscription fee for 3G, but I'll just get the standard wireless one I think.

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I think my girlfriend may have brought me a PSP. If not, I'm buying one anyway soon, so...

Anyone want to shoot me towards some reliable guides they might know of for installing emulators and playing SNES and Playstation ISO's on there? Do I need an SD card?

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Yeah I reckon I'll go for the WiFi version too, don't think I'd use the 3g for much either way. The thought of playing a full fledged Uncharted on the bus with dual analogue sticks and touchscreen makes me a little moist I must admit!

The battery level will be the decider thoguh. I'm hoping it'll be near enough to the DS Lite but that's being severely optimistic. No UMDs is a good thing all around though. Might trade in my DS now soon too because it's only decreasing in value.

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Id say its more the opposite actually. People are willing to play games solely based on getting trophies more than playing a good game. Terminator salvation is a strong example.

Say what you will about that game, but I enjoyed it. It wasn't amazing, and it didn't last much more than 3, maybe 4 hours, but the cover system was quality.

Is the Vita going the same route as the Go regarding UMDs then?

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No idea on the subscription fee for 3G, but I'll just get the standard wireless one I think.

We might be near a point at wich a portable g3 wifi router might be the best way to go anyway. Why spend 50€ here, 130€ there just to get G3 build in... or wait till in a few years every device will just have it for free.

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