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The Old Sony Megathread


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Oh well, i messed up, lot´s of conflicting news reports from back in the day, but the official page sais party pack, bikes and some other smal stuff. My Bad... anyone up for a online game of Burnout later tonight, now that we all have it?

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My copy of 3D Dot Game Heroes came and the free stuff is also live? Wonderful! Not wonderful though is the game freezing up just after I complete the second temple. :angry:

And Matzat, Ultimate Box is just party pack which is pretty useless local multiplayer stuff. It only mentions bikes caus that's part of the free patches anyway which I guess they put on the disc.

PSN wont let me sign in and says it's undergoing maintinence! Terrible.

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My copy of 3D Dot Game Heroes came and the free stuff is also live? Wonderful! Not wonderful though is the game freezing up just after I complete the second temple. :angry:

And Matzat, Ultimate Box is just party pack which is pretty useless local multiplayer stuff. It only mentions bikes caus that's part of the free patches anyway which I guess they put on the disc.

How is 3D Dot Game Heroes?

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Good so far, aside from the aformentioned freezing. Dunno how far that will set me back. Definately something that Zelda fans would be interested in. Well, with that said, i'm not entirely sure caus I imagine it is massively similar aside from being 3D. Dunno if people might get bored from playing something so similar.

Game looks good but something just strikes me as weird and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe the fact that if it weren't all pixels, it might come across as sort of stop motion with little toy figures or something.

Ruki, maybe you (or anyone else that is up for it) help me with the co-op on Magic The Gathering? Would be helpful since I would have little clue and might as well play it since there's only a month to do so.

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I can't even access the games now. I go to the Welcome Back screen, and it only lets me access PS+ Features.

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After about half an hour of trying, I've managed to start the download for one free game and collect my free Playstation Plus account. Not even going to bother trying to get Little Big Planet until later, maybe even until tomorrow night.

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Yeah, when I first got on and everything was error laden, I was planning on leaving redeeming my PS+ till later in order to save a few days on it and be able to use it when things were a bit smoother but somehow I got past all the errors and it downloaded. Oh well.

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Do I have to sign up to PS+ now? Or if I do it in 2 weeks, will I still get the full 30 days, or only half a month?

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