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I hate the Trophy "culture" for rewarding gamers for playing for a ridiculous amount of time. Why is that worth rewarding?

The Sonic Mega Collection on PS2 and 360 had a ton of secrets that you unlocked by doing things like "play Sonic 1 for ten hours". Why?! I can complete Sonic 1 in twenty minutes, why the hell would I want to play it for ten hours? Surely you should be rewarded for ability, not blind persistence?

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Agreed with Skummy, I don't play for trophies, if I do something that gets me a trophy, well good for me. But I don't even know what I have to do for the other trophies, and I'm not gonna chase them.

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I hate the Trophy "culture" for rewarding gamers for playing for a ridiculous amount of time. Why is that worth rewarding?

Is there a central log anywhere at Sony / Microsoft that sees how many people have achieved what trophies/chievs? Wondering if it's about marketing "look X people played this for over 50 million hours, it must be great!" I've pumped hours into Oblivion because I like the game, not a single trophy to be had so I'd probably accidentally unlock one if it were there but not going to stick with any game if it's crap.

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I hate the Trophy "culture" for rewarding gamers for playing for a ridiculous amount of time. Why is that worth rewarding?

The Sonic Mega Collection on PS2 and 360 had a ton of secrets that you unlocked by doing things like "play Sonic 1 for ten hours". Why?! I can complete Sonic 1 in twenty minutes, why the hell would I want to play it for ten hours? Surely you should be rewarded for ability, not blind persistence?

To be fair, none of us that like trophies like those trophies. I really do like trophies, but I like do x amount of these missions or beat this mission in x time, beat this boss with only this and so on.

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I like trophies in a game like Assassin's Creed II (Which I got 100% in), some are challenging but everything is doable and doesn't require me to grind away days of my life. Others, like Gran Turismo 5, require blind luck in some cases. One requires you to "Win a race by a margin of 0.01 seconds or less" and there's another for "Achieve a time of 7'29.03 on the Nurburgring Nordschleife in a Nissan GT-R '07. The record must be achieved in a Time Trial in the Arcade mode version of the car with tires of Sports Hard grade or lower equipped." Just asinine.

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Ill play to get the trophy so long as I dont have to go out of my way for it, or if I do, its going out of my way at least in a fun way. Grinding for hours on something in a repetitive level that I would have to finish 8 times or going around a city to collect every last item of something that does gives nothing back to enhance the game is just a waste of my time and doesnt warrent my attention.

Theres a LOT of great games out there, Id rather play something new then have to shoot pigeons

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Arkham Asylum's the only game where, after I finished it, I went back and tried to get all the trophies. I'm only 61% done (as far as trophies go), but almost 100% completed the game just from doing shit like searching for riddles etc

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Arkham Asylum is the one game, I've beaten through 4 times already, and still enjoy redoing it again.

I still haven't finished all the Predator Challenges, and I haven't finished the game on hard either (I'm upto the fight with Joker). But Asylum was just an amazing game, and I honestly can't wait for City to come out just to see if they truly could follow up AA.

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I think the only ridiculous one I've done is the kill 72,000 zombies on Dead Rising 2, which was mainly for the that a) I like the game and b) I've got most of the trophies anyway so I may as well try for that one to get the platinum. Plus it is quite do-able (if a little tedious) if you keep to a schedule. Even if I did it with exactly 72,000 kills and about 10 seconds to spare. <_<

I don't mind online trophies, as long as they're sensible ones (like for instance DR2's win every match type ones (unless it's like GTA4 and is glitched so the one game mode quits so you can't complete it :shifty:)), but the ones like in Killzone 2 or UFC 2009 where you need to appear in the top 3% of the world for that week on the leader board? Fuck that. You either need to get the game early and become good, fast, or spend too much time on it (or cheat). Or wait several years after release so you're the only one playing it. <_<

In other news, does the first Uncharted work with the current system update? I can't get it to load, it's stuck on the first spinning coin loading screen. I installed it and completed it in the outage, and I've tried to go back and sweep up some more trophies but it won't load. I tried quickly wiping the disc but didn't make a difference. I hope the game's not fucked, it's not my game. :/

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In other news, does the first Uncharted work with the current system update? I can't get it to load, it's stuck on the first spinning coin loading screen. I installed it and completed it in the outage, and I've tried to go back and sweep up some more trophies but it won't load. I tried quickly wiping the disc but didn't make a difference. I hope the game's not fucked, it's not my game. :/

Try deleting the game data (not game save) on your system. Uncharted does the same thing for me sometimes and this usually does the trick.

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Eh, I'm really not bothered about playing games online at the moment as I've not got any online games. I just want to be able to buy some stuff online and get my free DLC content.

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