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The Old Sony Megathread


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Matzat - always looking at the bigger picture. Millions of people might have had their bank details stolen, we might be looking at one of the crimes of the century, but what's really important is that he can't use Linux on his video game console.

It's accepted knowledge that GeoHot and the hacking of the PS3 in the first place was a response to removing the ability to run Linux, in turn, this was a response to what Sony did to GeoHot.

So a tiny minority of people who want to use Linux on their PS3 outweight the millions of people who might have their identies stolen, their credit cards used illegally their money being taken from their bank accounts and everything else that could be done with their infomation?

You know what really sad about this entire affair? (you know aside from my being unable to load up my PSPGo with the re-released Final Fantasys that are coming out, though thats a big concern. I should be stealing hackers cars and telling them it just a response to their stealing private info and thus I am unable to be blamed for setting fire to said cars in a huge display that spells out 'FUCK YOU HAXORZ!!!11ELEVEN!!, and I will spell out the eleven.)

That nothing will change because of this. Sony will up their security and hackers will respond by attacking again and again and again claiming that Sony are evil for trying to protect their property.

Edited by HugoAbs
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Ok lets get this straight.

Sony did NOT remove linux.

Linux was never ON the damn system. They had an OPTION that ALLOWED you to put on another OS, thinking "hey maybe some homebrew people could tinker up something fun." Looking at the kinects homebrews Id say its a nice thought to. So the whole "my toaster only toasts on linux and they took it away Id be pissed" metaphor is dead right there.

Problem was people started trying to use linux as a way to attempt to bypass security. Sony (rightfully) saw this as not a way to modify your personal game play, but that of others as well. So as much as anyone wants to bitch about having something taken away from them that they paid for, I paid for a system to play games and mulitplayer focused games is a massive industry right now.

Since they had to plus a hole, they did so. It wasnt arbitrary. It was clear the reason they did it.

Saying Geohotz did all this in retaliation to them taking away other OS option is total builshit. Go look through old Geohotz entries. Youll see him talking about use of linux (though he wasnt the only one) as an attempt to hack it.

So in effect all this was a corporations REACTION to people trying to fuck with the enjoyment of the system we all paid fairly for and were using legally.

There was something like this with Apple too, if I remember correctly. Where they (the homebrewers) won the right to mod their property. What the judgement then goes ON to say is that, however, in doing so they give up their right to use said product online.

Sony gave that exact same option word for word. They said "you want other os to homebrew? Go for it. You cant go online if you do." They took legal precedent and went with it. That doesnt make them the bad guy it makes them legally in the right and morally as well. Morally? yeah. They took the toys away from some guys so that they couldnt ruin it for the 40 million other people using it within the agreed boundries.

Normally I enjoy a good convo with SDM but his owning an xbox and being a little on the outside of the total info here needed some clarification. Theres some misleading facts and Matzat's views are really throwing off those that peek in.

Lets be honest here. Did ANYONE use the other OS option at ALL? I didnt but I would be interested to know who did.

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OK, just read this article, so figured I'd share.

Sony has overhauled the security of its PlayStation network as the company begins to get the network back online, days after the system was hacked.

On Friday, Sony confirmed its PlayStation network had been hacked and an "illegal and unauthorised person" gained access to the personal details of 77 million users including passwords, names, addresses and dates of birth.

The network had been compromised a week before and as a result Sony shut down the PlayStation network as it tried to address the security breach.

Sony announced on Sunday it would restore the network in phases "shortly," beginning with PlayStation's gaming, music and video services.

In the past week the company has been advised by expert information security firms and has overhauled its security measures to ensure greater protection of personal details.

The measures include enhanced technology to detect unauthorised access and unusual activity on the network as well as an automated software monitoring system to help defend against new cyber attacks.

PlayStation users will be forced to update their software as the network is restored which means people will have to change their account passwords.

In a further step, passwords can now only be changed on the PlayStation in which the account was activated.

Sony's executive deputy president Kazuo Hirai said the company is conducting a thorough investigation and is working with police to track down those responsible.

"This criminal act against our network had a significant impact not only on our consumers, but our entire industry," he said in a statement.

"The organisation has worked around the clock to bring these services back online and are doing so only after we had verified increased levels of security across our networks."

Once the PlayStation network gets back online users will be offered free downloads of entertainment content for 30 days.

Its the last line I love. My one doubt though, is that 'entertainment' word. Think it might include Game Add-ons and the like? Or will it just be movies and TV Shows?

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Everyones getting a free month benji. So Ill be extended and youll get a month free.

I really think its great because once you try it, youll love it. They give free shit out ALL the time. Beta testings, free games...

Im 6 months in out of 15, and Ive gotten at least 90 bucks from a 50 investment.

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Yeah, I read another article which said free month of PS+.

Considering I'm getting Portal 2 free for my PC (the video store left the coupon in the case on the shelf), and I also won AFL Live, that makes this past 3 weeks a very good set of a whole lot of free stuff :D

Edited by Ace™
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Be carefull with that free month though, the last free month of that music service tied you down to a subscription. So you had to pay if you forgot to cancel it in time. Ps+ automaticly enables auto renew aswell.

I wonder what that free download will be, you don´t want to loose to much extra monney but you also should not give something away that a lot of your users already payed for anyway.

If this works out it´s all fine and dandy, but personaly i would concider it much more important if sony took care of your bills wenn it comes to any kind of fraud atemts via post, mail or cc. In the end we all might still get our postbox spammed 5 years from now if they screwed up... my parrents had hugh problems becaus somehow their telefon number got to the wrong people, in the end they had to change it becaus there were adverserin calls 4-5 times a day. :-X

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In a further step, passwords can now only be changed on the PlayStation in which the account was activated.

Either I'm understanding this wrong or it will probably cause a decent amount of problems in the future.

Yeah, what the hell do you do if your PS3 craps out?

My one doubt though, is that 'entertainment' word. Think it might include Game Add-ons and the like? Or will it just be movies and TV Shows?

It'll be a free download for an episode of Mike & Molly.

I appreciate the attempt at compensation and all, but a month of PS Plus? Really? "Hey, sorry to the 77 million people who we royally fucked over, here's $4."

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Yeah it's great that they're giving out a month of plus, all those discounts and free games. But you know, if they want the games on discount they still have to pay for everything and if you want to keep the games and features that you have on Plus - well you have to keep paying for Plus or you can't actually get to that stuff anymore.

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Not to mention the fact the PS Store probably won't be back up for another month. Considering how amateurish this whole thing has been, I really wouldn't be surprised if this 30-day trial starts when PSN is back up and ends the day after the PS Store re-opens. Enjoy your free trial!

Seriously though, it is a pretty weak make-good. I realize it's a unique situation and they couldn't do something as simple as Microsoft with the RRoD by extending the warranty, but they could've at least given people three months of Plus.

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Handing out Plus is only marketing, since a big portion of what you get only works wen you stay subscribed.

Numbers on the amount of acounts hacked by country.


That's number of accounts sorted by country, not number of accounts compromised.

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I want to know who at Sony had the bright idea to not encrypt customers' personal data, and whether that person/those people still have a job/jobs.

Speaking of GT5, I still never recieved it from The EWRiddler. <_<

Not a big deal since I would have gotten the game for answering a riddle, but I just hope it didn't get lost in the mail. :crying:

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Yeah it's great that they're giving out a month of plus, all those discounts and free games. But you know, if they want the games on discount they still have to pay for everything and if you want to keep the games and features that you have on Plus - well you have to keep paying for Plus or you can't actually get to that stuff anymore.

Thats actually not true, only certain games do that and Qore. Most of it will state if thats the case when you DL it, but if its like a discount or something then thats 100% yours and if its free then its a 50 50 kinda deal.

PS+ is pretty great though so if youve never picked it up and least they are letting you try it out for free. And its hardly $4 given how much you could DL there in a single month at reduced prices.

Ill take an extra month of it.

Dont know how that whole "only the original PS" password things gunna work out. Prolly have to send an email if theres a hiccup Id guess.

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