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The Old Sony Megathread


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You may have heard about a game called DC Universe Online? Well we have worked hard to make sure that you guys get exclusive access to the Beta of this huge MMO Action title. All Plus members will be included and the download is being added to the Plus section of PlayStation Store as we speak – yes, that’s right now.

Due to the scale of the game, this Beta Trial will require approximately 15GB of free Hard Disk Drive (HDD) space, and can take an average of 3-4 hours to download, or potentially longer depending on your broadband internet connection. It will definitely be worth it though!

Downloading it right now. EWB Meetup tomorrow?

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Yes, it´s f´n hugh. Luckily i put my old MacBook HDD in my PS3 wen i updated that one, so space issent an issue yet. - Unless the servers get overrun and the download slowes down i should have this in about two houres. Always been more of a Marvel guy wen it came to the classic comic brands but i have been waiting for another Superhero MMO, let´s hope it´s not as mindblowingly timeconsuming as city of heros was (seriusly, that 8 houre groupquests you had to do in one pice were just not my cup of tea...)

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NAT Type is how strong your connection is.

No it's not. It's how restrictive your connection is when playing online, it relates to the ports are being forwarded in your firewall, nothing to do with connection speed. NAT type 1 means it's totally open while 3 is very restrictive and will result in laggy play if you can connect at all. There's loads of guides around the net to change it, but it depends on your modem really.

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I never said it had to do with connection speed :huh:

If it's showing you have a restricted NAT setting, then you're not going to have a strong connection, hence the lag. I was being simplistic, but thanks for saying what I already said in more detail.

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We´ll it´s only a beta, so some stuff is missing (harly quinn has a mans voice, other NPCs seem to have no voice yet.. the menus have a lag but you can work with em.) But the Opening rendervideo and CutSceens are in, so i think these are only smal things missing/in need of tweaking... werrent to many players around in the houres i tryed, i expect it to get full tomorrow wen the overnight downloads finished. It ran smoth - but no PVP arena matches yet on the PVE server.

You also get a Legends PVP btw. You have to earn cards during gameplay, these cards alow you to play as certain DC Characters in this PVP Arena Mode. I got Quinn and Batman unlocked already, but as i said, no players so no testing.

To be honest, all in all it feels like every MMORPG ever made. You fool around killing stuff, gaining levels and new equipment. Standart skill leveling for powers and fighting types... it´s not bad, not bad at all. But if you don´t like MMORPGs or laied of them because they became to time consuming (as i did, and i dident even manage to get a level 60 charater in 6 month of WOW) the different skinn likely is going to carry you for some time. I can see my self playing the beta for fun here and there, but i don´t see myself buying the full game and paying monthly fees.

It dos not nearly feel as much different as WOW dos in it´s world, but it´s not looking anything near as much the same over and over again like in CoH or even the offline InFamous. (never played champions online, so no idea on that)

The create tool is pritty open for an MMO. You also get the option that your hero looks like you want it to look during gameplay. (the other option is that the looks change towards the new gear wen you get it... this actualy is quiet cool because you hero looks like the missions he did (i did a bunch of cult missions and now i look like a Power Rangers Villan >_>) )

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Boss number two in Demon's Souls down.

I have to admit, when I saw a


I was kinda scared. But, I toughed it out, killed the minions, and killed it! Lots of healing items later.....

Edit: Woo! I've learned my first two spells! ^_^

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The highlight of last night...

Playing NFS and my 13 year old nephew crashed his car into a barrier whilst playing an online Interceptor. My 6 year old nephew then come out with, and I quote...

*puts on sarcastic voice*

''You are EPIC at this game...''

No idea where he got it from, but I lol'd.

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Yeah, I'm about a third of the way through downloading the beta, but fuck paying subscription fees. I'll download the rest to get an idea how it plays, but I'm not interested in paying subscription fees just to play the game I've already bought. Regardless of the creative licences involved.

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