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The Old Sony Megathread


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Is anybody up for some GTA Multiplayer, with the DLC released and all. I only bought the Lost and the Damed right now (even though downloading is a bit more expensive, you get to use all the songs from the original GTA game while the disc version dos not include them!)

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Disgaea 3 Trophy Patch to be released in Europe in May!

Earlier this month, we announced that we would officially be bringing the Disgaea 3 Trophy Patch overseas. We’re excited to announce that the patch will be available on May 13, 2010 in Europe!

The patch will add trophy functionality to Disgaea 3 and allow players to gain Trophy points by accomplishing various tasks.

http://nisamerica.com/images/email/PAL_D3%20PressRelease100421 _PB.pdf

God knows why the locaisation of a trophy patch takes galf a year, but it´s finaly comming.

Aperently Final Fight comes with Ubisoft "you have to be online" protection. So no Final Fight for you if the PSN is down or your Internet Conection dies.

There also is a new firmware that alowes you to sort trophies in some way... seriusly, i got the PS3 for... about a year i guess... it was always running fine and all these firmware updates added nothing usefull... and lot´s of advertiseing.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I can't decide whether to start a new game on Resi 5 or Dragon Age, Resi I can blast pretty quickly and I really want to do a bit of a trophy cleanup before moving on to the hardest difficulty, but Dragon Age I've yet to complete, problem being it's meant to be loooong and I'm not sure I can keep my attention span on it considering I like trying to do everyfuckoffsidequest that I hear about.

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Okay, GOW3 is awesome.

Theres a scene where Kratos has rescued a girl and they talk about what is to come, and they speak of hope and the future, and there is dramatic music and it's all beautifully rendered and deep and moving and

the entire time, Kratos is carrying a severed head as a torch to light the way. And no one comments on this.

I love God Of War.

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Right, any writing in the game (such as "notes") appears to be Japanese but speaking and menus are English. Very odd mix.

Just up to the first big fella now and eek if there are 9 tougher than him.

I don't recall needing a whole lot of in-game text help since I think it's all right there in the menu's and stuff, but it's been a while since I played it in honesty, let me know how it goes ({)

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Dident they just ad this pritty "real game like" Iron Man thing to Home?!

We´ll i don´t know, i never use home either, i did use it for that Heav Rain Promotion but it was lame so i deleted it right away. :shifty:

I love classic game room reviews of home though!

H´s don two or three more on home... classic game room is very funny in genneral, go watch his videos!

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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