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The Old Sony Megathread


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Quest trophies are a bitch without a guide. Luckily, after beating each city in Assassin's Creed II I went back and found all the feathers. Getting all the Dog Togs in Wolverine were equally was equally as annoying as you didn't know where you were missing them.

Now I think I'll Platinum Heavy Rain before even thinking of trying to do FFXIII which could be a massive bitch.

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FFXIII shouldn't be that hard, just depends on how long a task it is to complete the different classes. Though from the sounds of it, it sounds like completing a sphere grid for like... 5 different things. >_>

I wish trophies could be added to PSX Classics. Half the fun of trophies are the names they give them. That's why I enjoy AVP so much, pretty much every trophy is a quote from one of the films. Including one called GET TO THE CHOPPER. Awesome.

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Honestly it's not a bad game. Not as good as I'd hoped it would be, but if your a fan of the franchise I'm sure you'll get some enjoyment out of it, if for nothing else than Lance Henriksen reprising his role as Bishop. wub.gif

There's also 'That's one mean bug', 'Get away from her you bitch!', 'GAME OVER MAN', 'Stay Frosty', 'That's a real nasty habit.', 'One tough hombre', 'It ain't no man', 'it uses the jungle', 'One ugly mother', 'Stick around!' and of course, 'Ain't got time to bleed.'

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Some games had retroactively activating trophies, did they not? You could hope for that. I just don't feel like playing it when I could play other games and earn e-penis for them :shifty:

We both seem to have an 8 incher right now.

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I must be a couple of milimeters shy of 8 inches then. :(

Think the next game I'll end up Platinum'ing is Smackdown (which to be honest is only a matter of time, its one of those if you play it, you're a trophy platinum) or MW2.

I only need to get 3 stars on 2 more spec-ops, I need to get the 20 kills in a vehicle trophy and the kill 4 people whilst downed in spec-ops.

I'm trying to give MW2 a rest for a bit though, after it really, really, REALLY fucked me off on Wednesday night. :angry::(

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Yeah Liam destroys us all that rich bastard.

If only. I either play games to death from time to time, or I trade them in fairly quickly if I don't really enjoy them. Most of those trophies are bronze anyway >_>

I like trophies, but they do show me exactly how quick I blast through some games, or how little time I give to others.....which is demoralising.

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