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The Old Sony Megathread


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My PSN name is BFGTheFuture and I play NBA 2K9, Madden 09, Fifa 09, NCAA Football 09, COD: World at War and Fight Night Round 3. Feel free to challenge me anytime, I suck but still play. I'm really tryna run some COD or 2k9 with anybody from EWB so message me I'll be on all day.

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BulletTHEORY27 is my PSN tag. And home still doesn't work.

Word on a possible fix soon:

Many of you have probably noticed that getting into Home since the open beta launch is something of a lottery. Chances are you'll be trying a fair number of times before you manage to sneak in. Thankfully, a patch is coming this Thursday which should fix that issue. So says SCEE community manager TedTheDog.

Hopefully this patch will be shortly followed by the release of some new content, which was announced last week. Namely, the Diesel and Ligne Roset shops, the Red Bull Air Race space, the Media and Events space and (for Europe) the Far Cry 2 and Uncharted game spaces. We're trying our best to find out what Sony's plan is for future content releases but, until we get an answer, it looks like we'll have to remain patient a little while longer.

[uPDATE] This patch marks the "first step" towards the solution to the server issues, so don't expect things to be magically fixed on Thursday.

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I just downloaded the Home update and tried to sign in...It logged me in first time.

It seems I need to re-download the areas though, as it auto-loaded me to the "Bowling Alley" (which I had downloaded previously) but it's telling me to download it again now. :/

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It's being reported by various UK based news sites that Free Radical, developer of the TimeSplitters series and Haze, has closed its doors for good. No one has received confirmation from the developer either way, as they don't seem to be answering their phones, but judging from anecdotal evidence, it's not looking good. Forum-goers over at Eurogamer are saying that the locks on the doors have been changed and Develop's sources are saying "something" happened at the developer this morning.

Develop is posturing that the closure, if true, is probably a result of Haze being a commercial and critical flop. Not only that, but the word is that their Lucasarts collaberation (Star Wars BattleFront 3) is reported to have been cancelled and they were having trouble finding a publisher for TimeSplitters 4. Sadly, it seems that game will now never see the light of day. We'll update this story as soon as we get confirmation either way but, as we say, it's not looking good. It's a sad day and we feel for anyone who has lost their job -- especially this close to Christmas.

[uPDATE] We've received confirmation that Free Radical has, indeed, closed its doors. This is no longer a rumor. GameIndustry.biz is reporting that Star Wars Battlefront 3 has been passed on to PSP Battlefront developer Rebellion.

Ugh. I was looking forward to Timesplitters 4, it's one of the few fps franchises I genuinely enjoyed. Really sad news.

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Well cock, forgot they did Timesplitters as well. When I skimmed past the story earlier I just thought of it as 'lol, Haze'. That sucks. Battlefront was pretty cool too.

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My brother called me earlier to tell me the sound isn't working on my PS3. It was working fine at like 3pm when I was playing on FIFA. Not sure what he expects me to do about it at work but I went through the whole checklist. Mute on? Restart the PS3. Check the sound is working on the TV. HDMI cable loose? Reset the output settings. Make sure it's set to the right input source. Nope, still no sound.

Not sure what the hell he's done, but can't find out til I get home at half six.

edit: Bet it's the HDMI cable that's bust, which I suppose is a blessing in disguise (re: my earlier dvd related post) as I have an excuse to buy a new one now.

Can anyone recommend one? I keep reading contrasting views on whether more expensive ones are really worth splashing out on. When the length of the cable is only 1-2m, any one should do, apparently.

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Upon clicking this link, take these steps:

1. Scroll to the bottom

2. Read what is being introduced to LBP

3. Cream in your pants

4. Change your pants


I haven't played LBP in a long time, but I'm definitely buying this level pack.

If you don't mind spoilers, here's some clips from some of the levels included in the MGS level pack.






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The MGS Costume pack and MGS Level pack ($5.99 each) come out this week. The costume pack contains Old Snake, Meryl, Screaming Mantis & Raiden. The level pack contains a Gurlokovich Soldier Sackboy, plus tons of new stickers (72), materials (12), decorations (10), and objects (18). It also comes with THE PAINTINATOR, which adds an entirely new element to LBP, as well as six levels created by MM and Konami.

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Okay, Little Big Planet is awesome. The jumping can be a bit tetchy but the levels are nothing short of fantastic. The create levels part looks like it's so ridiculously involved, it's going to take forever to knock something respectable out, but damn. We need a big EWB game soon. After the MGS pack comes out? :shifty:

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Okay, Little Big Planet is awesome. The jumping can be a bit tetchy but the levels are nothing short of fantastic. The create levels part looks like it's so ridiculously involved, it's going to take forever to knock something respectable out, but damn. We need a big EWB game soon. After the MGS pack comes out? :shifty:


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