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I Am Legend


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Man, for me, its the complete opposite when it comes to Will Smith. I have trouble even seeing him as Fresh Prince anymore. He's come so far as an actor, its amazing.

Agreed. I don't know, I do have a tendency to see him in Will Smith instead of his character at times, but that's because he quite often does the exact same schtick in blockbuster films, and he did in the first half of I Am Legend. But when the situation called for serious, good acting he brought a lot to the table and even when the rest of the movie got completely ridiculous and awful, he was bringing his a-game.

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I have to admit, I liked the movie a lot more than I expected to. When the part came where the story felt tacked on, yeah, I was kind of shuddering, but I'll take this over say I, Robot because Will Smith does a great job here of not playing charismatic. He actually pulls off restrained and socially awkward and while it obviously takes your typical action liberties, the movie took a very interesting concept and didn't fuck it up too much.

By the way, I did not read the short story before seeing this.

Edited by ROC
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I thought it was alright. I was pumped for this movie for a good month before it was released, and then I got my hands on the short story and I knew there wasn't any way a Hollywood movie with Will Smith would end that way (as sad as that is).

I don't like how they turned it into a feel-good movie at the end. I do like how they, in a twisted way, stayed true to the original story's ending, albeit in a different way. I also like how Smith made you really feel like he was truly the last human on Earth, what with being attatched to the dog as much as he was, and the brutal, honest emotion at the climax of that sub-plot (I don't know what else to call it and not spoil it).

A world ruled by now intelligent and primitive vampires, thus becoming the new society = win. The movie adaption of the book's ending = fail. It just reeks of Hollywood trying to cash in on a famous short story, but releasing it to coincide with Christmas and slapping on a heart warming "aww it's all going to work out" ending. My friends seem to think that I Am Legend 2 is being set-up due to the ending and the unresolved issue of the vampires.

Hopefully, there's an alternative ending on the DVD release. Didn't they reshoot the ending to the movie and a bunch of other scenes right before it was released in theaters? Maybe it'll be on the DVD. Here's hoping.

Overall, I'd say it's a 7/10.

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The movie was set up to work based on Will Smith's abilities. It succeeded in that right. Not only is he one of the most talented actors in Hollywood, he's also now quite clearly the biggest star (80 million in December? Holy shit!). I agree with everyone here that the film lost a lot in the second half. I haven't read the book so I obviously can't comment on that, but as a viewer having a completely new experience I thought what really hurt the film was the ending specifically. It was just so contrived that it seemed a desperate attempt to wrap the film up under 2 hours. And hearing the contrasts you folks are making between the book and the movie is kind of sad, because it just underscores how much better this could have been. Alas it was alright, if not outstanding.

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I'm watching this right now...and I'm about an hour in... spoilers ahead...

When Neville loses his dog... man... I'm almost distraught. Thinking about the relationship I have with my pets... I would be devastated to lose one of them. They're family. Thinking about living a life where they were my only contact though, and losing them... unbearable.

Absolutely tremendous thus far though. Will Smith is completely owning this role.

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To whoever complained about the compound in Vermont, that was the initial escape plan and as the religious chick stated, the virus could not stand the cold so that's why they were all safe up there. Will Smith's character just assumed that it didn't work because he never heard from anyone within the compound.

Yeah, but is it really that much colder in Vermont than it is in New York City? I'm honestly asking, being from SoCal. I understand why they made the end they way they did, but with the acting job that Will Smith pulled off for the majority of the movie, I think they could have gone with something closer to the book, and it would have worked out fine.

Really, a movie I'd love to see done is one based on Dance with the Dead (I think thats the name), another short story in the same compilation. Its awesome in a total 50s/Greaser style post WWIII way.

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Saw it the other night (TGC removed something here that there was no reason for, so please don't do it again) and i enjoyed it. Didnt follow the book to the point but neither did a lot of book to film adaptations.

I am curious as to why they use the same monsters from the Silent Hill movie for the not living/living dead.

Edited by TheGrinchComplex
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I just got home from seeing it, and having finally read this thread I can happily say I did not read the book nor know anything about the book prior to seeing it. If I had I feel I would have been far more disappointed. As it was, up until just beyond THAT MOMENT where I swear to god I almost cried, this was such a fantastic film. From just beyond THAT MOMENT the movie changed into something else not quite as good. Overall, I really enjoyed the movie though. It won't make any lists for me or anything, but it will be something I purchase when it comes out on DVD this spring.

Overall Rating B

I am Legend - 7.5/10

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I loved it, fantastic. The first half was, as other people have said, pretty much perfect. I had to make a quick joke to stop myself crying as well. Smith was immense.

The plot seemed rushed, true, but I was already on such a high from the start that I was ready to accept everything that happened after. Smith made me believe the character. If he wasn't so good, I'd probably be sat here criticising everything that happened once the two Brazilians came in.

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