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Veronica Mars


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...yes...I'm late...shut the fuck up. This isn't really a thread about Veronica...it's more of a thread for Vinnie Van Lowe...I'd give a limb (A not very important one, that can be replaced with a computerised limb or something) for a Vinnie spinoff. :shifty:

Oh, and Season 2 > 1 > 3....by a long shot.

Edited by YI
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Late? LATE? You, son, are like George Bush showing up in Berlin, taking potshots at Germans and claiming he thought World War II was still going. But right, Vinnie is the best minor character in the whole show and Lamb is TV's best villain. Also Mac is seven kinds of adorable. Yes, I say this everywhere. What's your point?

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Lamb...I don't see as anything special. He does the job...but meh, he's nothing groundbreaking.

I wish Beaver'd been in more Season 2. Now that's a great character, that they could have gotten more out of before the big blowoff.

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Lamb was God, killing him off killed the show for me, but that could be me being a bit of a fanboy.

And TGC is right, it goes 1,2 and 3 in order from best to worse. Three was especially bad, as Veronica turned into a bigger annoying bitch, and everyone else were annoying except for Lamb, of course. Not to mention, people like Mac and Wallace were MIA for several episodes.

As for Vinnie, I liked him, but preferred Aaron as the villain of the show. Woody was also a great character.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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...see I quite liked Veronica being bitchy as fucking in season 3. The amount of shit that had happened to her, you couldn't expect her tobe smiley and cheerful...she was far to smiley in the first two series. :shifty: And main characters don't always have to be that nice people... :shifty:

1...I fucking hated Lily. I don't give a shit she died. She was a slapper and a massive bitch. Why the fuck should I care she died. She definately did seem like a massive cunt. Fuck her.

And I never saw Vinnie as a villain. He was 'comic relief'. Even towards the end of season 3...he wasn't that much of a villain. IMO.

And killing off Lamb didn't really effect Season 3 at all, IMO. He was only gone like 6 episodes...and most of those 6 episodes were kind of meh due to their lack of direction...and then there was The Castle shit...eugh.

As shitty as season 3 is. Dick photographing his cock and balls and throwing the photo off the balcony = funniest moment of the entire show.

The lack of Wallace is really sad....plus I reckon they should have went with a whole Wallace/Veronica romance/shagfest. Fuck Logan, he came a pussy and a dickweed. And fuck Piz...just...fuck him.

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Compared to the first and indeed second seasons, season three does suck. (At least when you go back and watch the first two seasons) However I don't think season three was all that bad, except for the lack of one big story arc. It took the first two seasons to get the whole Lilly thing sorted out finally as well as the bus crash story arc. Yet season three didn't have that, something to do with the way the show was commissioned.

In order of brilliance The Hobo Character awards go to:

Keith Mars

Logan Echolls (sure he went a little emo but badass Logan came back)

Veronica Mars



Sheriff Lamb

Piz can fuck off, I was kind a hoping that Logan had been right to beat the shit out of him.

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