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Barry Bonds Indicted


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I know someone posted this in the Hot Stove thread but since this will last a lot longer then the Hot Stove period I figured I'd give it a new thread. You knew this day would come. The government has been out to get him ever since Bush mentioned it in his state of the union (was it 2002?). We know he likely won't serve that long in jail if any at all but it is ridiculous that they are talking 30 years as the possible sentence. There are murderers out there who get less of a prison sentence. It's been a witch hunt from the start and everyone knows it. Bonds screwed himself by not giving a damn about endorsement deals or the media in general and thus his reputation as the "bad guy" comes back to hurt him.

If you want to read the indictment here is a PDF File.

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I think Bonds deserves a year, two at the most. I know that he's an asshole and everyone hates him, but c'mon, 30 years is ridiculous, he wasn't stabbing babies or anything.

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I think Bonds deserves a year, two at the most. I know that he's an asshole and everyone hates him, but c'mon, 30 years is ridiculous, he wasn't stabbing babies or anything.

Bare with me, as I've not had time to read the actual indictment, but I believe that would be the maximum possible sentence for such counts. Don't be surprised if the only overt punishment he gets is to his baseball legacy.

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Honestly I'm over this. If they actually had something on him, he would have been gone by now. They are just going after him because of what he did this year in breaking the record. Did he use steroids, most likely, but Jesus Christ, leave the man alone. The media is what made him into an asshole.

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Guest Onkel Hans

Honestly I'm over this. If they actually had something on him, he would have been gone by now. They are just going after him because of what he did this year in breaking the record. Did he use steroids, most likely, but Jesus Christ, leave the man alone. The media is what made him into an asshole.
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I love the fact that some of the black analysts on ESPN are screaming racism. What does Barry Bonds lying to federal investigators about money laundering operations have to do with racism?

It just so happens to be that the people laundering money he was covering up also was supplying the steroids, which he's trying to lie about. Some people seem to not recognize that either.

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I love the fact that some of the black analysts on ESPN are screaming racism. What does Barry Bonds lying to federal investigators about money laundering operations have to do with racism?

It just so happens to be that the people laundering money he was covering up also was supplying the steroids, which he's trying to lie about. Some people seem to not recognize that either.

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I love the fact that some of the black analysts on ESPN are screaming racism. What does Barry Bonds lying to federal investigators about money laundering operations have to do with racism?

It just so happens to be that the people laundering money he was covering up also was supplying the steroids, which he's trying to lie about. Some people seem to not recognize that either.

Edited by sahyder1
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So in other words, it's not racism. It's bias because he's an asshole. So LD is right.

And to GhostMachine: I guess the reason Palmeiro isn't being indicted is because as far as perjury goes, they have nothing on him. Yes he did test positive for steroids, but it was after his testimony to congress. Yes he probably has done them for years, but the only proof they have is that he did it some time after his testimony.

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Guest wwebone

Seriously, this is great. Bonds, in my opinion, has always been a piece of crap. And now every media outlet that he's been a jerk to is just gonna bury his ass, which they should do.

If Bonds is smart, he'll just fess up and quit lying. He's done.

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Seriously, this is great. Bonds, in my opinion, has always been a piece of crap. And now every media outlet that he's been a jerk to is just gonna bury his ass, which they should do.

If Bonds is smart, he'll just fess up and quit lying. He's done.

He's likely one of the many athletes and celebrities who overestimates his power. He'll probably fight this, which is idiotic. He is done based on obstruction alone. They might not get him on perjury, but obstruction is 100% obvious.

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