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Summit Series to me will forever outweigh the 'Miracle on Ice'. I think that the Summit Series was a far more important hockey series, while the Miracle on Ice (I hate that name), was a big upset by an underdog team, I think that in the Summit Series Canada made themselves an underdog and clawed and played their way all the way back to winning the Series. Not to mention all the drama of the series. The fighting, the players getting into it with fans, the KGB lining the rinks, dirty plays, amazing skill. The only think it lacked was Bobby Orr. I mean even the finish of it, what 32 seconds left in the game and the Canadian side puts it away in dramatic fashion...

I'm adding Henri Richard dropping 3 Rangers consecutively in fights. Not, like fight, penalty box... fight. No I mean 3, one punck knock downs that ruined the other team.

While I'm at that, Maurice Richard and Hay Laycoe(I believe) going at it like they're going to kill each other(stick swinging incident right there, bam, one player broke his stick on the other), the refs holding Richard's arms so he can't defend himself, Richard punching out the ref, destroying Laycoe. Then the riot that ensued. Ah... love for Montreal.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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Guest Onkel Hans

I remember watching a documentary on the Richard Riot during Grade 10 History...forever immortalized in my mind by one scene. After the riot, with everybody pissed at NHL Commissioner Clarence Campbell, some random ticket-holder tells the camera in a heavy Quebecois accent "I told my buddy, told him we're going to go down to the Forum and we're going to make some Campbell soup".

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The one that won me over to hockey:

It's a very new favorite, but watch the reaction swerve at 1:03


And, y'know, basically the entire last half hour of the 2007 Fiesta Bowl.

I almost forgot the Steve Smith touchdown on the first play of double OT against the Rams in the playoffs.

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Dude, MPH, the Summit Series is great and all, but, outside of Canada, the Miracle on Ice is much more important. Say what you want about Canada being involved in the Cold War, and they were, but the Cold War was about the US and the USSR. It was an Olympic Moment, arguably, on par with Jesse Owens winning the Gold Medal in Berlin.

Hyperbole, ay? >_>

I wrote a small thing debating it, but it seemed like a futile argument.....carry on :shifty:

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One of my favorite moments in Lions history, something I'll never forget. Back before Millen took over, when we still went 9-7 most of the time. Our safety Corwin Brown fucking tattoo's Keyshawn Johnson, knocking his helmet off and making him eat grass. It was such a perfectly beautiful hit, surprised it's forgotten about.

Magglio sends the Tigers to the World Series

It's too bad they couldn't finish the deal in the World Series, but this was still fantastic to see when it happened.

Tayshaun Prince swats Reggie Miller

This was a hell of an effort by Tayshaun to deny Miller's lay-up. It proved to be a catalyst in getting us to the finals where we'd go on to trounce the Lakers and earn the 2004 NBA championship.

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Killer spending an eternity behind the St. Louis net, leading to the dramatic wrap around goal

Tucker knocking Sami Kapanen silly in the 2003-04 Fylers/Leafs series

The crowd at the ACC chanting "Steve Webb Sucks!" during the Islanders/Leafs series

Mats game one winning OT goal in Ottawa, the beautiful sounding "ping" off the post and in the net

The brawl between Philly and Toronto, climaxing with Hextall and Potvin going at it

Domi squirting water from the penalty box to a dipshit Flyer fan, who proceeds to fall into the box after trying to go after Domi

The brawls between Colorado and Detroit, leading to more goalie fighting action

Boston Bruins going into the crowd at Madison Square Gardens to brawl with Ranger fans (fans getting beat with their own shoes? Oh yeah)

Phil Esposito falling on his ass during his intro in Russia

Bobby Orr's post Cup winning goal suicide/celebratory dive into the ice

Tony Amonte's kick up into complete defensive undressing into a goal, only made sweeter by the fact he was in full super mullet mode

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As much as people love to hate the Patriots now, I vigilantly hated the Rams before they faced off versus the Pats in Super Bowl XXXVI. And it was just an amazing game, down to Vinatieri's last second kick. It seemed the perfect way to knock down a team I disliked and the squad was a cool underdog.

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Henderson Scores!

The Summit Series was more then just a hockey series to us Canadians. We were still struggling for an identity and unity as a nation, and this series united all of Canada. Plus, in the heart of the cold war, it was just awesome for us Canadians to kick the Russians asses. If you knew the whole story behind it, including the refereeing, the politics, and the hockey, you would love the Summit Series.

In Game 8, with the series tied 3 wins a piece, the game was tied. With minutes left, the Russian officials informed the Canadian team that if the final game ended in a tie, they would claim victory based on goal differential. With only a small amount of time left, Paul Henderson (in front of 75% of all the people in Canada watching on TV) scored.

Mats Sundin's 500th NHL goal was also a favourite moment of mine as he did it shorthanded in overtime, and he is my favourite player of all time.

Edited by Toe
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