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***SPOILERS***Pushing Daisies***SPOILERS***


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I agree. I take it you watched the repeat tonight too? I meant to catch the premiere but missed it so I sat down and watched it tonight, and it's great. I love Ned.

Chi McBride's awesome too. Glad he's got a vehicle, I loved him in his role on House. Jim Dale's narration is superb too.

Edited by Howlin' Mad Cloudy
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The pilot is, quite obviously, the best of the 2007/2008 class. Now what kind of show it ultimately produces is another question. Visually the entire episode looked stunning, but it also looked expensive. It'll be interesting to see what happens when they're working on an episodic budget. It also has arguably the most tortured love story imaginable, and it'll be tough to keep it fresh without the possibility of a traditional payoff. Nonetheless it's got Bryan Fuller and a great cast so I have high expectations.

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I had never seen Dead Like Me, but I loved Wonderfalls. I shall start watching DLM this weekend and see if it is as good as I have heard it is.

And yes, it did look like an expensive pilot, and I don't expect it to look like that every week, but seeing as who is involved I do expect top notch quality stories with soem damn good acting. And a ton of laughs.

Oh and it killed the competition in the ratings, so that is awesome too.

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I set this to record several weeks ago, and completely forgot about it. I wasn't expecting a lot, but when I watched it I was completely blown away. It had me thinkin', that this was going to be a crazy show from the beginning, but turned out to be very enjoyable. It really reminded me of Big Fish for some reason, I don't know why. I hope this show sticks around, because it's great.

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It's not even close. Nothing compares to Pushing Daisies. Not Chuck, Journeyman, Bionic Woman, Reaper, or Dirty Sexy Money or whatever it is called. PD is it. Watch it. Discuss it.

AGREED. Oh my god. Neither Chuck nor Reaper gave me that constant feeling of "oh man this is amazing" like Pushing Daisies did from start to finish.

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I thought the episode was good but not amazing or anything and not really the best show of 2007/2008. I'll still continue to watch, but not my favorite show of this season.

Name a better show F

Gossip Girl.

Why yes, I did watch the O.C., how'd you know?

But, on topic, hadn't even heard of this show until seeing this thread, and just looked at the preview on Youtube, and it definitely does look like something to watch. From what I saw, I got a Tim Burton feeling though...(not that that's a bad thing)

It reminds me of Tim Burton stylistically, with the added bonus of lacking the teen angst and I HATE MY PARENTS overtones. Good combination if you ask me!

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Just finished watching the "pie-lette" and have to say that this show blew everything else I've seen out of the water. It just sucks that I won't ever be able to watch it the day it takes place since I teach a class on Wednesday nights. In any case, I'm happy with everything I've watched of the new shows this year, which is definitely a first.

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I just watched the first episode, and I thought it was killer. It has obvious similarities to Dead Like Me and Wonderfalls, but the dialogue also reminded me of Gilmore Girls at times (which is a good thing in my book) and the whole aesthetic made me think of Big Fish. Also a good thing.

When does it air in America?

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Figures that Australian networks haven't picked this up. They always miss the good things until it's late in the season. Enjoyed it immensely. Definitely felt the Tim Burton vibe in it, as well as similiarites to Dead Like Me/Wonder Falls (two awesome but underrated shows). Hard to decide a favourite in a year that's shown me Reaper, Chuck, Life, and now this. All good shows on first watch.

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This show is way too good for television. This is something you'd expect in film; it is absolute quality. And since it did well in the ratings, and it's on ABC, expect it to just keep getting better. As long as they're getting Disney's money, we're in for beautiful television.

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What did everyone think of the second episode? Obviously it wasn't as 'new' and magical as the first, but I still enjoyed it. The waitress' 'Hopelessly Devoted' solo was particularly good, and I loved the zany, off the wall scheme behind the murder. Already it's setting up a distinctly unique reality from the one we're familiar with (if a guy who can raise the dead for 60 seconds didn't already do that). It's almost like a blend of Burton and Seuss with some tragic romance added in.

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I loved it, I thought it was fantastic. The whole case, from the main characters to the guest stars/one-off characters are all spot-on. Especially the morgue attendant, he's my favourite.

I assume the story was inspired by the story of the Ford Pinto, or by that Ed Norton scene in Fight Club (which was inspired by the story of the Ford Pinto). I wasn't a fan of the song though, I skipped to the end of that scene.

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