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Back to You

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I have to admit, even though I was planning on trying to follow this show, I was expecting it to be a sub-par comedy with Grammer playing Frasier, Heaton playing Debra, and a supporting cast. I'm not too far off, really - except maybe the "sub-par" thing. It's not groundbreaking, it's not going to rival Scrubs or The Office on the comedy scale, but it's a decent enough show to keep me watching. It also manages to do a great job of taking WTF plots (Frasier managing to kill goldfish after goldfish last night springs to mind) and making them seem funny enough without being over-the-top.

Anyone else watching, or am I crazy? :shifty:

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I watched it last week but I honestly couldn't even begin to care. Everyone was unlikeable, and not in an entertaining way, just... "oh, he's a pompous asshole, she's a bit of an ice queen, he's jealous over the fact that he's not as successful as he wants and is spiteful over it, he's Fred Willard playing the same damn role he almost always plays." They weren't characters, they were two-dimensional archetypes in the worst way. Maybe it got better last night, but you only get one chance to make a first impression and Back to You crashed and burned hard in that regard for me.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

One-dimensional is more like it, really. Other than Willard, there are glaring reasons to hate every character. Somehow it works for me though.

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I've been so close to just saying fuck it with both episodes so far. Both times, it had JUST enough to make me check out the next episode. It's hidden in the glory of Kid Nation though, so it's lucky that DVR exists.

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