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The Jeffster Memorial Chuck Thread

Guest Ringmaster

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Zachary Levi's on The Tonight Show now in a pretaped segment, going house to house and apartment to apartment to drum up support for this show. Pretty amusing segment.

"Are you gonna watch Chuck, my show?"

"Well I was but now you're kinda creeping me out."

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IGN have an early review of Chuck's second episode "Chuck Versus The Helicopter" if anybody is interested.

Chuck: "Chuck Versus the Helicopter" Advance Review

Sarah sells weiners, Casey chases shoplifters, and Chuck thinks they both might want to kill him.

US, September 28, 2007 - While not as strong as the pilot, the second episode of Chuck does a good job of establishing more of how this show will likely work week to week. Better yet, it establishes a nice time table element for the show that should serve to be an important aspect for the first season's bigger story arc.

The end of the pilot saw Casey going undercover at the Buy More with Chuck, and this continues to be a very inspired idea - seeing ever-stern and tough Adam Baldwin in the guise of a not-so-friendly electronics store clerk is great, and the show begins by showing his exuberant reaction to a shoplifting. Sarah too is given a funny new guise, as she goes undercover at the Weinerlicious fast food joint that is in the same complex as Buy More. And yes, Yvonne Strahovski is quite cute in the ridiculous outfit her new job requires.

Edited by Psyence
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Seems to have a bit of promise. The lead guy is likeable enough, the spy chick is a fucking fox, and Adam Baldwin gives me semi wood everytime he's in anything. Didn't enjoy it as much as Reaper, but that could have been because I got up twice during it to throw up. Will definitely tune in some more, though.

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I was flipping back and forth between this and Prison Break, and I have to say that I enjoyed this more. Pretty funny, and I liked Journeyman as well. I don't watch Heroes so I can't say anything about it, but Chuck and Journeyman get thumbs up from me.

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This show moves fast, it seems. Tonight and when I watched the pilot I sat down at 7pm to watch and then the next time I looked up at the clock it was almost forty five minutes into the show.

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I have to say, Adam Baldwin is making this show, in my opinion (much in the same way that Ray Wise is by far the best thing about Reaper). "I never kid about quiche" might be the best line I've heard on TV this season thusfar (emphasis on might; there was probably something on the Office season premiere that topped it).

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Guest Ringmaster

I liked the reference to Lost. On the whole this was fun, and yes Adam Baldwin is definitely the best part of the show, though I love Sarah, she's hot and has some strange charm about her. On the whole, this is wonderful.

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It's definitely grown on me after seeing a second episode. Adam Baldwin feels like he's basically playing the role he played in Firefly, but that's fine with me, because he's awesome at it. Sarah is a hottie and I've even started to appreciate Morgan's involvement in things.

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Chuck is probabaly my favorite new show of the season. Chuck makes a likeable character, Sarah is indeed hot while being very likeable too. Adam Baldwin is Adam Baldwin therefore, he can do no wrong.Morgan is a good comedy character without going too far and being annoying and the explosions look pretty :)

I had a mini-fit on the inside when I saw Masuka(sp?) from Dexter as an employee of the Nerd Herd(or whatever the name of his store is)

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A bit of good news: apparently Chuck, along with Josh Schwartz's other newcomer Gossip Girl, is a massive success on iTunes, and early data suggests that it may also take a big bump when DVR numbers come in. The first week rating was solid, the second held reasonably well, and now with iTunes and DVR data this show may be doing a lot better than people thought a few weeks ago.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Synopsis for next week:

Chuck battles with his cover love life and real love life when he meets a very pretty girl named Lou (Rachel Bilson, "The O.C."), who seems interested in the real Chuck. On the other hand, his relationship with Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) heats up as they go on a double date with Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) and Captain Awesome (Ryan McPartlin) and try to explain their sex life. Meanwhile, a poison specialist is trying to obtain codes to nuclear facilities and is using a "truth" poison to help get his answers. After all are exposed to the truth, Chuck soon discovers a lot about his partners.

The previews for the episode that aired after last night's episode teased Chuck and Sarah having sex to sort of solidify their cover. I'm pretty curious about what he's going to learn (almost certain he'll learn more about Sarah/Bryce), but what's he going to learn about Casey? Not a whole lot has been revealed about him so far in the show.

Good episode last night, too. What with Chuck going back to Stanford and finding out about being a potential CIA recruit, and Bryce and his professor framing him for cheating because Bryce thought Chuck was too good a guy to get caught up in the spy business.

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