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Heroes Season Two

Guest Ringmaster

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As for season 2. I didn't like the two new Mexican characters. I don't know, they just came off as boring.

They're Honduran, you RACIST!

BTW, did anyone else like that chick Hana from last season? I'd like to see her appear in a few more episodes this season.

Hana Gitelman died, physically, in the graphic novels. Personally, I hope we get Candice Wilmer back.

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I don't think Sylar killed Candice as in one of the montages of this season, they are together on a beach type setting. I loved the show last season, hopefully it will be as good or better this time around.

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I haven't seen the graphic novels so but I have a feeling Sylar might be Nathan. A wild guess but it makes sense. He could've killed Candice and taken her power. Then, anybody notice Nathan brush past Ando in Ando and Hiro's dad's first scene? He just brushes off Ando, they both turn around and look at each other, Ando doesn't recognise him and he walks away. What if he slipped the picture into the paper when he brushed off Ando? And whoever killed Hiro's Dad must be able to fly to get away from the crime scene since there was only one body. Then he could of easily planted the picture on his mum too.

The only thing I can think of that shoots this down is when Claire rings. He isn't interested in meeting Claire. If that was Sylar he would of wanted her ability.

I probably made that really heard to understand, but I just thought I noticed it in the episode, and then saw someone else confirm it on another forum. Interesting though...

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Quick note, I have a sneak suspicion that the disease might involve dual personalities, I seem to remember them saying Nikki had it, that new girl Maya has it and mysteriously killed all those people and didn't mean to, and now Nathan is seeing weird things in the mirror much like Nikki did.

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Guest Ringmaster

I predict the limey that goes invisible is the guy who goes around killing all these people.


And ew ew ew on the toe cutting. Graphic!

Edited by Ringmaster
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Guest Ringmaster

I predict the limey that goes invisible is the guy who goes around killing all these people.

How does invisibility allow you to jump off the roof of a building and not die?

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Yesterday's episode was good, except for the two South American kids. So far, they've been incredibly boring. Also, not enough Nathan or Ando in this episode either. :thumbsdown:

- Hiro was quite awesome, and I wouldn't have figured Kensei having the same power as Claire. The Haitian being back was the best part, especially the scene with him and Bennet at the paper store.

And what's up with Nikki and her kid not being shown yet? Not that I care for either of them, but every main character (except Isaac and Simone) have been shown this season except for them.

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Hiro taking on the role of Kensei was great. And these new South American characters are easily the worst characters ever created. I have zero interest in watching this storyline continue.

Claire cutting off her own toe to watch it grow back was great stuff. :shifty:

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You all suck. There's nowt wrong with the South Americans. They're more interesting than Nikki/DL/Micah were last season. I'm interested to see what happens when they get to Mohinder and find out there's no cure. If something were to happen to Alejandro, then Maya could end up wiping out New York herself.

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I don't mind the South Americans. They're far from my favourite characters, but I don't hold too much of a grudge against them or anything. Alejandros gonna die soon anyway I reckon. <_<

I like Hiro being back in ancient Japan, thats really cool. Could get stale after a while, but I can't wait to see him re-unite with Ando! Takesho Kensei is a good character. He's funny, but his power is even more interesting. While Claire's power is rapid cell generation thingy, I reckon his is immortality. So, I reckon he's still alive, and is the guy who killed Hiro's Dad and attacked Angela. He's also the person who "sees" Molly.

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While I didn't care much for Nikki/DL/Miccah, the South Americans are way worse, especially the storyline they've been given. I hope they do get killed off soon. As a matter of fact, they're worse than Nickie/Paulo from Lost.

I like Dublin's theory of Takesho Kensei's power, but I don't think he's the one going around killing people. it would be cool if it was him however, but I hope not, as I'd like to see him stick around for more than one season.

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