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Heroes Season Two

Guest Ringmaster

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Takezo Kensei is so awesome. With a character that's got a sense of humour, they just made the Monday lineup go together even better. The show could have been dry, but I felt they built up enough intrigue to work it. It wasn't a home-run season premiere, but enough to buy them time to debut the season's major arc.

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Why is every male character aside from HRG suddenly a divorcee though?

Good season premiere. Really really good. It wasn't blow me away great, but it was better than Lost's season premieres usually are. I'm already intrigued by every storyline. And I'll be damned if I didn't miss DL and Nikki.

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I'm sensing a pattern with this show and I hope it doesn't happen. It seems everyone will start off scattered all throughout the world only for some crazy event to cause them to come together again and then be shot off to the far winds again at the end of the season. That will get old fast.

But to be fair, this time they're almost all in contact, and why WOULD they stay together after having defeated a big bad anyway really? Everyone has their own lives, it's a good thing really, just so long as they don't all constantly go into hiding :)

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I'm sensing a pattern with this show and I hope it doesn't happen. It seems everyone will start off scattered all throughout the world only for some crazy event to cause them to come together again and then be shot off to the far winds again at the end of the season. That will get old fast.

But to be fair, this time they're almost all in contact, and why WOULD they stay together after having defeated a big bad anyway really? Everyone has their own lives, it's a good thing really, just so long as they don't all constantly go into hiding :)

I get your point. It's just in my opinion they drug out everyone getting together way too long. It was starting to get boring. As long as they don't do that again I wont mind as much.

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Oh yeah totally, I think the same, but I think that's why this time they've got the Parkman, Bennet and Suresh connection, they're all together to bring it together. The only person who's really unreachable is Peter, and he's got memory loss, although we could still see something else happening with Nikki, Micah and DL of course. Also, I didn't mention this originally, but was it just me who thinks the actress playing Molly is phenomenal? Her and Parkman's scenes were intense and so believable it blew me away for the few minutes they were on.

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As for season 2. I didn't like the two new Mexican characters. I don't know, they just came off as boring.

They're Honduran, you RACIST!

BTW, did anyone else like that chick Hana from last season? I'd like to see her appear in a few more episodes this season.

Hana Gitelman died, physically, in the graphic novels. Personally, I hope we get Candice Wilmer back.

Candice is officially...

Alive, and apparently she's the one who saved Sylar.
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