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Official 2007 NCAA Football Season


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I haven't really seen either team, but I'd much rather see Hawaii win. The heavy passing underdog stuff interests me, not that Georgia are a powerhouse or anything...

In truth, I wouldn't be shocked if Hawaii was outclassed though. They had a couple of scares this year against weaker teams and this group isn't the same as Boise State last year.

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Interesting news:

Randy Shannon who preaches about continuity and has said that they didn't have the talent has fired the defensive coordinator. Funny enough though, Randy helped recruit the people who are here now, and this coordinator recruited all 6 commitments from Northwestern HS.

As for the UGA/Hawaii game, didn't UGA destroy Boise St two years ago in Georgia? As exciting as Hawaii can be, I don't see them matching up favorably against UGA.

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When UGA dismantles Hawaii and finishes this year # 2 or 3 that should get them a prime preseason rank and since Moreno's their best player he'll be one of the top candidates. Tim will be up there as well but Moreno should be the early fave based on expectations and initial rankings. Then again ESPN loves them some Timmy T so he'll probably be their guy. They still acted like Florida was a Nat'l Title contender until their 3rd loss, so anything's possible.

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When UGA dismantles Hawaii and finishes this year # 2 or 3 that should get them a prime preseason rank and since Moreno's their best player he'll be one of the top candidates. Tim will be up there as well but Moreno should be the early fave based on expectations and initial rankings. Then again ESPN loves them some Timmy T so he'll probably be their guy. They still acted like Florida was a Nat'l Title contender until their 3rd loss, so anything's possible.

Well to be honest, they kinda were. Without that 3rd loss they're in the title discussion.

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Also... I would like you all to add 'Rick Neuhiesal as UCLA Head Football Coach with DeWayne Walker as Assistant HC/Defensive Coordinator' to your prayers for me. That is, if you are of the praying persuasion, of course. If not, just revel in HOW FUCKING COOL THAT WOULD BE. Man, thats a tandem that would give Pete Carroll fits.

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When UGA dismantles Hawaii and finishes this year # 2 or 3 that should get them a prime preseason rank and since Moreno's their best player he'll be one of the top candidates. Tim will be up there as well but Moreno should be the early fave based on expectations and initial rankings. Then again ESPN loves them some Timmy T so he'll probably be their guy. They still acted like Florida was a Nat'l Title contender until their 3rd loss, so anything's possible.

Well to be honest, they kinda were. Without that 3rd loss they're in the title discussion.

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Also... I would like you all to add 'Rick Neuhiesal as UCLA Head Football Coach with DeWayne Walker as Assistant HC/Defensive Coordinator' to your prayers for me. That is, if you are of the praying persuasion, of course. If not, just revel in HOW FUCKING COOL THAT WOULD BE. Man, thats a tandem that would give Pete Carroll fits.

Wait, you want the Neuhiesal that is in charge of the abismal Raven's offense ? The guy that won with McCartney's kids, but then fell off the map with his own at Colorado ? The same Rick that had ONE awesome year at Washington and again fell off the map ?

I don't know that he'd give Carroll fits. Is the state of affairs at UCLA so bad that you're praying for him ? Damn, that sucks. I'm sorry. I've never been sold on him.

I had a friend that played for him at Colorado and he didn't have anything good to say about him as a coach.

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He's a Bruin. He dosen't call the plays in Baltimore. He, despite his reputation, actually cleaned up the situation in Colorado. He's won a Rose Bowl both as a coach, and as a player. He's a winner, went from being a walk-on to being the QB of a Rose Bowl winning Bruin squad. He develops QBs, something Dorrell couldn't do, look at Ben Olsen, former top QB in his recruiting class, even if he went to HS when I did, and he hasn't improved at all. He has a 0.688 winning percentage, and never really got a chance to build a program, either because of outside forces (U-Dub) or his own choice (Colorado).

He's the right choice, he'll win recruiting battles, even against Pete Carroll. He'll put UCLA back on the map. He's the right man for the job, there's no doubt in my mind. He's a total 180 from Dorrell, which is what this program needs.

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