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Official 2007 NCAA Football Season


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Holy hell today has been the worst to watch, yet best in terms of saying a big hearty fuck you to the BCS.


Wow, for anyone that says 'the season is a playoff' you may now go sit in the corner next to Johnny the tard with your own dunce hat. This season (while exciting and fun as hell to watch) has not been a playoff. If it had been, we would have one/two teams standing clearly above the rest. Instead, we have a clusterfuck of about 8 teams. Kansas, OSU, USC, UGA, LSU, VT, OU, and ASU ........... 8 teams. Now this would make a great post-season tournament. But instead, we shall have computers and voters determine what should be done on the field.

For what it's worth, my game is OSU/LSU and it's kind of by default. OSU benefits from playing in the Bitch 10 and having their season done. They're the only 1 loss BCS conference champion (yeah, exactly ...). Now we determine who they play. Kansas ? Can't put em in thanks to Mizzou's beating them and then getting bounced for a second time by Oklahoma. USC ? One word, Stanford. UGA ? If they had their second loss in the SEC Title Game then I might could do it. They didn't even play for it. So, VT or Oklahoma ? Nope. Oklahoma's losses are bad, and VT's ? Yeah, 45-7 by LSU. That's why LSU gets in. It took six overtimes and Darren McFadden to give them their two losses. Then the afore mentioned absolute destruction of a BCS conference champion.

In other news, the 1-AA, D-2, and D-3 PLAYOFFS continued today and there were some damn fine games.

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If they put UGA in the title game, there is going to be a lot of bullshit. They didn't win the SEC. I don't see how they can put them in over LSU, USC, OU, or hell, even Hawai'i. Ok... I can see why they'd put them in over Hawai'i, but still >_>
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If they put UGA in the title game, there is going to be a lot of bullshit. They didn't win the SEC. I don't see how they can put them in over LSU, USC, OU, or hell, even Hawai'i. Ok... I can see why they'd put them in over Hawai'i, but still >_>

Eh, the BCS has always been about the now. LSU will probably weasel in and they'd deserve to but if Georgia is #2, I wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by SKA
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If they put UGA in the title game, there is going to be a lot of bullshit. They didn't win the SEC. I don't see how they can put them in over LSU, USC, OU, or hell, even Hawai'i. Ok... I can see why they'd put them in over Hawai'i, but still >_>

Eh, the BCS has always been about the now. LSU will probably weasel in and they'd deserve to but if Georgia is #2, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Guest J-Money808

I say put Hawai'i in the National Championship. Sure they had a weak ass schedule, and they're not from a BCS conference, but the are UNDEFEATED and didn't lose to a team they shouldn't have lost too. Sure LA TECH and San Jose State gave them a real challenge, but they didn't fall and kept playing till the end. Look, USC lost to Stanford. Stanford for christ sakes! Ohio State lost to Illinois, LSU lost twice, to Kentucky and I forgot the other team. Oklahoma lost to Colorado. Sure people would say that they're from tougher conferences, but did they win games they should have won?? No. I rest my case.

And West Virginia, ya'll disappointed me.

Also another note, anyone think the Florida vs. Hawai'i game for the opener of the 08' season will be a blow out??

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Same can be said for Paul Smith of Tulsa who has more touchdowns than Tebow, he doesn't have the 20+ rushing touchdowns because ya know, he's a real quarterback and Tebow is just a running back with a great arm. He also has more yards than Tebow.

Colt Brennan should also be considered for Heisman. This really just goes to show that The Heisman and the BCS are nothing more than Popularity contests.

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Uhh, I'm a Pac 10 fan. And the ACC has been crap for a couple years. The simple fact is, Arizona State (or Kansas for that matter, the more I think about it) are the two 'worst' BCS probable teams. Hawai'i would give Ohio State fits too, because of the speed they have at the reciever position, but OSU would just pound the rock and play keep away. Kansas and ASU would have a lot of trouble trying to defend Hawai'i, don't have as strong a running game, and you don't want to play a shoot-out against Hawai'i. Every other BCS probable team has a solid running game, which is how you beat Hawai'i.

As for Tebow, he does exactly what he's supposed to do in that offense. If they had a better/legitimate running back, you'd see him getting the touches instead of Tebow, but, this season, Tebow was the best short yardage back they had. He's a legitimate QB, although I'm not sold on his pro-potential, his skills don't lend themselves to a NFL style offense. He's a great college QB, though.

My Heisman vote would go to Darren McFadden, because he's the best player in college football. Tebow would probably be second, Mike Hart third, Colt Brennan fourth, and because there isn't more than two legitimate canidates anyway, Jake Long fifth.

Edited by DMN
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Uhh, I'm a Pac 10 fan. And the ACC has been crap for a couple years. The simple fact is, Arizona State (or Kansas for that matter, the more I think about it) are the two 'worst' BCS probable teams. Hawai'i would give Ohio State fits too, because of the speed they have at the reciever position, but OSU would just pound the rock and play keep away. Kansas and ASU would have a lot of trouble trying to defend Hawai'i, don't have as strong a running game, and you don't want to play a shoot-out against Hawai'i. Every other BCS probable team has a solid running game, which is how you beat Hawai'i.
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I know its uncommon on the internet, but Hawai'i is actually spelled with an apostrophe. Both with and without are accepted, but the 'correct' way to spell it is with it. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Yeah, Tebow could get hurt. Hell, anyone could get hurt. I sense you just have an inordinate amount of Tebow hate. I can admit, I get a little annoyed by the rabid fandom for him, but he's a good player, and sometimes its humorous. Not when they're recycling Chuck Norris jokes, though, at least Chuck Norris went to the same HS I did, so he's cool.

Even if Tebow dosen't make it in the NFL as a QB, he'll play there. They would give him a shot at the fullback, H-Back (think Chris Cooley, Wash), or tight end. He's too talented not to get a shot. I think he'll get a shot at QB first, provided he continues to improve as a QB. I'm not sure on his size, he might be too tall for the fullback spot in the NFL.

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