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Official 2007 NCAA Football Season


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Wow, I'm really glad Wisconsin didn't take the piss yesterday. I was expecting Michigan to do their worst but eh. Same goes with Illi/Ohio State. And Auburn lost sooooo badly to Georgia. HAHA, YOU'RE NOT GETTING TORTURED ALONE THIS WEEK, AUBIE!

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BCS Standings are in and...

#1 LSU with a .9802

#2 Oregon with a .9383

#3 Kansas with a .9094

#4 Oklahoma with a .8540

#5 Missouri with a .8096

A couple things I find interesting about the computer polls are that:

* LSU is first in four of the six computer rankings and second in the two others.

* Oregon has no first place computer votes and is third in four of the six computers(second in the other two)

* Kansas out ranks Oregon on the computers receiving the two first that LSU didn't get.

* Oklahoma's highest computer ranking has them seventh

* Hawaii and its perfect record don't even appear on four of the computer's top 25

* Ohio State has one second computer vote and is no lower than sixth in any of the computer polls.

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People would play Hawaii if they would come to the mainland to play them. Hawaii has an inflated sense of themselves, and wants home and homes with upper-tier teams, and they're not going to get it. Fuck, Boise St. dosen't even get them, and they're proven as a good team.

As for Kansas, they'll lose, so it won't matter, but Oregon would run them out of the stadium. Oregon is the best team in the nation, not LSU, not anyone else. I've seen LSU play, and they're good, but they let teams hand around too much. Kansas hasn't played anyone, and if they win out, I'll say they deserve a spot, but I don't see it happening. Oklahoma dosen't even deserve to be in the discussion.

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well, at halftime let me be the first to say thank you and congrats to Oregon for showing us all that the Pac - 10 just ain't up to par. I mean surely they could run every OTHER team in the country out of the stadium ..... but not Zona.

So now I get to look forward to seeing which of the THREE Big 12 teams makes it to the National Title Game.

For yet another year I get to hear that great yapping out west shut the hell up. Ahhh, I love that silence. No depth for the Pac - 10. THAT is what seperates and keeps them from being a GREAT conference.

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Since when was Stewart not the #1 back ? yeah, Johnson got carries but Stewart has been the featured guy all year. Yeah, Colvin was out but he's been out, as has Paysinger ... both for a while. All of a sudden NOW that's the reason they lost ? Please, excuses .... besides, Colvin only caught more than TWO passes in TWO of the five games he played.

Take any top team's best player away and they get rolled ? Early Doucet was out for LSU and they managed to win.

Edited by HailtotheKing
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Put it this way, even if Oregon had won they would have been voted out of the # 2 spot since there's a chance Dixon's done for the year and there's no way they're the 2nd best team in the country without their QB/one of the top 2 or 3 Heisman hopefuls. Take Tebow away from the Gators and they're probably a sub .500 team.

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well, at halftime let me be the first to say thank you and congrats to Oregon for showing us all that the Pac - 10 just ain't up to par. I mean surely they could run every OTHER team in the country out of the stadium ..... but not Zona.

So now I get to look forward to seeing which of the THREE Big 12 teams makes it to the National Title Game.

For yet another year I get to hear that great yapping out west shut the hell up. Ahhh, I love that silence. No depth for the Pac - 10. THAT is what seperates and keeps them from being a GREAT conference.

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well, at halftime let me be the first to say thank you and congrats to Oregon for showing us all that the Pac - 10 just ain't up to par. I mean surely they could run every OTHER team in the country out of the stadium ..... but not Zona.

So now I get to look forward to seeing which of the THREE Big 12 teams makes it to the National Title Game.

For yet another year I get to hear that great yapping out west shut the hell up. Ahhh, I love that silence. No depth for the Pac - 10. THAT is what seperates and keeps them from being a GREAT conference.

Oh my GOD shut the fuck up. Not only are you proving yourself stupid on a ninth-grade level, but how in God's name does Arizona winning show that the Pac-10 has no depth? THAT'S COMPLETELY FUCKING ILLOGICAL! It's the definition of illogical, it makes no sense whatsoever. Did the Pac-10 kill some of your relatives?

(as given by thefreedictionary.com) DEPTH - Strength held in reserve, especially a supply of skilled or capable replacements: a team with depth at every position

I used depth as a general term, meaning that the conferece/teams don't have depth as do others. Dixon goes down, the team has no chance at even beating a lower tier team of the conference in Arizona. That shows a lack of depth in the team at Oregon. It also shows that there really isn't any kind of seperation in the conference when Stanford beats USC and Zona beats Oregon (the so called 'elite' teams in the Pac - 10). Rather than having DEPTH in the conference where you have those 'elite' teams as well as other rather good teams. Depth is having those elite teams (who can BEAT the crap teams in the conference) and yet still have the lower end of the conference be decent. That's not the case in the Pac - 10. There's hardly seperation at all. Besides, a team with DEPTH is a great team ... a team with a great player and then nothing, is a good team.

It's called reading for comprehension not just word value. Where I come from we learned that well before 9th grade.

Wait, I just tried to explain something to Be ....... nevermind.

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The Pac 10 might be a good conference, with good teams. Are they elite, no.

In this, the year of parity and upsets, we got a conference where crap (Zona, Stanford) beats good (Oregon, USC).

Anyone take a look at how many undefeated teams we got left? Anyone take a look at how frequently the Top 10 has changed this year, and how many teams have shown up in it. Hell, UConn was 12th at one point... that's not right.

With all that said. The Beavers win the Civil War. There, I called it. Or well, I hope they win.

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OSU is NOT a win over Michigan from going back to the title game. Kansas, Mizzou, Oklahoma, and West Virginia are all ahead of them. Two of those teams, at the least, will lose, but look at it this way, whoever comes out of the Big 12 is going to the title game, unless Mizzou wins out, and then West Virginia has an outside chance. OSU is done, their strength of schedule is too low.

HttK, you're Pac 10 hate is... I dunno... unfounded and idiotic. Arizona beating Oregon is the definition of depth in terms of conference teams. Nevermind that Arizona is on a four game winning streak, and has a history of beating highly ranked teams in November. And no, Stewart was NOT the feature back, Johnson was. Stewart has been in years past, but this year Johnson was. At best, you can label them 1a and 1b. You take the Heisman canidate QB, the top RB (even with a very good 1b), and the top 2 WRs, and any team is going to have trouble beating anyone. Oregon didn't have the depth to overcome that, no one does, it was Dixon's amazing playmaking ability that kept them afloat. Go fellate the Sooners, or the Jayhawks, or Mizzou, so that when they get to the MNC game, they get DESTROYED by LSU.

Oh, and Early Doucet is not LSU's best player. Maybe best offensive player, MAYBE (Hester is damn good). Glenn Dorsey is their best player, hands down. Nice to see you don't know what you're talking about, but I knew that already.

Oh, and you say that the fact there's little seperation between the top and bottom of the Pac 10 means their is no depth? Does that make the Big 12 better? Because last time I checked, it was OU, Kansas (who hasn't played anyone), and Mizzou, and then... no one else. The Pac 10 is clearly better than the Big 12, and the only conference with an arguement is the SEC, which dosen't have an 'elite' team either.

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well, at halftime let me be the first to say thank you and congrats to Oregon for showing us all that the Pac - 10 just ain't up to par. I mean surely they could run every OTHER team in the country out of the stadium ..... but not Zona.

So now I get to look forward to seeing which of the THREE Big 12 teams makes it to the National Title Game.

For yet another year I get to hear that great yapping out west shut the hell up. Ahhh, I love that silence. No depth for the Pac - 10. THAT is what seperates and keeps them from being a GREAT conference.

Oh my GOD shut the fuck up. Not only are you proving yourself stupid on a ninth-grade level, but how in God's name does Arizona winning show that the Pac-10 has no depth? THAT'S COMPLETELY FUCKING ILLOGICAL! It's the definition of illogical, it makes no sense whatsoever. Did the Pac-10 kill some of your relatives?

Edited by De
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OSU is NOT a win over Michigan from going back to the title game. Kansas, Mizzou, Oklahoma, and West Virginia are all ahead of them. Two of those teams, at the least, will lose, but look at it this way, whoever comes out of the Big 12 is going to the title game, unless Mizzou wins out, and then West Virginia has an outside chance. OSU is done, their strength of schedule is too low.
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