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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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I'm looking for a player to use as a comparison for Havel Halamka, a defenseman with a massive shot and a massive hit, but not a lot else. Would Sheldon Souray work?

Souray is a decent skater and has good vision. I can't really think of a good comparison.

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Fuck, watching these clips made me wish I was older than seven years old when this series went down so I could have more vivid memories about it. It's sad seeing MLG, how great the crowds were, how distinctive the venue looked, and knowing that the ACC is the exact same arena as 99% of the other ones in the league. Fuck the platinum rows being filled with lawyers and business folk who do bumfuck-all during the games. I wish they would get rid of those sections and start at the golds. Fucking lawyers. Let's show up 5 minutes into the period because we'd rather mingle than watch the fucking game. It's a goddamn social event at the ACC for the platinums, behind the benches especially. At the Garden's everybody was a fan.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Again, Jose?

What the shutout?!?


It's his 3rd in his last 27 games or something, having gone 4 years without one prior. Kudos to Lappy, Finger et al for pestering the shit out of Phanuef and Iginla. And cheers Dion for not touching up on what became the second goal. Smooth.

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Fuck, watching these clips made me wish I was older than seven years old when this series went down so I could have more vivid memories about it. It's sad seeing MLG, how great the crowds were, how distinctive the venue looked, and knowing that the ACC is the exact same arena as 99% of the other ones in the league. Fuck the platinum rows being filled with lawyers and business folk who do bumfuck-all during the games. I wish they would get rid of those sections and start at the golds. Fucking lawyers. Let's show up 5 minutes into the period because we'd rather mingle than watch the fucking game. It's a goddamn social event at the ACC for the platinums, behind the benches especially. At the Garden's everybody was a fan.

I just watched that whole game on ESPN Classics.

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Game 7 was seriously is the best game I've ever watched. I watched it on ESPN Classic Canada a few years ago and my buddy informed it was on the other day too.

Also, you know the old MLG house announcer? He's the one announcing the goals in the game I posted. What ever happened to him? He said everything in such a simple, calm, tone, rather than yelling everything an overexcited lunatic. I can't remember when he disappeared, but he was awesome. I got goosebumps listening to him announce Leaf goals.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
Game 7 was seriously is the best game I've ever watched. I watched it on ESPN Classic Canada a few years ago and my buddy informed it was on the other day too.

Also, you know the old MLG house announcer? He's the one announcing the goals in the game I posted. What ever happened to him? He said everything in such a simple, calm, tone, rather than yelling everything an overexcited lunatic. I can't remember when he disappeared, but he was awesome. I got goosebumps listening to him announce Leaf goals.

Paul Morris was his name. When the Leafs moved to the ACC, the arena wouldn't give him a full-time job as house announcer. The Leafs offered him $300 per game, but he decided to retire instead, and they hired Andy Frost to replace him.

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Wow. I did not know this. Another bit of useless info collected to bust out when the time is necessary.

I wish there were more Leaf playoff clips on youtube. All I can find are a few highlights from 93, a bunch vs Ottawa, and from 2002 but with the crappy American announcers. I need to get my Leaf playoff fix somehow.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
Wow. I did not know this. Another bit of useless info collected to bust out when the time is necessary.

I wish there were more Leaf playoff clips on youtube. All I can find are a few highlights from 93, a bunch vs Ottawa, and from 2002 but with the crappy American announcers. I need to get my Leaf playoff fix somehow.

If I can find an MP3 of that "All The Leafs Stink" song from whatever year TEAM Radio was around, would that be good enough? :shifty:

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Is there anywhere I can watch old hockey games? I've only ever seen clips, and the look and presentation and everything look so much more entertaining than the Versus GIANT ADVERT PRESENTS TEDIOUS STAT YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT, BUT WE'RE COVERING 80% OF THE SCREEN WITH IT ANYWAY, YES, EVEN WHILE THE GAME IS GOING ON.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
Is there anywhere I can watch old hockey games? I've only ever seen clips, and the look and presentation and everything look so much more entertaining than the Versus GIANT ADVERT PRESENTS TEDIOUS STAT YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT, BUT WE'RE COVERING 80% OF THE SCREEN WITH IT ANYWAY, YES, EVEN WHILE THE GAME IS GOING ON.

Pretty much just Youtube, unless you ever find yourself in Canada and your hotel gets ESPN Classic Canada for some reason.

You might be able to get the Summit Series or something via torrents, but even that's doubtful.

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And that is pretty much it. Our best chance to gain ground, our most realistic shot at the playoffs, and its gone. Toronto has to go 5-0 in the final five games remaining and need a ton of help from other teams.

I have been optimistic for awhile about this team making it, but I think that game burst the bubble. I am so depressed about being a Leafs fan - three straight seasons and it's not like the team has been awful. The team has been great at times, shit at others.

The questions now move to the off-season. Does Mats decide to retire or will he be back? Do the Leafs want him back? Who will be the next general manager and president of the team? What happens to Paul Maurice? How many guys will be leaving in the off-season?

I know this team needs to be completely overhauled. I think this season the team seriously underperformed and Vesa Toskala got no support from his back-up. Jason Blake has been a bust (although at a cheaper rate like $2 mil a season I would be happy to have him), Mark Bell has been pretty useless, and Darcy Tucker has just had a piss poor year.

Positives? Vesa Toskala. He is a legitimate #1 goaltender in the league and, if the Leafs make smart moves, can help the Leafs compete for a playoff spot as they rebuild. Alex Steen and Matt Stajan have shown that they may not be top line players, but they are both very good and Stajan especially has proven to be a great penalty killer and checker who can also score. Jiri Tlusty has shown brief flashes of what he may be offering to this team, while Jeremy Williams may have found himself a spot with the big club. Anton Stralman has also proven to be good. Also, after a mediocre year with the Marlies last season, Justin Pogge has stepped it up and had a great season in the AHL.

I expect that Pavel Kubina will be moved in the summer as there is a period during the summer when his no-trade clause disappears. Nikolai Kulemin will be coming over from the Russian Super League and get a shot from camp to make the roster. He played with Malkin and is one of the top scorers there. If the Leafs can move some of their big contracts, they may be able to put together a decent team for next season. They may even be able to improve over this disappointing team.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

You still don't get it, do you Toey? Unless the Leafs have the greatest offseason ever, they likely won't make the playoffs next year - and if they do, they'll be another first-round exit.

They just don't have the talent of a true top-flight team. Look at the Avalanche during their glory days. Their second Cup team had Sakic, Forsberg, Hejduk, Tanguay, Drury, Deadmarsh, Foote, Bourque, Blake, and Roy - and during the previous few years, they'd had names like Owen Nolan, Theo Fleury, Claude Lemieux, Sandis Ozolinsh...then through the whole dynasty stretch, they had dozens of guys like Stephane Yelle, Jon Klemm, Mike Keane...guys who could be second-liners on almost any other team. And even their fourth-liners and reserves were bona fide NHL-level players.

Despite what the Toronto media says any time we get a Raycroft, a Blake, a Kubina...they don't have anywhere near that level of talent, and they haven't at any point in our lifetimes.

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