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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Watching the Leafs come back twice with Sundin doing the heavy lifting helped me to temporarily forget my food poisoning.

In regards to best Leaf ever, Sundin still has more points and goals then Sittler and holds the NHL record for the most overtime winners. That counts for a lot if you ask me. Keon gets the boost over Sittler as well simply because of the Stanley Cup.

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Well, you're only four points back of Philadelphia right now, and if they keep playing the way they have been, it won't be long before you're ahead of them. That said, I think Mike Milbury was right when he said that they'd continue to play well, win a bunch of games, but not make the playoffs. Judging by the year up to this point that they've had, that would be ultimate in lousy finishes for them. Anything other than making the post-season or finishing behind Tampa Bay just isn't a good finish at this point.

I'm also glad to see that most of the analysts pointed out that Ottawa's slide began when Emery returned. I've been saying this for awhile, but Emery's return should not have put Gerber on the back burner. That took his confidence away, and Emery's played like shit and stirred way too much up. So, Ray Emery continues to be a locker room problem while John Paddock and Bryan Murray continued to insist on playing him, which in turn continued to rape Gerber of the confidence that gave them a 15 and 2 start.

The way I see it, the only way to solve the problem is to force Emery to grow up. Stop playing him, use Gerber down the stretch, and if you can unload Emery in the off-season, do it. If they're not comfortable with Gerber as the number one, that's fine... but Emery is not going to be a number one goalie again in Ottawa. It isn't going to happen. He needs to mature, and he needs a change of scenery.

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Well if Montreal keeps playing this .500 bullshit like they've done all February, it just might.

I'm thinking that this weekend I'd like to do the first of what hopefully will be a few EWB PuckCast's.

I'd like to have maybe 4 people including myself in on some sort of a roundtable discussion unless someone has a better idea.

To be honest I'm hoping SDM, and Gabriel(whatever name he's under now) want to take part in this because I find them to be the most... sanely knowledgable fans on the board. Ruki I like too. Just people like myself, and Clawson clearly have trouble seperating blind love for our teams with reality :P

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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Well whoever's interested I'd want. There's no one... other than Plubby that I wouldn't want to do this :P.

Gimmie a ring on msn: Bashaass@gmail.com

that or PM me.

Anyways, I was hoping to do it this weekend, obviously once we have 4 people we'll arrange the optimal time to do it. I was thinking a round table discussion on a few topics, most definately the playoffs. I'm pretty much looking to have a good time with it, so if you're interested just PM me and when we have 4 we'll get the ball rolling. Any ideas or suggestions are always welcome.

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