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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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On the TSN site, they have a poll on weither or not Sundin should waive the clause....and it is split 50-50. Also reading some of the comments on there, wow...apparently some of them haven't read the stories where Kaberle and Sundin aren't waiving the clause. Someone suggested trading Richards (who is making $7.8 mil next season) for Raycroft, Kaberle, and a pick, and then trade Sundin and another player for Hossa.

I shake my head at these people.

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It's just like wrestling though... some of us follow it more closely and are smarter to the business aspects of the sport.

Raycroft's name has been bandied about though, and I'm confident that if they can move him, he'll have a new home by this time tomorrow. Perhaps in a deal with McCabe, or in a deal with Tampa Bay. The Bolts' new owner doesn't want Dan Boyle... that kind of addition to the defense corps would really help, especially if they're getting rid of McCabe, who aside from Kaberle, has been their best defenseman.

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I pity the fool who reads comments on TSN.ca!

Regardless of whether it makes business sense, I'm trying to figure out how trading Sundin/Kaberle for Richards/Hossa makes HOCKEY sense. Your team sucks, so you'll trade your best players for players with roughly as much talent and very little room to grow?

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I pity the fool who reads comments on TSN.ca!

Regardless of whether it makes business sense, I'm trying to figure out how trading Sundin/Kaberle for Richards/Hossa makes HOCKEY sense. Your team sucks, so you'll trade your best players for players with roughly as much talent and very little room to grow?

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I pity the fool who reads comments on TSN.ca!

Regardless of whether it makes business sense, I'm trying to figure out how trading Sundin/Kaberle for Richards/Hossa makes HOCKEY sense. Your team sucks, so you'll trade your best players for players with roughly as much talent and very little room to grow?

That trade makes no sense at all.

Hossa is going to want an arm and a leg to sign a new contract, otherwise he's gone at the end of the season... and Richards is making something like $7.8 million a season.

That's not rebuilding... that's just stupid.

I'd much rather them trade their best players for draft picks and guys who have potential, but haven't been able to breakout yet.

I'm not a Leafs fan, but I hope that Sundin signs a new contract for next season. They're going to need their leader, and if they can start hot out of the gate, they can probably make the post-season next year.

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Any Leafs "fan" that is mad at Sundin for not waiving his no trade clause can go shove something large up their ass and kill themselves because they make me sick. He owes us nothing. We owe him everything. Fuck the 14 year-olds that are whining about not getting draft picks for him.

I wouldn't mind getting picks and seeing him win the Cup, but let Mats do what Mats wants to do.

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I respect what Sundin did, but at the same time, he's putting his own comfort ahead of the good of the team. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think this is one of those situations where someone should have told him that if he loves the Leafs, he'd let them go.

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They can get it too. I see Fletcher making a decent amount of deals here at the deadline, and then picking up a good number of the cheaper (but usually more productive) free agents.

Next year's team is going to be a lot better if Mats sticks around. This year, one man couldn't carry the weight at the beginning. Next season, he probably won't have to.

Plus, if Fletcher decides to buy out some contracts like he's been given the freedom to do, they might even be able to pick up one of the more desired free agents this year. If they make a legitimate push to get better, then I don't see why anybody wouldn't want to play there next season, why they can't be a contender for the Cup in the 09 Playoffs, and why they can't make a push for a playoff spot this season.

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I hate the whole buy-out idea, I hated seeing the cap hit for Domi and Belfour sitting there.

I think if we cant move them, we might as well try and get a better year from Tucker and Kubina and these guys next season. Jason Blake is almost untradeable too.

I think its almost certain that there will be a new coach next season, too.

Edited by Hyperchicken
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The new CBA has teams signing players for ridiculous amounts with equally ridiculous terms, and it's because the players have all the power now. The teams should still be smart enough to be able to say "Well, that guy's not worth that, and we can pick up someone to take their spot for less than half of what they want... so tell him to go fuck himself."

One good season gets a player five years of $5 million-plus now, and the majority of the time, the guy never delivers again. See Blake, Jason.

I don't know the actual numbers, but I've got a feeling that the top 20 forwards in money earned aren't the top 20 forwards in points scored. I'd actually be willing to bet that not even 10 of those 20 guys are in the top 20 in points scored.

That all being said, I'd rather it be this way, than have to sit through another lockout.

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This whole "if Mats really cares for Toronto then he'll leave" shickt is the whiniest shit I've ever seen from Leafs fans. He has been the driving force behind this team for so long and no matter how much shit the fans and media piles on him he still plays his ass off every night and it better than 99.9% (see Gilmour, Doug) of the players the Leafs have fielded since he arrived. Why should he leave the city he is most comfortable in just because a few whiny fans and a pessimistic media want him to?

Honestly, I want the team to rebuild but I don't want to turn another great captain into another Dave Keon scenario.

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This whole "if Mats really cares for Toronto then he'll leave" shickt is the whiniest shit I've ever seen from Leafs fans. He has been the driving force behind this team for so long and no matter how much shit the fans and media piles on him he still plays his ass off every night and it better than 99.9% (see Gilmour, Doug) of the players the Leafs have fielded since he arrived. Why should he leave the city he is most comfortable in just because a few whiny fans and a pessimistic media want him to?
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