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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Which is exactly where I see Cliff Fletcher being able to help the team out.

Sundin, if traded, would be a free agent at season's end and able to return to the Leafs for next season. Doesn't sound worthwhile there, BUT, you could get a couple of draft picks and maybe even a third or fourth line NHL player for him from a team looking to add one final piece to be able to contend for the Cup. That gives Sundin a run at the Cup this year, and a healthier Toronto team to return to next season.

Then you have all of the potential tradeable players on the team. Get whoever you can to waive their clauses if they're deemed expendable, and ship them off somewhere for draft picks and a minor league player.

Fletcher's been given tons of cash to buy out contracts, but he might not have to do that.

Also, if they're careful about who they're trading and what they're getting back, they may not have to completely rule out a playoff appearance this season. What the team needs right now is a group of guys who are going to give it their all every night. I could compile a list of 20-30 guys that could step into the Leafs roster and easily play a line, maybe even two, above where they're currently at with whatever team they're on. They need more Boyd Devereaux's and less Darcy Tucker's at this point in time.

Trade the "superstar" players for draft picks and good role players who can step it up for the stretch run, and next year's team will be in a lot better shape without having to give up on this year's team.

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Which is exactly where I see Cliff Fletcher being able to help the team out.

Sundin, if traded, would be a free agent at season's end and able to return to the Leafs for next season. Doesn't sound worthwhile there, BUT, you could get a couple of draft picks and maybe even a third or fourth line NHL player for him from a team looking to add one final piece to be able to contend for the Cup. That gives Sundin a run at the Cup this year, and a healthier Toronto team to return to next season.

Then you have all of the potential tradeable players on the team. Get whoever you can to waive their clauses if they're deemed expendable, and ship them off somewhere for draft picks and a minor league player.

Fletcher's been given tons of cash to buy out contracts, but he might not have to do that.

Also, if they're careful about who they're trading and what they're getting back, they may not have to completely rule out a playoff appearance this season. What the team needs right now is a group of guys who are going to give it their all every night. I could compile a list of 20-30 guys that could step into the Leafs roster and easily play a line, maybe even two, above where they're currently at with whatever team they're on. They need more Boyd Devereaux's and less Darcy Tucker's at this point in time.

Trade the "superstar" players for draft picks and good role players who can step it up for the stretch run, and next year's team will be in a lot better shape without having to give up on this year's team.

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So I underestimated the Mats Sundin thing... but the point is that he could bring a pretty penny over to the team, and everyone knows he'd just be a post-season rental with every intention of re-signing in Toronto over the summer. If he really is as dedicated to the team as he says he is, he'll waive it, be a little bit selfish, and try to win a Cup this year. It might be his only chance.

If they can clear some of the bigger contracts, then they'll have the money to sign Steen and Stajan, both of whom are playing much better than about 95% of the guys making more money than them.

The Leafs can be a powerhouse again. They have a goaltender in Toskala. They have a leader in Mats Sundin. They could have plenty of fresh young faces and good draft picks for next year as well.

Honestly... I'd rather have Dominic Moore and Boyd Devereaux than Darcy Tucker, just because they're consistent... and with Toskala in net, I have that faith that when they're not able to score, he'll be able to stop the puck. That's not to say that they don't need goalscoring, because they do. They just don't need to be paying guys five and a half million to be scoring 10 to 15 goals a year at most.

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Guest Grapehead

This whole postseason rental business bothers me, it's ... a scam really. I mean sure, most GM's should be onto this by now, and I'm sure you'll see some diminished trade value because of it(ever slight possibly). I wouldn't even offer that much for Sundin, because of this rental thing, being that he is by no means any sort of guarantee. On the other hand, I'd love to see Ottawa pick up Sundin, even if it was a rental, that image would last a millenium for me haha.

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I have an issue of The Hockey News magazine talking about deadline deals, and on the cover is Marian Hossa edited into a new Sens jersey, Brian Campbell in a San Jose jersey and Mats in a Vancouver jersey.

I think one way to lessen the rental player thing is that teams are now putting conditional draft picks into the deals. Last year, the Blues got a first rounder from Atlanta, but had to give it back when Tkachuk didn't sign with the Thrashers. Putting a clause into the deal saying that the team only gets a pick if the team makes it so far in the playoffs or if the player resigns with them is a good way to make rentals less expensive if they truly are just rentals. And getting these guys can help a team - just look at the Hurricanes when they won with Recchi and Weight.

And one good move JFJ made was getting Toskala. This also applies a bit to getting Raycroft. He got these guys not to be the amazing netminder for years to come (although Toskala is great and I really like him) but to protect Justin Pogge. With Toskala in place, there is absolutely no reason to rush Pogge to the NHL. He is allowed to work and develop into a great goaltender with starting minutes in the AHL. And if Pogge does come to be the next starter for Toronto, then the Raycroft deal doesn't look too bad.

I know he is a big contract, but I want McCabe to remain a Leaf and I think he is our next captain. He has the big shot and, from everything I hear, is great in the dressing room. Another reason why I like him is that, although people boo him and stuff, he is solid in his own end and you can see by our record when he is in and when he is out of the line-up the effect he has on the team.

Some Teams That Won The Cup After Making Moves At The Deadline.

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I think that McCabe is the only big contract guy in Toronto that should be told that he's staying no matter what. He's a perfect fit for the club, and despite his fuck up's earlier in the year, has actually been their second most solid player. Their first? Sundin, of course.

I really don't mind post-season rental players. Most of the time, they're guys who would be leaving their clubs at the end of the season anyways, so the team they are on gets rid of them to a playoff team in exchange for something they can use the next season. Really, everyone wins, theoretically. Sometimes there are holes that need to be filled, and while they could be filled in-house within 2 to 3 years, they could also be filled via player rental in the meantime. A team like Anaheim, for instance, does not have a 2nd line center. In a year or two, they'll be able to promote from within to fill that spot, but headed into this year's Stanley Cup run, their best bet is to try and rent-out Mats Sundin. Obviously they'd throw an offer at him to stay for next season, but Sundin is a Leaf through and through. I'm sure he'd sign in Toronto even if there was no team next season.

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One reason Sundin might not be moved is he feels he doesn't want to or can't play another season and is retiring. He wants to end his career as a Leaf, so he would stay with the team until the end of the year then retire. I hope he doesn't, he hasn't really slowed down over the past three years. I think he has more gas in the tank then a lot of people think.

Anyone notice that when he does well, no one says a word about Nikolai Zherdev? He has 22 goals right now, he is really doing well now under Hitchcock after going through some growing pains.

I don't feel like looking up the stats for the Sharks, but how the hell does Thornton have 47 assists? I thought they had trouble scoring with Cheechoo clumping and stuff!?

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Guest Grapehead

Reunited and it feels sooooo good! First time in a month or so I got to watch a complete hockey game, and what a game to watch. Nothing makes me happier than Ottawa breaking out of a slump, especially when they broke out of said slump by pounding Montreal or Toronto :). Even won $55 on my proline, thank you very much Colorado and Florida.

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This thread needs some more Avs love just to balance the overwhelming Canadian team fapping that goes on in here

I think you and Dragsy fap the Avs more than we all do the Canadian teams combined. :P

Toe 156

The Sultan of Swank 130

Clawson 103

Plubby 95

Gabriel Havok 90

Dragsy 7-0 64

Awww shit. You lose.

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