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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Habs and Rangers today. National coverage in the US and Canada for the game, so Montreal better play a whole world better than the last time these two met. If Montreal wins this one, I can't imagine how hungry they would be going into the game against Ottawa... one thing at a time though, beat the Rangers first which we haven't done this season.

Interestingly enough the top 4 teams in the last 10 games are Detroit, Minnesota, Philly and Montreal, all with 7-2-1 records.

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Not missing a few key guys? You mean like how we had to put Tlusty and Wellwood on the first line after they were on the fourth line last week. Like how we are missing 9 regulars to your 3? Trust me we are missing a lot of key guys right now (Antropov and Steen were first liners last week, Poni was on the first line for a while as well, Caber been gone 21 games) so it's not like we were just missing scrubs. Devo even played with one arm last night because we are so short on bodies.

Anyway, I think Ottawa's play of late just goes to show their amazing depth is just a farce.

Edited by Clawson
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I'm sick of watching these so-called tough guys blatantly lay into other players with illegal hits and then refuse to drop the gloves when someone comes in to challenge them.

Hollweg hit Kostitsyn Jr from behind, and then when Josh Gorges came in with his gloves off, Hollweg decided he didn't want to fight.

If you're going to lay into someone like that, you better fight your ass off when you get challenged. Not taking your lickings for that shit is an act of cowardice. Besides... it was Hollweg, and Gorges... it's not like the Komisaurus was coming after him... it was Josh Gorges.

Seriously... just drop the fucking gloves.

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Again 9 regulars are out with injuries which includes 2/3rds of our top line and our best defensive d-man. Last night our top line now has two guys who were on the fourth line a week ago, our second line is our only line that is still solid (though one could also argue Tucker has been a fourth-liner this year) and our bottom 2 were made up of a waiver claim, guy who only has one good arm right now, 3 call-ups and Wade Belak.

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But with our regulars in, we were an 8th place team. The Avalanche are missing their best players and they need them. Some picked them as possible Western Conference Champions, and missing Sakic and Smythe is much worse then missing McCabe and everyone we are missing.

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Guest Grapehead

Ugh. Ottawa needs to make something happen, even if they are missing Alfredsson and Heatley, their defense is healthy so why is it playing like shit? Word to the wise, just stand in front of Ottawa's net, nobody will challenge you and you'll always get inside positioning. It's damn pathetic, honestly, and I'm getting tired of making an effort to watch games, cause they aren't playing the same brand of hockey they started the season with. Sure they almost came back, but they have to stop putting themselves in position to have to play catch up. They need to draft some more offense, instead of drafting all this big bodies, like Foligno... sure he might be a great assett but as far as I can see all we've got are energy players in our prospect ranks, and nobody that is goal oriented offense, as opposed to forechecking offense. So when we're trying to fill the void of two high scoring players, all we've got is big forecheckers, we have absolutely no scoring depth, and anyone who is "scoring depth" isn't stepping up at all(looking at you Vermette..). Come playoff time this team is going to fall apart unless they get guys to step up now and prove themselves, the seeds of doubt are now planted.

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Big win by the Habs. Thursdays game could go either way. I thought the same thing about last night. Ottawa, who are losers of many recently had that 40 minute closed door meeting, I was expecting them to put forth much more of a show, instead of having to wait for Montreal to relax to make a game of things.

Toronto who were just bitch whipped again this season, this time far worse than its ever been will no doubt be looking to prove something... anything really. So that's going to be an intense game, if Montreal can whether the first storm of the period that the Leafs are likely to put forward, and if they can either score first or have the Kovalev line(which combined for 9 points last night) going throughout the game, Toronto should go down nicely.

Its a hard game really, Everyone has gotta be focused on beating the Leafs, but it sure must be hard when there's a chance to be the best team in the East on Saturday.

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