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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Man I love how the refs can see when Toskala doesn't have a puck covered but when Legace (supposedly) doesn't have it covered they blow it and the Blues win. Now I haven't seen any evidence whether the puck was covered or not when I'm writing this but the puck went in way too easily for it to be covered.

Edited by Clawson
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Time will tell on the Joseph signing... but I'd rather have Joseph backing up my main man Kipper, than have some kid with no NHL experience, who may not get any experience unless Kiprusoff gets hurt, being the contingency plan.

Seriously... if Kiprusoff gets hurt... I really don't want my team's playoff hopes on the shoulders of Curtis McElhinney. He's not experienced enough, and I don't particularly like him. Joseph, while I'm not necessarily a fan, has the experience, and is less likely to go into shock should he be put in the net. Plus, we know he's able to keep a cool head when he lets in lots of goals. We've seen it happen before. For all we know, McElhinney might explode if he ever played a game and let in more than 4. Then what? Put Owen Nolan in net maybe?

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Budaj has a new mask, with an even bigger Ned Flanders on the back, and Altair from Assassin's Creed doing a moody /hidingintheshadows pose. And holy fuck, where did the Avs find an offense? not liking the PP personnel moves though, one unit with three wingers, another with two centers? Ugh.

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Fuck Crosby, Ovechkin just single handedly beat the Habs. 4 goals 1 assist in a 5-4 ot win. Holy shit he's incredible. Montreal played bad, they showed up for the last 5 or min of the second(scored 2 goals) and the last 5 or so min of the third(scored another 2 goals) outside of that... all around shitty game by the Habs.

The only good that could come out of this game is that if Ottawa loses, we move to within 5 of the Sens with a game at hand.

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