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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Grr. Fucking Sabourin. Montreal and Pittsburgh played a really evenly matched game, just they got the only goal of the game and that was that. Exciting to watch, super frustrating that we lost, because we needed those 2 points to seperate ourselves a tiny bit from Pittsburgh.

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Raycroft is starting in today's game against New Jersey, so I am not even sure if I want to watch it. Raycroft has just been so awful this year, and it makes me wonder how anyone with a sane mind can even for a moment think about putting him in considering his play all season.

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...Enjoy missing the playoffs.

Basha said this during one of our good-natured "your team is crap"..."No, YOUR team is crap!" arguements.

Basha pointed out that the Habs were 4th in the conference, and that we were struggling in 9th. I've lately realised that the Habs and Avs are keeping on realtively equal points totals...and now the Avs leap into first in the division, and thus top 3 in the conference.

In sum: Habs STILL suck, Basha. It's great that your team is 4th in your conference. A conference that had our 13th-placed team been in it, would be a mere point outside of the playoffs. You must be real proud of ybeing so high in such a competitive environment!

*needles some more*

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All I'm gonna say Plub is that at least the Avs benefit from the leadership of Joe Sak-- wait no he's out. Oh! Ryan Sm-- shit, wait not him either he's injured too. Well at least you can rely on the young talents of Paul Stas---... oh, wait he's out too.

Yeah, have fun.

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Toronto lose tonight, but there recent play is very enthusiastic. If Toskala had been in goal, we would have probably got a point out of the game tonight. Hopefully, the team can keep some of the momentum they gathered from next week and win a few more in a row.

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JFJ is gone, and Cliff Fletcher is the interim GM and will be a consultant for bringing in the new President and General Manager and will help out whomever they bring in.

Peddie seems to be moving aside from his President's post, which is a big positive. Opens up the GM job to any of the older guys who wanted the power and autonomy to fully run the franchise.

Oh, and Malkin is taking Crosby's place at the All-Star Game. I think the Penguins will be alright with Crosby out because Malkin has been a monster recently.

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I don't think it will take long for this team to change.

If Fletcher can acquire another 1st round pick, then the Maple Leafs will have two picks in the top round and will be able to build a solid core of prospects to work around. Moving Sundin will probably be required, but hopefully if they do move him he will return the next year.

Some big salaries that need to be moved include Tucker, Blake and Kubina. McCabe would also be a guy to move, but I don't see how. Kaberle also has a no-trade clause and would get as much as Sundin would (especially from Chicago, who are offering Cam Barker up right now).

Philly was able to change very quickly. Toronto may not have the money free to do what they did, but if some space can be cleared and the salary cap goes up as expected to $54 000 000, then Toronto will be able to make some moves. Philly traded for the right to negotiate with Timonen and Hartnell when they were restricted free agents. That might be the route to take. The most important piece, goaltending, is already there with Vesa Toskala between the pipes.

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JFJ is gone, and Cliff Fletcher is the interim GM and will be a consultant for bringing in the new President and General Manager and will help out whomever they bring in.

Peddie seems to be moving aside from his President's post, which is a big positive. Opens up the GM job to any of the older guys who wanted the power and autonomy to fully run the franchise.

Oh, and Malkin is taking Crosby's place at the All-Star Game. I think the Penguins will be alright with Crosby out because Malkin has been a monster recently.

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RAWR! 8-2 you sonofabitch Boston. Komisarus scored! Sergei Kostitsyn threw a hip check and then got in a fight and did pretty dang well in it, the place went fucking crazy for him afterwards. Sergei and Andrei hook up for a brother to brother goal to seal it at 8 to fucking 2.

Montreal dismantled the Bruins. Boston played about 145 seconds of inspired hockey which resulted in their second goal. Montreal just fucking took it to them tonight. I mean scoring 14 seconds in and then again with 1.1 seconds in the period with 2 inbetween those... that's gotta hurt some. Montreal was just relentless tonight. Everyone showed up and we put up a score that seemed perfect. Boston has a depleted roster, Montreal is a top team in the east, 8 goals shouldn't be unreasonable.

When the Kovalev/Pleks/Big Tits line is out, it's like the Soviet national team vs. Barbados

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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