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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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We end up with around 60 shots, and we're gonna lose. That penalty on White is the fucking saddest thing ever, he gets around of Umberger and leans in and they fall and the refs call it holding. Seriously, out of nowhere they just decided to call a bullshit penalty with it so close in the last 5 minutes.

And how Downie wasn't tossed for his shot on Blake is just retarded. He has to be the slimiest piece of shit in the league. And Cote, grabbing Gill and throwing him down when Gill is shoving with another Flyer. The whole team is just full of slimy pussies.

Atleast we won another Gold medal in the Juniors but we all expect. Even though Canada almost pulled a Leafs.

Edited by Clawson
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I like the way the Flyers are playing.

Downie shouldn't have punched Blake, but he said it best after the game when he said "Someone grabbed my jersey, so I swung my fist. I didn't know who it was."

He won't get suspended, and he shouldn't. I've seen things ten times as worse go down in front of the net that never get called. Guys get punched all the time in those scrums and I don't hear anyone calling for any heads to roll. If it wasn't Jason Blake, it wouldn't be nearly as big of a deal. The guy's got cancer... so what? If he's playing, he's just one of the boys. There's no "There's guys you hit, and guys you don't hit." This is professional hockey, not the fucking Departed.

Don Cherry isn't the only person who's done it, but I'm ashamed of him and everyone else for treating Jason Blake like he's some special case. If he can't play the same way everyone else plays, then he shouldn't be playing. If he can play, then don't cry foul when someone does something to him. Fuck, I've seen guys lay into him with good clean hits, and then have to listen to some fuckass complaining that Blake shouldn't have been hit after the game.

On a more positive note... WOO CANADA! Hartsburg needs to go though. We need a coach who knows how to react DURING a game. He's made a few good decisions between games, but the guy loses half his intelligence for sixty minutes every time his team plays a game.

I believe that if our team wasn't as talented as it was, we wouldn't have made the medal round. In previous years, our superior coaching has helped bring the best out of our teams. This year, not so much. Keep him around as an Assistant, but we need a better head coach.

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Just swinging because someone grabbed your jersey is a retarded excuse, especially in a hockey game.

Toronto is almost out of reach, this needs to turn around now for them to have any shot at the post season. I don't want to see the team suck for the rest of the year, even if that could be better for them in the long run.

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Just swinging because someone grabbed your jersey is a retarded excuse, especially in a hockey game.

Toronto is almost out of reach, this needs to turn around now for them to have any shot at the post season. I don't want to see the team suck for the rest of the year, even if that could be better for them in the long run.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

In an ideal world, Peter DeBoer would lead Kitchener to another Memorial Cup this spring, replace Hartsburg as WJHC coach for a couple of years, and turn that into an NHL job.

Well, in an ideal world, he'd just stay with Kitchener, but that's not going to happen. <_<

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Hurricanes claimed Sergei Samsonov off of Re-Entry Waivers from Chicago. That means they pay half of whatever's left of his salary for the season. Samsonov is then a free agent, unrestricted I believe, at season's end. He'll have to take a fairly hefty paycut if he wants to stay in the league next season.

Good move for Carolina, who looked good out of the gate, but have since found themselves with a handful of troubles.

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Ugh, who are those commentators on VS? Horrible, horrible, horrible. Maybe I'm just not accustomed to Jose Theodore being verbally fellated every 10 seconds, but still. I expected us to lose, although 1-0 isn't bad given the play of the two teams lately. Someone needs to tell the Avs that when you're a goal down and have less than 10 minutes to go in the game, sitting back and waiting for the other team to give you the puck is not going to help. Neither is jsut dumping it in so you can change line. Someone, at some point, is actually going to have to try to shoot. Sorry if this impinges on your plans to doss around and have a chat, but them's the rules.

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The starters for the All-Star game have been announced. I voted for Niklas Lidstrom, Dion Phanuef, and Roberto Luongo, so I'm pretty satisfied. Granted, only Zdeno Chara made it from my picks in the east, but I blame Toronto for that.

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Meh...the Canucks just want Luongo to rest during the All-Star Break so that they don't have to give him any time off afterwards.

Whatever though... I always look forward to the All-Star game, and this year is no different. Iginla and Phaneuf being voted as starters made me weap with joy.

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I found out five minutes prior to the start of the game that Avs/Caps was on, how awesome was that, two games live in a row for Colorado. And then they actually played. Carbon copy of the Red Wings game, and now that's 18 consecutive powerplays without a goal. I know Sakic and Smyth are out, but injuries happen, someone else needs to step up, and most people are looking at Hejduk, who hasn't had a point in like forever. Svatos has 7 goals in nine or ten games now, and that's pretty good, but we need more production from the rest of the forwards. Stastny hasn't scored in a while (although he seemed to be the only Avalanche player happy to try and make plays rather than fling the puck in the rough direction of the net). And can coach Q please drop the defensemen as forwards experiment and just call up someone from Lake Erie...please?

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Montreal/Boston tonight. The young guys on Montreal are really pulling their weight this year. Too bad Smolinski is back and Begin is back soon too... :(

I know that there's still 82 points to play for between now and April. But 10 points ahead of the Leafs with a game at hand... will Clawson admit that Montreal had a superior club through the first half.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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Ovechkin signs for 13 years, 124 mil in Washington.

Edit: make that 12 points and even amount of games played with Toronto. Man, Montreal rocked shit tonight. Komisarek is a complete monster, he just threw all sorts of huge hits. Also, Sergei Kostitsyn leveling... Axlesson? in the third, wow! amazing. Oh, yeah, Montreal had some freaking dandy goals tonight also. I think 3 out of 5 of them were highlight goals.

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You know, I was sitting down drinking with my friends tonight and watching Montreal play Boston. Now every single one of use is a Maple Leafs fan but we were all cheering for Montreal. Why you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Because it feels good to cheer for a team that has an ownership that understands what it fanbase wants and is willing to do what is necessary to win.

Whilst, in Toronto we can watch complete and utter shit play hockey. So yeah, I'm rooting for Montreal, since they're a team that actually deserves respect when it comes to playing hockey when the Leafs don't make the playoffs. If we somehow make it then fuck those Hab homos, but once Toronto is out then Montreal all the day. Better than those pussies in Ottawa.

Edited by Clawson
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