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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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I don't think I need a cry. Maybe I do, after that horrible performance by Kiprusoff. He's had too many games now where he's let in more than one soft goal. The Yelle line and Jerome Iginla played good games. Phanuef had a decent, if not a bit too quiet, game... but they didn't deserve to win.

I'm just saying... when a ref points to the net, it means there's a goal. When he waves his arms, it means there's no goal. He pointed to the net, and the Toronto Offices said that meant no goal.

Clearly this is the doing of Manbearpig. Someone needs to stop him.

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Shit, 40 saves, but about half the shots were from the perimeter. I'm surprised as to how bad Vokoun crapped the bed tonight, 4 goals on 9 shots.... then again, Montreal had a lot of pretty sweet chances tonight. I'm really digging S. Kostitsyn, he's pretty talented. And Higgins, Lapierre, Ryder has gotten goals in the last two games. I like Carbo's new lines.

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I'm done with Raycroft. The game against the Islanders was a win for us if any other netminder was in goal. This game we had no chance with all the penalties, but a big save by Raycroft early may have changed the game and allowed the Leafs to at least be competitive. Send him down, no one is going to touch him on waivers if Marc Denis can pass through like he did. Have Justin Pogge start for the Marlies with Raycroft playing as back-up, and bring in Clemmensen to back up Toskala once he is healed up.

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Gah, tough break for the Habs. I'm not so overly upset about the loss when I put things into perspective. Montreal took 8 of 12 points on this 6 game road trip... not spectacular, but respectable, when considering how terribly we've fared in the last 2 or 3 years during this stretch of time, it's incredible.

We played without Koivu and with only 11 forwards. Corey Locke was called up to play, but his equipment never arrived and we were only able to dress 19 skaters.

Kovalev... just wow, he wore the C last night, and he played like that meant something to him. I have never seen him play such an amazing game, he was so strong offensively, he was amazing defesively, he led the fucking team... which is more than Koivu's done this year. Kovy's line had 8 points last night... not bad.

Montreal played the same way they have in the last 2 games. A bad faceoff loss to Drury late in the game provided the tying goal and Hamrlik who played an otherwise stellar game had a terrible giveaway to Shanny in OT.

Such is hockey. two bad mistakes shun the fact that we held the Rangers to only 1 second period shot.

The fact is, right now, Montreal looks like they're gelling... and I like that idea. A great game by the Habs... big shame we lost but we went 3-1-2 on this trip for 8 of 12 points... I'll take it.

P.S. The brothers Kostitsyn... watch out for them. Amazing.

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Another late goal is allowed, but this time the Leafs didn't totally explode and this time they managed to come back and win. Scott Clemmensen was better then Raycroft has been, Toskala should be back for Saturday's game, and Mats Sundin is now tied with Stan Mikita.

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