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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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I'm just saying, the game was exciting and all. And I'm not trying to knock the Leafs, I'm just saying that Montreal seriously played far tighter a game, had a slew more chances even if they were being outshot and save for one or two good posessions by Toronto(both in the first). Montreal seemed to control the play of the game quite easily.

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I was so dang confused with the goal, because he threw it towards little tits, but it just pinballed for a second or so and went in the net. It was like a huh.... GOALLLL!!!

Florida tonight, hopefully we can get another win.

I just lost 31 hours of my time so I'm hoping for a really good game.

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Flames have won 6 straight now. They still don't look like the team they should be, but the way they're playing will easily get them into the playoffs if they avoid slumping. I'm pretty excited, because I get two Flames games on tv after Xmas. On the 27th and the 29th.

Iginla picked up his 24th goal of the year tonight. I love my Iggy. :blush:

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I can't find anything in the overtime but here you go for something atleast. 3 minutes left Adams baseball swings at Steen's head and only gets 2 minutes. Might need a better angle but he just went swinging for the fences there and should have easily gotten 5.

Edited by Clawson
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Montreal just didn't do very well the other night... I don't even know what it was, they played decent, no worse than Florida, but the third goal by the Panthers was a weak goal. Boo on Price, because we came back to make it 3-2 and I think if they hadn't put the third in, we mighta been able to make it 2-2 with a little more than the 23 seconds left haha.


February 7th, 2008. The Habs and Leafs will be playing at the Bell Center. I've been talking to Toe about this, and there are an awful lot of Leafs and Habs fans on the board. I figure, why not some of us meet in Montreal which is a fantastic city on its own, and go to the Bell Center for the game. I proposed Montreal because the tickets are way cheaper than in Toronto, I understand finding scalpers or tix online is easier and cheaper, plus the Bell is a better building than the ACC for atmosphere(there's going to be about 8000 Leafers there so you won't feel too out of place if you like Toronto), and there's going to be 21,273 lunatic hockey fans as opposed to 20,000 mostly business types in the arena. Montreal is also a relatively cheap city, if you bus from Toronto its 10 bucks each way, it's got a great nightlife and yeah. I think that it would be a great time.

If you're interested, please mention it, and gimmie a PM or something. If you're serious about it, I can start organizing getting some tickets.

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Ok, I'm not going to lie, tickets aren't going to be cheap. I'm trying to keep them in the 60-80 range, but It's looking more like 80-100 will be a bargain right now. Also, I'm only so far able to find 4 tickets together at a time... I've managed to find 10 within 1 row of each other 414 C and D.

I think this is what I might go with...

The first 4 tickets are going to be 100 each, the next 2 are going to be 105 and the last 4 are going to be 120.

Let me know if this works for you guys.

As far as hotel and lodging is concerned, it depends on where you want to stay and how many you are and what your budget is going to be. I can then find something for you and get you all the info you'll need.

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