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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Montreal and Atlanta tonight. There's strong rumors going around that Huet is going to be traded as he's apparently expressed the desire to quit hockey after the season, I don't know how much truth there is to that. Price gets the start again, hopefully we don't blow it against one of the worst teams in the league.

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Awww, Montreal played a decent game, but Atlanta just played like they wanted to win from start to finish. We get the bitch point, but it's still not good enough. Price was spectacular, but the second goal he gave up, even though it was on a breakaway, it just looked weak.

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The highlights showed to me that Hedberg made just as many good saves as Price did, yet Price gets first star...and Hedberg..nothing? I thought it was just Basha who couldn't be fair and honest regarding Montreal..but it's the entire city?

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I believe it was because Montreal was totally out played in the first 25-30 Minutes and Price bailed out the team which mustered something like 8 shots through 30 minutes... I gotta say, Kovalchuk is a beast, he's just so damn fast and good.

In trying to be objectionable as possible, I think Price was forced to make more big time saves than Hedberg was. Outside the last 10 minutes of the game when Montreal cranked up the Pressure, the Atlanta D made it so that almost all the Habs shots were perimeter shots.

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I believe it was because Montreal was totally out played in the first 25-30 Minutes and Price bailed out the team which mustered something like 8 shots through 30 minutes... I gotta say, Kovalchuk is a beast, he's just so damn fast and good.

In trying to be objectionable as possible, I think Price was forced to make more big time saves than Hedberg was. Outside the last 10 minutes of the game when Montreal cranked up the Pressure, the Atlanta D made it so that almost all the Habs shots were perimeter shots.

Though you can say this about every goalie, it's enhanced when you talk about Hedberg: he is best when he only faces one or two shots every few minutes. If there's pressure for more than, say, ten-to-fifteen seconds (or long enough to net a second rebound), he'll psych himself out from the pressure. Hence, the Atlanta D likes to do as much as they can to take away the middle of the ice...even to the point of sacrificing the back of the net.

Definitely approving of the birds' efforts in that game, as it shows what Atlanta can do if they just put some heart into it. That definition of Kovalchuk really applies to the entire offense, as they continue to keep their reputation as a blisteringly-fast offense that lacks power in favor of sheer agility.

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Hedberg is not the bird. His nickname is The Moose. I don't know why. As far as I know there can be only one The Moose. But still, from his days in Vancouver, I know of him as The Moose. I am a fan, I like his work. From what I saw Price was better because his team was worse. Price had to be more acrobatic on his saves, and Hedberg played more in a groove.

As far Lehtonen, I think the days of him being an NHL starter may be waning. He is perenially injured and wildly inconsistent. Atlanta has no other option at the moment but to juggle two backups and hope they can team together to equal one good starter.

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As far Lehtonen, I think the days of him being an NHL starter may be waning. He is perenially injured and wildly inconsistent. Atlanta has no other option at the moment but to juggle two backups and hope they can team together to equal one good starter.

Nail. Head. My main problem with both (besides Johan's affinity for injury) is that they don't have the ability to be that brick wall if the defense slips up and there's traffic. They're solid in breakaway situations, but if there are bodies in front, they both lose the puck easily.

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