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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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I wonder if such a fuss would have been kicked up if it were anyone other than Avery doing this. But I do agree that the instigator rule needs to go.

It definately doesn't help that it's Sean Avery who did it, that's for sure... but I think that no matter who did it, it would have been a big deal. It's dishonorable and doesn't take any hockey related skill to execute. It may have been within the rules at the time (and even then, I'd argue that trying to bait someone into taking a penalty is a misconduct), but there are plenty of things in all kinds of sports that are "within the rules" that you just don't do. It's an unwritten code of honor, ethics and morality. You just don't do it.

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Game 4 tonight. Montreal is dressing the 6'6 O'Byrne. Streit will move up and tender, ryder or dande will probably sit. Montreal and Boston are actually equal in average size and weight, they also have Chara to bias their average :P. It's going to be a physical game. Carbo said he'd like some more grit even at the sacrifice of skill. Montreal is a far more skilled team than Boston anyways, so it shouldn't be the end of the world. Montreal isn't going to go 16-0 *IF* they even make it that far, losses are inevitable, and Montreal has bounced back really well all season. Can't wait for puck drop tonight. Too bad I've gotta listen to it at work.

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This is why having the current instigator rule in effect is a problem. They've allowed pests like Avery to get away with things that they shouldn't be, at the expense of penalizing a player who starts a fight. Honestly, I'd rather let the boys police it themselves by nixing the instigator rule. Once it's gone, you won't see assholes like Avery doing half the shit they do, because they'll be too afraid of taking the punches that rightfully come along with most of their antics

He wasn't baiting anybody to take a penalty against him; Sean Avery was screening the goalie with this body, his hands, and his stick.. The defensemen should've gotten him out of there. (The other team having a powerplay made it a little hard, I guess) And the fact that he scored makes it slightly amusing. Avery Is actually a skilled player, and for the most part, he hasnt been a total pick. I don't have a problem with what he did...maybe I'm biased because I'm a ranger fan, but I think this situation had to do with Marty being a complete tool through-out the Ranger-Devil season - taking all the cheap shots he could against Avery.

I highly doubt nixing the instigator rule would stop Avery. I've seen him go at it with a much larger person and get rocked, I don't think he's afraid to take a punch. If they nix the rule , you can expect rosters to start having less talented guys used for protection, or at least to change the momentum of games.

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What he was doing was blatantly retarded. He was throwing his hands up and waving his stick around like a cock. If that's not asking for Martin Brodeur to just knock him the fuck out with a Blocker shot to the face, then I don't know what is. In fact, had Marty done that, I wouldn't have minded.

It's the same as trash talking. If the ref warns you to stop and you continue, you can be penalized. Why? Because it's a precautionary measure to make sure that no one gets too riled up and does something stupid.

I'm not a Devils or Rangers fan, so I'm speaking from a totally unbiased point of view here. There was no rule against it when he did it, so kudos to Avery for using an unorthodox tactic to help his team out. I don't agree with the tactic, but it was effective and did its' job. That said, there is now a rule that specifically states you can't do it, and I completely agree with its' addition to the rulebook.

In regards to the instigator not stopping pests though... yeah, Avery's taken on some guys larger than himself, but on his terms. If he's fucking with a goalie and some tough d-man comes in and rocks the shit out of him when it's not on his terms, it's likely to make him think twice about being a douchebag.

Furthermore, in response to the idea that less talented guys would be around to handle those things, that's a garbage statement. Take a look at the guys who are handling that type of role for their teams this year... they're generally talented players with a gritty edge. In Calgary, we've had Iginla and Phaneuf keeping other teams' pests in check this season. Two of our most talented guys. Sure, we've got Eric Godard and Jim Vandermeer, but they aren't the guys who are dealing with the pests. It's the exact same way throughout the rest of the league as well. You've got Sidney Crosby throwing fisticuffs, Alex Kovalev stepping in when people challenge the young Russians in Montreal, and so forth and so on.

To be a superstar player in the league in this era, you need to be a well rounded player and adept in all aspects of the game. To be a leader in this league, you need to be willing and capable of stepping up to protect your teammates and show your opponents that you're not afraid to get dirty.

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He wasn't baiting anybody to take a penalty against him; Sean Avery was screening the goalie with this body, his hands, and his stick.

...did you even see the video? He put his stick\hands DIRECTLY in Brodeurs face. That's the only thing that it's been called as, even the majority of Rangers fans who are trying vaguely to defend his actions as "trying to draw penalties to help the team" or whatever else sounds like a justification. Trying to blame this on Brodeur is just... ugh. And I hate the Devils.

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Furthermore, in response to the idea that less talented guys would be around to handle those things, that's a garbage statement. Take a look at the guys who are handling that type of role for their teams this year... they're generally talented players with a gritty edge. In Calgary, we've had Iginla and Phaneuf keeping other teams' pests in check this season. Two of our most talented guys. Sure, we've got Eric Godard and Jim Vandermeer, but they aren't the guys who are dealing with the pests. It's the exact same way throughout the rest of the league as well. You've got Sidney Crosby throwing fisticuffs, Alex Kovalev stepping in when people challenge the young Russians in Montreal, and so forth and so on.

Lappy :wub:

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If they took the instigator out, it wouldn't change the fact that you need to watch your spending with the cap in place. Even your enforcers have to be talented players - Wade Belak was Toronto's fighter but was also a servicable defender in a pinch and could put together a good forechecking shift. With a salary cap in place, teams don't have the luxury of going out and signing tough guys who vaguely know how to skate.

Edited by Toe
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Trying to blame this on Brodeur is just... ugh. And I hate the Devils.

I'm not blaming Marty. Avery was intigating, but I just don't think Averys intentions were to draw a penalty, he seemed too focus on not having Marty see anything.

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Anyone think Ottawa will get swept tonight? Maybe they'll bring out that yelling senator thing again.

Can't wait for Thursday night. The city has been going crazy for the Habs since about January, shit the small little bar we always go to for cheap drinks has usually got only 20-30 people in it. On game nights, because of it's proximity to the Bell Center, it's packed full, which does make for a fun march down to join the Mobs on Ste. Catherines after the game.

Montreal needs to pick up their offence... in a big way. But, if we can get the series win, I'll be happy. As long as they keep winning, I don't care what the score was.

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