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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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I still think it's better for Pogge to stay in the AHL and to help the Marlies as they go for the Calder Cup. At least there he will get to continue playing meaningful hockey. The main reason for Raycroft to be brought in and the main reason for Toskala being brought in was to allow Justin Pogge the time to develop in the AHL. The longer he stays with the Marlies - at least for this and next season - the better. That's why Clemmensen, not Pogge, was called up when Toskala was hurt.

Also, the Owen Nolan trade was awful. Especially when you consider that he had effectively no impact on the playoffs - and he was brought in the get Toronto over the hump and to the finals in those seasons when they were considered contenders but were just missing that one impact player in the playoffs to push them over the edge.

Remember, the Sharks and the Bruins also gave up on Brad Boyes. I know he is just one example among many, but Toronto wasn't the only one to pass up on him.

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1. What has happened to Roberto Luongo?

2. Montreal, why do you have to be so greedy and hog all the points? Buffalo needs them more then you right now and I'd rather see Buffalo in that final spot then Boston!

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Ha... what happened to Roberto?

Alain Vigneault has called him out on more than one occasion this season. The only guy on the team who's shown up consistently on a day to day basis... and he calls him out, essentially laying the blame for several losses on the shoulders of Luongo, who has kept them in more games this season than they even deserve.

Vancouver fans, media and Canucks staffers chewed him out for wanting to spend time with his wife, who was having complications with her pregnancy. She gave birth to a baby girl this morning, and because of the reamings he's had (and the one's he likely would have received) he hopped on a plane to play in tonight's game.

Roberto Luongo doesn't need Vancouver. Vancouver needs Roberto Luongo. They need to realize that before he comes to his senses and tells them to shove it. Fuck knows I would have done that already.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
Sakic scores with 5.9 seconds left, then caps it off with the Shootout winner. What a man :wub:

Sakic isn't a man.

He, like Rob Brind'amour, is a hockey playing robot designed to destroy the world.

Ugh. You remember that horrible HNIC cartoon too?

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Sakic is the reason I watched hockey in the first place. Thanks, Super Joe. We have the tiebreaker over Edmonton, so I *think* that means the only chasers we need to worry about are Nashville and Vancouver. So if they both lose in regulation, and we win, we're in. Course, I think it might still possible for the Avs to take the division, but only if they win out.

Edited by Dragsy
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I've come to the conclusion that the idea of missing at one end, then being scored on... also applies to penalties.

Where at one end, the refs may choose to ignore an infraction, the other end of the ice might turn out to be home to something far more serious.

Therefore, I believe that nasty hits, hits from behind, elbows to the head and other such infractions could be cut down (but not totally eliminated) if, get this... the ref's did their jobs.

When there's a lot on the line and you choose to ignore a blatant call... you're asking for someone to get run from behind. I don't care what the reasoning is... if the infraction could have bearing on the outcome of the game (like say, if someone's headed up the ice with the puck and they get tripped before being able to get a shot away or set up a play), then it should be called. When it isn't, tempers flare, and that's when a lot of these bad situations rear their ugly heads.

I understand the idea of allowing the two teams to decide the outcome of the game, rather than the officials... but that means letting them play a hard game, with lots of body contact and grit. What it doesn't mean, is turning a blind eye to an obvious call.

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I've come to the conclusion that the idea of missing at one end, then being scored on... also applies to penalties.

Where at one end, the refs may choose to ignore an infraction, the other end of the ice might turn out to be home to something far more serious.

Therefore, I believe that nasty hits, hits from behind, elbows to the head and other such infractions could be cut down (but not totally eliminated) if, get this... the ref's did their jobs.

When there's a lot on the line and you choose to ignore a blatant call... you're asking for someone to get run from behind. I don't care what the reasoning is... if the infraction could have bearing on the outcome of the game (like say, if someone's headed up the ice with the puck and they get tripped before being able to get a shot away or set up a play), then it should be called. When it isn't, tempers flare, and that's when a lot of these bad situations rear their ugly heads.

I understand the idea of allowing the two teams to decide the outcome of the game, rather than the officials... but that means letting them play a hard game, with lots of body contact and grit. What it doesn't mean, is turning a blind eye to an obvious call.

I get that a missed call can get tempers going, but that doesn't excuse players getting dirty revenge shots in.

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Montreal played a flat game again last night, but then again we were missing the league leader in blocked shots and a force on our blue like in Komisarek. Koivu was out, Streit was out, O'Byrne was kicked out early on, on a bullshit elbowing call, Bouillon left the game and the two players who came in to replace Koivu and Streit have been watching from the pressbox for almost what like a month...

In any case, Stralman's second was a beauty.

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