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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Nobody develops a goaltender by making him backup a guy who starts 60+ games. That's a good way to ruin a goaltender.

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Theo's first shutout in over 110 starts. Here's hoping he can keep up his relative consistency and that coach Q doesn't go back to the carousel. Another bright spot is that the Avs managed not one, but two powerplay goals, just the fifth time this season they've mustered more than 1 PPG in a single game.

In general, I'm liking the grit and scrappyness the Cody Mac's have brought in, the lack of physicality has been a knock on the Avs for years. Seems the injuries to the old guard have been a little bit of a blessing in disguise.

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Theo's first shutout in over 110 starts. Here's hoping he can keep up his relative consistency and that coach Q doesn't go back to the carousel. Another bright spot is that the Avs managed not one, but two powerplay goals, just the fifth time this season they've mustered more than 1 PPG in a single game.

In general, I'm liking the grit and scrappyness the Cody Mac's have brought in, the lack of physicality has been a knock on the Avs for years. Seems the injuries to the old guard have been a little bit of a blessing in disguise.

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Speaking of inept... the NHL tried out a new system, using mentally challenged officials in the Calgary Flames/Minnesota Wild game. Now, I know that the costs are probably much less than for regular officials who do their job to a satisfactory level of competence, but sooner or later, someone is going to snap and murder them with their stick.

As a fan of hockey, and a non-fan of seeing hockey banned from North America because of murder on the ice... I'd prefer if they kept the amount of mentally inept officials to a low.

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Theo's first shutout in over 110 starts. Here's hoping he can keep up his relative consistency and that coach Q doesn't go back to the carousel. Another bright spot is that the Avs managed not one, but two powerplay goals, just the fifth time this season they've mustered more than 1 PPG in a single game.

In general, I'm liking the grit and scrappyness the Cody Mac's have brought in, the lack of physicality has been a knock on the Avs for years. Seems the injuries to the old guard have been a little bit of a blessing in disguise.

I feel your pain. Toronto had the #1 powerplay 2 seasons ago, a mediocre one last year, and an inept one this season. It's pretty frustrating when, on MOST occassions, I see Toronto getting a powerplay as a wasted two minutes instead of an opportunity to score.

Edited by Dragsy 7-0
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"That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world,'' he said of a quality pick, adding that a plan to sacrifice present for future as a method of rebuilding was proposed a couple of years ago – presumably to the same Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment board of directors now said to be shopping his job around.

"That plan was not approved.

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"That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world,'' he said of a quality pick, adding that a plan to sacrifice present for future as a method of rebuilding was proposed a couple of years ago – presumably to the same Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment board of directors now said to be shopping his job around.

"That plan was not approved.


Clearly, we have reaped the benefits of that rejection. Remind me why we're still letting Richard Peddie run the team?

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Antropov on his way to Calgary? Kaberle on his way to Chicago?

John Ferguson Jr. being allowed to try and make a good move and fix the situation? Yeah, I don't think the board are letting him touch a thing. It isn't fair to him, as he hasn't been fired and he could be trying to improve this team right now. I think JFJ should be fired, but I think the way the Leafs management has handled this whole mess is awful and very disrespectful.

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Antropov on his way to Calgary? Kaberle on his way to Chicago?

John Ferguson Jr. being allowed to try and make a good move and fix the situation? Yeah, I don't think the board are letting him touch a thing. It isn't fair to him, as he hasn't been fired and he could be trying to improve this team right now. I think JFJ should be fired, but I think the way the Leafs management has handled this whole mess is awful and very disrespectful.

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I'll take Antropov. He's the big #80 with great hand, decent speed, a quick shot, and isn't a bad 2 way player but he could pick it up a bit right? Yeah I think about 28 teams or so wouldn't mind having him.

I think this should be a sign of the beginning of the end for Toronto if things don't change soon. CBC, which is really Leafs TV for those not privaledged(sp?) enough to have bought the Leafs TV package is bumping Toronto off the National broadcast this saturday, get this... in favor of a Canadiens/Pens game. Now I know, that the CBC's biggest boner besides for the Leafs is for Crosby, but still. CBC execs admitted that with Toronto not doing so hot, they're considering putting more and more Ottawa and Habs games on the National Broadcast since both teams are currently holding onto playoff spots quite nicely.

I am shocked. I mean, I'm still gonna take the RDS feed, because It'll be nauseating to hear the two of em verbally felate Crosby all game(till Komi gets a piece of him at least), but the kids a bum in my books(sorry, the fake injury incidents in Montreal were a bitch move). Wicked talented, but I don't need to hear it every 6 seconds, I can clearly see it when he's on the ice.

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I'd really like CBC to mix it up a bit more as to which early game gets the national feed on Hockey Night in Canada each week. I don't mind watching the Leafs play, but that doesn't mean I want to watch them every week if they're on the early game.

I'd like to see all the channels mix it up more really... the vast majority of games we get here in Vernon, BC on television are either Canucks or Leafs games... and while they are enjoyable more often than not, I'm a Flames fan first, Habs fan second, and the other four Canadian teams alternate spots.

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If it would help us get prospects, I would pack Sundin's suitcases and kick Kubina's ass out of the door myself. Right now, I want to see us tank so hard.

Stamkos is going number one. I'd wait til the deadline and move up in the draft as much as possible to try and get him... and I'd also try to get a couple more early first round picks so that I could grab Doughty and Schenn.

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