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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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I can understand losing 5-0 to a good team. But getting stomped by LA?

Something has got to give if Toronto wants any chance to make it into the post season. They need something to change the way they feel their season is going, they need some motivation. I think everyone in Toronto would be happy to see JFJ go.....but we all know that someone in MLSE has a hard on for him. JFJ doesn't have the balls to try any sort of trade. The only move that might happen would be Paul Maurice being replaced. I like him though, so I hope that doesn't happen.

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So I think it's safe to say that Washington won't be winning a Cup in the next decade. Can't say I blame Ovechkin though, what amounts to $9 mil a year is too hard to pass up. If he's smart, he'll have the deal spread out in a way where for most of it they don't owe him that much money and they can build a team around him. Maybe make the deal top-heavy, make most of his money while they have the cap room, or screw them over for the last 5-6 years of it instead. We'll see.

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Montreal faces the Rangers tonight. New York has notoriously given us trouble over the last 2 or 3 seasons. I feel real good about tonight's game, Montreal's won 5 of 7 and the two that they lost it was in OT or SO. If we can get the jump on the Rangers tonight, I don't see why we can't get 8 of 8 points on this 4 game road trip. If we continue to get scoring from all 4 lines like we've been doing since after christmas I think we'll beat the Rangers.

What I really like about the Habs this year, we've not got any bonafide superstars(which I actually hate, but just gimmie a sec here), but we've got 3 players on pace for 30 goals or more, and another 3 who will hit 20 goals. Besides that, We've got Markov, KOMISARUS! and Hammer patrolling the Blue Line as though crossing into our zone is a personal attack. I mean seriously, the amount of huge hip checks that Komisarus has thrown at players comming into our zone in the last 4 games is unreal.

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Well, Toronto outplayed San Jose for the first two periods. Problem was, neither team played well. Toronto made less mistakes than usual, which is a step up, but it was hardly a good 40 minutes of hockey.

Vesa Toskala returned to the lineup tonight and looked spectacular. Seriously, he is the guy, and he's the only reason they were still in the game to the end. They gotta dump Raycroft though. He looks like he doesn't give a shit anymore, and he's got 2 wins in 13 starts this year (if the CBC graphic was right). Clemmensen is a good backup to Toskala, and Pogge needs to be the number one guy for the Marlies.

San Jose really turned it on in the third period. Kudos to them. All of the goals were great goals brought by hard work. Toskala didn't have a chance on any of the three.

If the Leafs don't get their shit together for this season, then they need to look like a completely different team come next fall. If they don't, the Leafs fans may stray... what with Ottawa and Montreal so close and looking like they actually want to win.

I don't care what they have to do. If they are out of contention before the deadline, they need to move as many players as they possibly can. No loyalty bullshit, and no worrying about what the other players are going to think. If someone's not pulling their weight, and you can deal them, send them packing and pick up an investment.

I'm sure Leafs fans would rather watch a young team with great potential struggle... than watch a team that looks like it should be making a run at the Northeast Division Title struggle. The veterans on the team are playing like a bunch of pissed off teenagers. It doesn't help the young guys develop, and it's obviously not doing the job on the ice.

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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

This piece of shit, fucking team is killing my liver. I fucking hate how they should easily be a playoff team but they play like a whiny bunch of pussies who would back down from a soccer player. FUCK!!!

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Exception of Montreal? I'm confused....

I didn't see the game last night, but I heard that Carbo switched up the lines some more and that Montreal also didn't show up for a good 45 minutes. Cock. I was really hoping to beat the Rangers. But from what I heard, this was probably Montreal's worst game all year :(

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Exception of Montreal? I'm confused....

I didn't see the game last night, but I heard that Carbo switched up the lines some more and that Montreal also didn't show up for a good 45 minutes. Cock. I was really hoping to beat the Rangers. But from what I heard, this was probably Montreal's worst game all year :(

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Exception of Montreal? I'm confused....

I didn't see the game last night, but I heard that Carbo switched up the lines some more and that Montreal also didn't show up for a good 45 minutes. Cock. I was really hoping to beat the Rangers. But from what I heard, this was probably Montreal's worst game all year :(

No matter how bad Montreal has been since the late 90s, the fans have always been there.

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From what I heard, Scotty Bowman showed interest in the GM position with the Leafs if he was given complete control, free from the influence of the Maple Leafs board of directors.

Scotty Bowman is the only guy I can think of that would be able to turn this team around within one or two seasons.

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Last night was just rough: first we hear Bowman wanted the job (and some speculate he may have returned to coach), then we see Mats just completely and utterly frustrated and fatigued at the end of the game and finally Maurice is almost breaking down in his press-conference talking about the team.

I fucking hate Richard Peddie and MLSE.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Yeah, they're much worse than Ballard ever was. :rolleyes:

Boring. Troll somewhere else. It isn't Ballard bad, then everyone else good. And for the record, Ballard never missed the playoffs three years in a row, which this team is about to unless they have a miraculous turnaround. The only difference this time around is that the team is so bad the fans actually WANT the team stars to get traded, just so their favorites can have the honour of playing on a more deserving team.

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Joseph was supposed to have made up his mind by the end of the weekend, but last minute inquiries by the New York Rangers and Toronto Maple Leafs have seemingly delayed his return to the NHL.

If he wants to play, he has to know that Calgary, New York and San Jose are not the places for him. Ron Wilson said he was welcome to join the team if he wanted to sit on the bench for the last 40 games of the year. That's all that needs to be said about that.

Even if he went to Toronto though, he'd only get a handful of games unless Toskala got hurt, because Toskala has been outstanding this year, especially considering how shit the defense has been in front of him. Seriously... I think Toronto's blueline has put more pucks into their own net this year than into the opponent's.

If I'm Cujo, I'm looking to find a spot on a team where I'll get to show that I'm still a number one guy. Those 4 teams he's narrowed it down to, definately aren't those teams. Pittsburgh and Tampa Bay were both interested, and he cut them from his list of potentials. Why? Tampa is in desperate need. Kari Ramo has been playing well, but he's going to get his confidence buttfucked if they're not careful. Pittsburgh would be a great place, because as well as Conklin has played, Fleury is still their franchise goalie... and what he really needs is the veteran presence of a guy like Joseph to help him develop into a proper starting netminder.

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Yeah, they're much worse than Ballard ever was. :rolleyes:

Boring. Troll somewhere else. It isn't Ballard bad, then everyone else good. And for the record, Ballard never missed the playoffs three years in a row, which this team is about to unless they have a miraculous turnaround. The only difference this time around is that the team is so bad the fans actually WANT the team stars to get traded, just so their favorites can have the honour of playing on a more deserving team.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Yeah, they're much worse than Ballard ever was. :rolleyes:

Boring. Troll somewhere else. It isn't Ballard bad, then everyone else good. And for the record, Ballard never missed the playoffs three years in a row, which this team is about to unless they have a miraculous turnaround. The only difference this time around is that the team is so bad the fans actually WANT the team stars to get traded, just so their favorites can have the honour of playing on a more deserving team.

Don't disagree with any of that. But I sure wouldn't give Ballard credit for the comparative success of his teams, and I'm not about to blame MLSE for the lack of success of the current Leafs. Yes, Peddie made a mistake in hiring JFJ, but every mistake since then has been JFJ's. Peddie isn't the one who traded one of the Leafs' top prospects for an unproven goalie, nor the one who keeps acquiring goalies (Toskala and now rumours of Cujo) to try and hide the fact that the Leafs' defence is horrible, nor the one who wouldn't know a good hockey player if he broke all Gretzky's records.

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To your questions: Yes. Yes. I couldn't find the question there.

Of course the OTPP bares responsibility, but you can't fire an owner. We have to live with them until they sell out. You can beat them over the head in the media until they make change, but that's it. JFJ is obviously a lame-duck GM, and Peddie is obviously waiting for another candidate to present themselves. But the problem is that they had a great candidate and let him slip away because they preferred someone on a shorter leash. If the organization's outlook is controlled in the boardrooms and not on the ice, the team's success (or lack thereof) won't change.

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