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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Fuck Huet. That whole 3rd period, entirely his fault. He gives up 3 of the weakest goals in the world and doesn't bother to even try to make himself look big in nets for the shootout. That loss, I blame Huet.

Furthermore, I'm throwing my hat onto the Price bandwagon. Fuck it, we'll go Price and Halak all the way.

Fucking cunt of a Huet pulls a TEH RAYZOR 37 WINZ! and lets in 4 3rd period goals. No, it wasn't the defenses fault, it was his own god damn fault.

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Ottawa's making it look like their downfall has been a goaltending issue, which is complete bullshit. The entire team is playing like crap right now.

They need to decide who's going to be their number one goalie and run with it. I don't care if it's Emery or Gerber... or if they get rid of them both and go with someone else. They need to decide, because it's impossible for a goalie to gain any confidence and momentum when he's constantly in fear that he'll lose his job. Especially when the team in front of him plays like a bunch of zombies with occasional flashes of their humanity.

They pulled Gerber after the first because they were down... they put Emery in, and the team still sucked to high shit. Pick one, give the other an opportunity with another team, and if you continue to fail, then at least you gave your goaltender a chance.

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Toe, if that's who they go with, then that's fine. They just need to decide on someone already. Neither of them will pick up their game again until they do.

If they go with Emery as the number one, then they need to tell Gerber that he's the backup, and promise to shop him around and move him if they can. Then either let Gerber sit on the bench and play a game every once in awhile to rest Emery... or call someone up and send him to Binghamton so he can get regular starts until he can be moved. (Unless he needs to clear waivers. I know the market for goalies isn't large, but Ottawa's better off keeping him if they can't get anything... just in case Emery gets injured again... or you know, does that thing where he sucks.)

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Toe, if that's who they go with, then that's fine. They just need to decide on someone already. Neither of them will pick up their game again until they do.

If they go with Emery as the number one, then they need to tell Gerber that he's the backup, and promise to shop him around and move him if they can. Then either let Gerber sit on the bench and play a game every once in awhile to rest Emery... or call someone up and send him to Binghamton so he can get regular starts until he can be moved. (Unless he needs to clear waivers. I know the market for goalies isn't large, but Ottawa's better off keeping him if they can't get anything... just in case Emery gets injured again... or you know, does that thing where he sucks.)

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Big rumour is Lecavalier leaving Tampa, with Montreal and Toronto being the big two candidates willing to pay out the nose for him. Supposedly, Tampa is in big problems in terms of there economic situation and the sale of the team, so the Bolts may need to move Lecavalier (who is leading the league in points) and St. Louis.

This comes from Basha (and I don't know where he got it from) and that lame Eklund.

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Big rumour is Lecavalier leaving Tampa, with Montreal and Toronto being the big two candidates willing to pay out the nose for him.

Makes sense, what with having no cap room and all. Unless the Bolts or the Marlies are getting Kubina, this ain't happening...but if it is, I think I've found a name for the back of my TML jersey

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Ugh. Will someone get this clown Ferguson out of here? I can only imagine the amount of prospects/picks they'd have to give up to get Lecavalier. Awesome as he is, that trade probably doesn't make us a top 8 team and he costs 7 million a year. Meanwhile we're even more fucked until 2012 and won't even be able to take some of those high draft picks because our man in charge traded them all away. If this rumour is remotely true (and I strongly doubt it is), Ferguson needs to go now. For the team's future, it needs to happen now.

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If I'm John Ferguson, I'm trying to do everything I can to turn it around now, to keep my job.

Lecavalier's line took Tampa Bay to the playoffs last year. Toronto is arguably a much more complete team than the Lightning... so if the Leafs can pick him up, I wouldn't call them a cup contender at all... but missing the playoffs would have to be a team effort at that point.

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Something strange and wonderful happened, and I am not talking about Belak. For the first time since the lockout, the fans in the ACC stood up and chanted the name of .... our goaltender. Toskala made some amazing saves, and the fans in the ACC were chanting his name!

This team is different then last years team. The fans have not given up on Toskala like they did Raycroft, and it's a good thing to see.

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Well at least one team showed up to play at the Bell tonight... to bad it was the Wings. The only positive I take from that game is Koivu fucking throwing some lefts in a fight with Samuelson, and then the coup de gras, from the right side of the tv screen this red blur just flys in and jumps on top of Samuelson. Dandenault came charging at full speed, then left his feet to jump on top of him to defend out captain. Now that... is team bonding. haha... lousy fucking Habs.

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Well at least one team showed up to play at the Bell tonight... to bad it was the Wings. The only positive I take from that game is Koivu fucking throwing some lefts in a fight with Samuelson, and then the coup de gras, from the right side of the tv screen this red blur just flys in and jumps on top of Samuelson. Dandenault came charging at full speed, then left his feet to jump on top of him to defend out captain. Now that... is team bonding. haha... lousy fucking Habs.
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Something strange and wonderful happened, and I am not talking about Belak. For the first time since the lockout, the fans in the ACC stood up and chanted the name of .... our goaltender. Toskala made some amazing saves, and the fans in the ACC were chanting his name!
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So Mark Recchi cleared waivers... I understand why he was placed on them to begin with, but it shocks me to see that not one team was interested in a relatively cheap veteran player who, while he won't carry you anywhere, can offer tons of help to the younger guys who will.

The only reason I see for not claiming him is that the Penguins have already expressed that they will most likely buy out his contract...which would leave him a free agent and available to be signed for less money, probably.

Either way... at least half a dozen teams could have used a player like him, whether his numbers are good or bad... the veteran leadership and coaching he could offer far outweights his lack of production this season.

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So Mark Recchi cleared waivers... I understand why he was placed on them to begin with, but it shocks me to see that not one team was interested in a relatively cheap veteran player who, while he won't carry you anywhere, can offer tons of help to the younger guys who will.

The only reason I see for not claiming him is that the Penguins have already expressed that they will most likely buy out his contract...which would leave him a free agent and available to be signed for less money, probably.

Either way... at least half a dozen teams could have used a player like him, whether his numbers are good or bad... the veteran leadership and coaching he could offer far outweights his lack of production this season.

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