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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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The one thing I have really noticed so far this year more than anything is that the hatred between teams is missing. I watched the Flames Oilers game last night it was like watching any regular season game. You used to watch them play and there would be lots of fights and roughing after the whistle. Same with Toronto and Ottawa and Buffalo and Boston. I think it makes the game better when teams hate each other.

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Random leafs Jokes(feel free to post Habs jokes)..

Pat Quinn took $100 million worth of hockey players to the Olympics and in just two weeks turned them into the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Q: What is blue and white and lives in the basement?

A: The Toronto Maple Leafs.

Q: Why doesn't Hamilton have an NHL team?

A: Because then Toronto would want one too.

A Canadian peace keeper is walking in a desert when he comes across a magic lamp. He rubs it and out comes a genie. The genie promises to give him 1 wish. The peace keeper thinks hard and finally takes out a map. He points at the region where he's from and says all he wants is to have peace in that region. "Wow," the genie says, "that's a tough one. Do you have anything else?" The peace keeper thinks a moment and says: "How about the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup?" to which the genie replies: "Let me see that map again."

all in good fun

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So, I had one of my friends comment on a picture of me wearing a Devils jersey with the words "no doubt that's a maple leafs shirt so you can FUCK OFF AND DIE."

Should I be appalled at the anti-leafism or shocked that he knows who the leafs are? And this question is not for you Basha, go back to macking on that redheaded chick.

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Komisarek is my hero.

What a shit game from Montreal, but let's be honest, the last Habs/Leafs game, the Leafs were slightly lacking in their effort and they got the win. What a dramatic ending, I love it.

So McCabe can't stop giving away the puck (or putting it t\into his own net) and Tlusty is naked with another man on the internet.

All seems so right in the world.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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I'm late on this, but I was at the Montreal\Ottawa game and an interesting note would be to say that there were FAR more Montreal fans there than Ottawa fans, so much so that a couple of the radio stations in Ottawa are sending Sens fans to their next game in Montreal... I heard it on the radio today when I was on the phone with my girlfriend, classic.

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