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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Yeah, that guy's a douchebag. Makes me wish Koivu'd just told him to fuck off in Finnish. I'd still hate him for being a Hab, but it'd show he has balls.

"He is married to a francophone. It demonstrates contempt for our language. It is not respectful."

That also made me laugh. The guy's married to a Finn, and I can't see Koivu thinking "Hmm, how best to annoy the French today? Joke about surrendering to Pittsburgh? No, too obscure. I know, how about not speaking French in a country where only a small percentage speak French as their first language? I'm a genius! Oh Saku, you're so amazingly handsome and sexy, you go fuck your wife now. You deserve it!"

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Yeah, it's sorta dumb that this was made into an issue on TSN and Sportsnet, but in Montreal there's sort of a heirarchy of how the media works. In the Papers it's the Gazette all the way, they're like any other paper, not perfect, has its biases but is an all around decent paper. Then there is the largest french paper, Le Joural De Montreal. Which could be compared to any of the Sun publications except french and makes an effort to single out non-french players as shit and french players as god. They've been running with a story like Carbo is saying Kovalev is on the way out for Tanguay for a year now. They just make shit up.

On the Radio for the english its CJAD, a wonderfully respected news station in our area, the french have 940 which is basically the french equivalent.

Any news that is reported in the french papers concerning language issues, sports and politics are about as truthful or important as something that you'd find in the National Enquirer, but I understand that outside medias see this as a great story of the city rejecting Koivu once again :rolleyes:

Below, editorial written by Pat Hickey of the Gazette, notice the fine character of this lousy lawyer.

Pat Hickey

The media horde at the Bell Centre was larger than usual Wednesday and that was to be expected the day after Quebec City lawyer Guy Bertrand branded Saku Koivu as a criminal for failing “to respect the right of Quebecers to be served in French.”

In addition to the usual sports media, the gathering attracted the yahoos who couldn’t tell the difference between a hockey puck and a pétanque ball but are ready to attack a man who should be regarded as a national treasure.

I’m on record as saying the Canadiens management dropped the ball when it didn’t encourage Koivu to say a few words in French but Bertrand’s grandstanding trivializes the serious nature of the debate over reasonable accommodation.

Before you given any credence to Bertrand’s ranting, I suggest that you look at the record of the two men involved in some critical areas and ask which one brings more credit on Quebec, which one would rather have as a neighbour.

Consider loyalty:

In an era in which athletes yearn for free agency and the riches which accompany it, Koivu has stuck with the Canadiens for 12 seasons despite the fact he has been criticized for not being French.

Bertrand has been a hardline separatist, a passionate federalist and is again a separatist. Tomorrow, who knows? After all, this is a man who once stood before the Empire Club in Toronto and said: “God bless Canada.”

Consider courage:

Koivu has battled through a life-threatening cancer and a career-threatening eye injury and remains one of the best players in the game.

Bertrand’s greatest risk may be spending too much time in the sun perfecting his tan.

Consider contributions to international understanding:

Koivu helps promote peace and understanding as a member of the International Olympic Committee’s athletes commission.

Bertrand defended (unsuccessfully) Rwandan hate-mongerer Léon Mugesera and, in the process, was censured for making anti-Israeli statements.

Consider philanthropy:

Koivu has raised millions of dollars for medical diagnostic equipment and cancer research through his foundation and he regularly visits hospitals and offers support to cancer patients.

There’s no record of a Fondation Guy Bertrand.

And finally let’s consider leadership and success:

Koivu has won a gold medal at the world championships; three Olympic medals; two silver medals at the World Cup and has been the highly respected captain of both the Canadiens and the Finnish national team. He’s a winner.

Bertrand helped found the Parti Québécois but was defeated when he ran for the party leadership. He’s a loser.

There might be those who feel that I don’t have a right to comment on this matter because, while I’ve never lived on West Island, I’m sure Pierre Curzi feels that I’m not un vrai Québécois.

I’d have to disagree. I’ve spent most of my adult life in Quebec and, unlike those who are vrai Québécois by accident of birth, I chose to live here.

I wish I spoke better French but I manage to make myself understood when I shop several times in Granby and Sherbrooke I’m proud of the fact that my children are fluently bilingual.

I hope that my son won’t follow his sisters to Toronto but I’m aware he occasionally feels the sting of being the English kid in his French high school and that there are those who will never accept him as a vrai Québécois. I know if he does leave, he has the tools to survive elsewhere and I find it sad that not every vrai Québécois is as fortunate

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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Looking at Boston, Ottawa and Montreal, and then thinking about how likely it is that Buffalo is going to turn things around, Toronto has a good shot at finishing in the basement of the division if they don't start playing better hockey. Wellwood, Colaiacovo and Mark Bell should be entering the line-up soon, McCabe isn't out for long either. Maybe it's just the injuries having taken their toll already. I think this team is much better then they look right now.

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I'm at the game against Toronto on sat. I'm hoping that the Bell Center staff won't get upset if I drape a banner over the upper bowl railing that says If Toronto Wins, We Riot!.

I am so damn frustrated with Price, what does his heart beat at, like 6 beats per minute. It's crazy watching him, he just moves so little.

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Ughhhh. It's been painful to watch at times this season, the team is just so frustrating. They look like the best team in the league in one period, then get crushed the next. This time, simple mistakes led to goals against, and the offence wasn't there.

I think there are two games left before Mark Bell's suspension is over. I know that the Leafs have been running him hard in skating drills to make sure he is ready conditioning wise. And Wellwood and Colaiacovo were supposed to be back two weekends ago, so they need to heal faster.

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I'm at the game tonight. If you live somewhere where you'll be watching the game broadcast on Maple Leafs TV, or CBC, both love the Leafs equally, you'll likely not see my banner, otherwise, look for a big ole banner that either says 40 more years! or If Toronto Wins, We Riot!

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