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Movies that suck after more than one viewing.


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Most movies I enjoy I do end up seeing more then once, and I really can't think of a movie right now that I enjoyed the first time and didn't like the second time I watched it. Looking at my movie collection right now, I think I've watched every movie there at least twice. There are some movies, like Saving Private Ryan, that I have a hard time watching, but that is only because I've seen that movie probably more then ten times.

Oh, I just thought of one. Not the whole movie, but the beginning of "A Bridge Too Far". I still enjoy the rest of the movie though, so it doesn't really count.

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I don't have movies like this, but more of ones that I just don't watch again for whatever reason. I do however have a couple movies that I own that I can just watch over and over again for no reason when they aren't masterpeices or anything.

You've Got Mail & Finding Forrester being the primary two.

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For me it's the other way. I generally can't sit through the same film twice so I'm surprised when I find one I can.

Yeah, I very rarely find movies that I can see multiple times in, say, a twelve month period. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Spirited Away, and American Splendor all stand out as relatively recent exceptions.

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I'm surprised fight club hasn't been thrown up.

Some idiot usually mentions it.

Though I actually believe it gets better, people tend to believe it gets worse.

Fight Club was ruined for me because of an ex of mine who had to play it at least once a day, more likely two or three times as "Tyler's voice makes everything okay again." Hiding the DVD soon lead to my marching orders. :shifty:

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The Lord of the Rings.

Maybe it's the fact that each film is so long, and even longer still if you have the extended editions.

Rocky Balboa. Saw it, loved it, have no desire to watch any of it except the training scene and the actual fight.

Any Friday the 13th film....

Beerfest (Only if you're sober that is)

Anything with Tom Cruise since Jerry Maguire....

And for me, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. It had the charm of being a Star Wars film, and is arguably the weakest of the saga. Seeing it once was good enough, I didn't think the plot was that great, considering that if you had seen the original trilogy many times, you knew damn well what was coming in the third. It was more of a filler.

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I'm surprised fight club hasn't been thrown up.

Some idiot usually mentions it.

Though I actually believe it gets better, people tend to believe it gets worse.

I was about to come kill you until the last line. How anybody can dislike that film without watching it for the rest of their life I can't understand. It's clever, it's ironic, it's destructive, in its own way it's romantic, it's primal for guys, it's topless Brad Pitt for girls, it's twist gets better watching it a second time and watching out for warning signs and you always forget at least one brilliant quote every time you watch it.

I am Jack's total love of this film.

As for films that get worse? Silent Hill, loved the first time, more viewings and I realised it's very samey. The Matrix films are the biggest examples, although I came out the cinema saying Revolutions was shit, so that one doesn't count. Lord of the Rings is also impossible to rewatch without stopping to do other stuff as well.

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Not really a film but sometimes wrestling events on DVD get old after a few viewings. I tried to go back and watch a WWF DVD that I have and couldn't get through two matches without getting bored and turning it off.

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Not really a film but sometimes wrestling events on DVD get old after a few viewings. I tried to go back and watch a WWF DVD that I have and couldn't get through two matches without getting bored and turning it off.

Anything that's not WrestleMania or a gimmick match does that for me.

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Not really a film but sometimes wrestling events on DVD get old after a few viewings. I tried to go back and watch a WWF DVD that I have and couldn't get through two matches without getting bored and turning it off.

Anything that's not WrestleMania or a gimmick match does that for me.

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The only movie I can think of that I liked the first time and didn't like as much every other time was Bubba Ho-Tep. The first time, I thought it was great. The second time, I thought there was so much more they could've done with Elvis and Black JFK in a nursing home fighting a cowboy mummy that sucks souls out of people's anuses (anii?). And yes, I do realize its an adaptation from a story and they probably wanted to remain as faithful as possible to it but I was just kinda bored with it the second go-round.

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Honestly, the LotR series was done for me when I saw Clerks 2 and the Randall rant about the films.

Then there's "You, Me and Dupree". Horrible the first time, then That Short Girl buys it for a Christmas gift, so I try it again...horribler. That's not a word, but it describes a second run-through of Owen Wilson that doesn't involve a bladed object.

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The only movie I can think of that I liked the first time and didn't like as much every other time was Bubba Ho-Tep. The first time, I thought it was great. The second time, I thought there was so much more they could've done with Elvis and Black JFK in a nursing home fighting a cowboy mummy that sucks souls out of people's anuses (anii?). And yes, I do realize its an adaptation from a story and they probably wanted to remain as faithful as possible to it but I was just kinda bored with it the second go-round.

As much as I do love Bubba Ho-Tep, I have to agree with that one; the second time around you realise how little ACTUALLY happens. The best lines are still brilliant no matter how many times you see it, though.

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