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Champions League Season 2007/2008

Herr Matzat

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I don't think anyone said he didn't have the right to be upset. It's like the entirety of Britain seeing Ronaldo getting unfairly kicked AT TIMES and laughing/mocking him/telling him to get up. The guy has the right to be annoyed...

*Please note I said AT TIMES, as he does have a small habit of wanting a free-kick for every challenge on him, fair or not.

Edited by FlatDoughnut
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Yeah, he has every right to cry and no one can even try to suggest otherwise. I am just happy he messed up since I really don't like the guy and wanted Man Utd to win so very badly. Not going to pretend I am morally right or being mature about it. :shifty:

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Yeah, he has every right to cry and no one can even try to suggest otherwise. I am just happy he messed up since I really don't like the guy and wanted Man Utd to win so very badly. Not going to pretend I am morally right or being mature about it. :shifty:

Quoted for Truth. Exactly the same position I found myself in.

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What an idiot Drogba is. You just cannot raise your hands to another player's face, whether it be a light slap or anything else. Chelsea vehemently contest every single decision that goes against their favour, not just in this game, and this time it's cost them a player, about fucking time. And what a stupid thing to argue about, Man U putting it out for a throw, when Chelsea did the exact same thing earlier!

And that's a nasty clash of heads. Ouch.

ffs its a mans game and tensions are running high. And it was hardly a slap at all.

Sure tensions are running high, but that doesn't give Chelsea the right to contest every decision by screaming at the ref and then have a go at Man U for doing something they'd done earlier themselves. And I know it was hardly a slap, but you just cannot raise your hands to another player's face. You'll get sent off, simple as.

But what a game, it certainly didn't disappoint in the entertainment factor like it so easily could've. And although I don't particularly like John Terry, I can't help but feel sorry for him. And Ronaldo's a prick - the whole team, nay the whole squad, runs to congratulate VDS and he's crying face down by himself in the centre circle thinking "this outta get me some camera time".

Well done to Man U though. Both teams deserved it at various points, and they've come out on top. I just hope it doesn't cost Grant his job because he seems like a genuinely nice guy and he's done nothing short of amazing work to have Chelsea in the position they're in now in his very limited time in charge. I'd definitely like to see him and Chelsea give it another go next season.

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I can't imagine that Avram Grant's future rested soley on the outcome of thatt game. Surely the decision as to whether he will stay or go was made long before the Champions League final. Personally, I think he will go. Whether or not he'll move back upstairs and become director of football remains to be seen.

Edited by brenchill
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Fantastic game and brilliant for English football.

Must say the referee was shit half the time. Why the fuck did Scholes and Makalale get booked for trying to head the ball? The fuck? And even though I hate Drogba and agree you cant raise your hands, the referee should of calmed it way before then, although Drogba's got himself to blame for it I guess, I see him certainly leaving the club after that, but we'll see.

As for the game, I believe both teams had great chances, one of the most even games I've seen in a long time. United pummeled them in the first half, while Chelsea seemed to be the better of the two in the second half. Either team could of nicked it.

Not much to add to what everybody else has said. One of the best moments in football that I've personally witnessed and I believe Ferguson isn't far from wrong, this could be nearly the best United team he's managed (Although I'll always have more of a soft spot for the treble winning side).

Now on to beating fucking Zenit, because I think I hate them even more than Chelsea for some reason <_<

Also, who did everybody think was Man Of The Match? It was a tough call but I say Tevez. Worked as hard as anybody on the pitch, should have probably had a goal but made up for that with some fantastic team work and play.

Edited by Dirty Johnny 27
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It's comical that people are laughing at Terry because he's a cunt.

Well, most of you are no better yourselves. I'd kill for a player who plays with the fire and tenacity of Terry. He sums up what I think it's like to be British and for that I'll always think of him as a great player.

He has his moments, but so does Ronaldo on the other hand.

But laughing at someone who misses a penalty at a crucial time like that, and probably still feels sick to his stomach? Laughing at the owner because his team lost the CL final in his home country? Laughing every time Ronaldo falls down?

Some people should maybe get a better grip on things. It was a highly entertaining final and there wasn't really a horrible, horrible decision like we'd expect. There were no dodgy penalty decisions. The fans were pretty impeccable, although I did switch the TV on before and saw some Man Utd 'fans' in stripey tops fighting with local coverage. But all in all, a pretty perfect final.

If anything we should be laughing at Platini that his worst nightmare came true.

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But what a game, it certainly didn't disappoint in the entertainment factor like it so easily could've. And although I don't particularly like John Terry, I can't help but feel sorry for him. And Ronaldo's a prick - the whole team, nay the whole squad, runs to congratulate VDS and he's crying face down by himself in the centre circle thinking "this outta get me some camera time".

Yup, I mean... what a bastard, to be relieved that he didn't cost his team the Champions League. Cunt. :rolleyes:

Anyway, there's not a whole lot to say on the game that hasn't been said. I'm not gonna get involved in the "OMG I HATE JOHN TERRY/OMG I HATE RONALDO" arguments.

Fact is, it was a fantastic final, between the two best clubs in England, probably Europe, possibly the world. Both teams deserved to win it and, while it was harsh on Chelsea to lose the way they did, there's no better way to win than on penalties.

I haven't experienced a high and low like that, thinking we were done and then winning it, since England/Greece back in 2001. Brilliant final, so happy we won it, roll on next season :)

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I think if Newcastle made it to the final of CL - God forbid, and Andy Carroll stepped up and blazed a deciding penalty over. I wouldn't be unhappy, but I doubt I would jump in the air, shouting and screaming with joy.

Not unless they were playing Sunderland in said CL final.

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But what a game, it certainly didn't disappoint in the entertainment factor like it so easily could've. And although I don't particularly like John Terry, I can't help but feel sorry for him. And Ronaldo's a prick - the whole team, nay the whole squad, runs to congratulate VDS and he's crying face down by himself in the centre circle thinking "this outta get me some camera time".

Yup, I mean... what a bastard, to be relieved that he didn't cost his team the Champions League. Cunt. :rolleyes:

Well surely he's got VDS to thank for that then, not to mention the others that scored. The team won the match as that - a team, so to effectively shun them and try and make a moment for yourself just comes off as a bit selfish to me.

But I have to say I didn't care much for the presentation in the stands. Sure, they posed together on the pitch with it later, but it just wasn't the same. I'm all for traditionalism, but it all just seemed a bit isolated and corporate up there.

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I think if Newcastle made it to the final of CL - God forbid, and Andy Carroll stepped up and blazed a deciding penalty over. I wouldn't be unhappy, but I doubt I would jump in the air, shouting and screaming with joy.

Not unless they were playing Sunderland in said CL final.

What if a Paul Jewell side made an important final and lost in such a cruel manner?

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Perhaps ¬_¬

I'm very compassionate though. I never kill ants, flies, spiders, anything. I feel bad when I accidentally kill a fly, and when my dog goes for one I've been known to tackle her away >_>

But Paul Jewell's not human. However, I'd still find myself feeling some sort of compassion I can imagine. It's possibly the worst feeling in the world.

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Missing a penalty like that is heart-breaking and cruel, but for me, couldn't happened to a better player. Sorry if that makes me a cunt but if football didn't make me and the rest of us feel so much emotion we might as well all follow stock market shares.

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It's comical that people are laughing at Terry because he's a cunt.

Well, most of you are no better yourselves. I'd kill for a player who plays with the fire and tenacity of Terry. He sums up what I think it's like to be British and for that I'll always think of him as a great player.

He has his moments, but so does Ronaldo on the other hand.

But laughing at someone who misses a penalty at a crucial time like that, and probably still feels sick to his stomach? Laughing at the owner because his team lost the CL final in his home country? Laughing every time Ronaldo falls down?

Some people should maybe get a better grip on things. It was a highly entertaining final and there wasn't really a horrible, horrible decision like we'd expect. There were no dodgy penalty decisions. The fans were pretty impeccable, although I did switch the TV on before and saw some Man Utd 'fans' in stripey tops fighting with local coverage. But all in all, a pretty perfect final.

If anything we should be laughing at Platini that his worst nightmare came true.

Want his brother?

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