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Football Manager 2008


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lol awesome video there!!

Sorry to sound a bit silly here but what are the supposed bugs on the game because lately i've just been dozy with School Work and so just don't know what people are complaining at

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lol awesome video there!!

Sorry to sound a bit silly here but what are the supposed bugs on the game because lately i've just been dozy with School Work and so just don't know what people are complaining at

Best to get on the SI forums and look for yourself. Alot of stuff the guy mentions in that vid (closing down and disallowed goals in particular) were the main reasons behind a "beta" patch being released.

EDIT: SI have issued a statement regarding the upcoming patch.


Edited by Baddar D
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Thanks for that Baddar D.

Actually thinking about it there is a rather ridiculous amount of Disallowed Goals

I dunno if this is a bug but i do find it rather stupid. Playing a friendly against the Met Police with Barcelona and win 8-0 and the confidence was stupid. It's not a bug but i think Confidence should be more realisitic because your the difference is huge and i just thought beating a really crap team just shouldn't be a huge confidence boost

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The red card thing is frustrating. I had no less than 4 first team players suspended for 3 games a piece because of it. I didn't even appeal two of them and they STILL got their bans extended! Either I breed a dirty, dirty team, or the game is fucked up :shifty:

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I love money. I took over at Liverpool at the end of the first transfer window and was only given £5m for transfers, but then come December I got a message saying that due to an improvement in the clubs finances my budget had been increased to £11m. Decided to go after Quaresma, Pennant/Kewell had been doing quite well but Yossi and Babel hadn't been great on the wings whenever they'd played there, so I wanted to add some quality and bulk up for the run-in (we were still in all the comps at this stage).

Porto wanted £16m for Quaresma, so I went to the board and asked for more money. Shockingly, they agreed to "make more funds available" straight away, I was gobsmacked - I don't think I've ever got money in this way. Checked my finances screen and I now have £20m to play with. Excellent.

Agreed a deal for Quaresma, meaning my first choice line-up now looked like this;

GK: Reina

DR: Finnan

DL: Aurelio

DC: Carra

DC: Agger

MR: Quaresma

ML: Kewell

MC: Mascherano

MC: Gerrard

FC: Torres

FC: Kuyt

Had a decent set of backups as well, with Voronin, Pennant, Babel, Benayoun, Riise, Arbeloa and Fuentes (centre back, signed in the summer transfer window) all capable of playing well when required. At this point Alonso and Crouch hadn't featured much because of injuried, Crouch was just coming back from a three month lay-off and Alonso kept on picking up small knocks, and then even when he played he was average at best.

Both had been attracting interest from the usual suspects, Real and Barca were both after Alonso whilst Crouch was wanted by Inter and Valencia. Real made an enquiry for Alonso, I said £25m - I didn't expect them to bite.

But they did, and I was laughing all the way to the bank. £25m for a player that's not even second choice? Yes please. Then Inter came in with £9m for Crouch, giving me about £38m with two weeks of the January transfer window left.

With Crouch gone I needed a fourth striker, so in came Podolski for £10m. I then went after another winger, one of my French scouts had kept on pushing Ben Arfa. I made an enquiry and they told me to sod off, so I waded in with a £10m bid. They accepted, job done.

The only downside is that none of the new signings can play in the CL, but Pennant and Kewell have been doing well so I'm not too worried. We wrapped up the League Cup with a 4-2 win over Arsenal, with Podolski scoring twice and Quaresma getting his first as well. We're trading first place in the League with Man United, who started the season by winning 11 out of 11, conceding two goals. We kept close to them, and eventually they went on a bit of a shit streak losing to Newcastle at Old Trafford and Chelsea/Reading away.

Through to the 6th Round of the FA Cup (at home vs. Watford), and have just got through to the quarters of the CL with a 6-1 aggregate win over Porto.

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Yeah i always get pestered during a Liverpool game from the likes of Real Madrid and Inter for Xabi Alonso. Momo Sissoko i always get interest from and John Arne Riise who i tend to sell for around 8-10 mil

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I have, in fact, started a game as Zimbabwe.

I start the game in July 2007 with the charge of qualifying for the African Cup of Nations. In fact four games in my qualifying group have already been played and only two matches (away to Senegal and at home to Madagascar) remain. The table looks something like this:

1. Senegal (9 pts)

2. Zimbabwe (6 pts)

3. Ethiopia (1 pt)

4. Madagascar (1 pt)

Not as simple as it looks, however, as only the winner of the group qualifies automatically. as well as the best placed 2nd team - a spot which looks almost certain to go to either South Africa or Guinea, who are both on 10 pts at the top of their group. So it seems that my very first match, the Senegal game, will make or break my chances.

This is the sort of game I'd be tempted to make a Cube diary out of...if I could just be bothered to write out profiles for all 26 of my squad members...

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Turn it into a Battle Royale diary - make the Zimbabweans fight to the death to represent their country :shifty:

Please don't give Mugabe ideas... he's a member of this board y'know.

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I've been offered the Nürnberg job whilst still manager of Shelbourne, where I am 9th in the Irish Premier Division. FM seems to like to link you to odd jobs compared to where you are.

I quit as Iraqi boss because I decided I'd try and concentrate on keeping Shels up. Plus Iraq are awful and only have really 2 good players.... And I was bound to get sacked since we only scored one goal in my whole 4 games in charge :shifty.

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