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Chapter 6 monster talk!

FUck the Scalebeast or whatever. Sure, the tutorial thingy said not to fight it....but I wanted to try


Don't they have awful CP anyway? Why even bother? If you're only doing it for CP, then just find something easier to beat, leave the area, come back and beat it again for the missed CP + some more. tongue.gif

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Wow, really? Quake? Only reason I've found to use that is if you get a Pre-Emptive Strike, as it pretty much Staggers every opponent on the field.

It does okay damage... I accidentally overused it a little during the first stretch of the period where he's the party leader, though. <_<

I'm about half-way through that, and just got Quake.

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Alright, now that that's over. Seriously, I fucking despise the chapter five boss. It's fucking nigh-on impossible to stagger it and thus get its health down at much more than a snail's pace because you need someone to be a medic constantly or you're fucking owned. Yeah, I got its health down to less than probably a quarter after a shit-ton of time and work, and dumb-assed Hope doesn't heal me fast enough and I die. This is definitely one time when "party leader dies, whole party dies" is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING STUPID. That was the first time in recent memory where I've wanted to throw my controller in frustration.

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Pfffft.... You all suck I got past the chapter 5 boss really easily at the first attempt. I found it best to be patient and switch Hope between Ravager/Medic pretty swiftly when needed and back which leads me to something that annoys me... I find myself during particularly tough battles just watching the health bars rather than watching the fight, which means I am missing out on watching the beautiful action :(

On the note of Eidolons Ch7. shows you an effective way of using them...

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I think I just finished Chapter 5... I think (is that Hope/Lightning?)

Anyway. Can anyone explain to me how to use Gestalt correctly. Do I have to push the buttons in a concession, or do I just push whichever buttons I want, or do I wait until the thing is pointing at what I want to push?

It's confusing.

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I've not done any grinding all game and during Chapter 10 I was struggling on far too many fights, so now I've finally got to Chapter 11 I'm going to have to grind because I can't seem to reach any higher than three star ratings, when most of the game I've gotten fives :(

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I think I just finished Chapter 5... I think (is that Hope/Lightning?)

Anyway. Can anyone explain to me how to use Gestalt correctly. Do I have to push the buttons in a concession, or do I just push whichever buttons I want, or do I wait until the thing is pointing at what I want to push?

It's confusing.

Each thing you have costs points, so pressing up and X will cost you some points, left and x, etc...., the big number is the total of points you have to "spend", not 100% on what the dial does, but if you press the circle button while in gestalt it uses all the points in one big attack, hope that helps :). Must admit I haven't mastered it yet, just getting used to it still.

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I'm having a small problem. With the Crystarium, and on Snow, I've moved to the first three crystals, but the next one takes me to another set completely. However, I don't seem to be able to move to it no matter what I do. Am I doing something wrong?

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I'm having a small problem. With the Crystarium, and on Snow, I've moved to the first three crystals, but the next one takes me to another set completely. However, I don't seem to be able to move to it no matter what I do. Am I doing something wrong?

Gotta wait for it to expand.

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Oh man, when you get to expand into the wilderness... it's worth the wait, it is absolutely gorgeous, it's like the Calm Lands are its Neanderthal relative and this is wo/man of the future, in all its sexy naked natural glory. Same goes for many of the enemies.

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Just so people know, thought I might bring up that if you manage to get certain trophies, you'll unlock a theme for your PS3/something for your 360. (I don't think it's a theme, it's something though.)

You can find out if you take a look at any trophy website, but it looks like getting Serah & Lightning is going to be a bitch. (Serah = Platinum the game, Lightning = Get a 5* Rating on the Final Boss.)

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