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Stop repeating what I've already stated as if I don't exist :crying:

Also, Ruki, feel free to click, it's not a story spoiler, it's a gameplay spoiler for waaaaaaay late in the game that you'd probably end up reading in the guide before you got there anyway.

Imitation is the higest form of flattery <_<

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Stop repeating what I've already stated as if I don't exist :crying:

Also, Ruki, feel free to click, it's not a story spoiler, it's a gameplay spoiler for waaaaaaay late in the game that you'd probably end up reading in the guide before you got there anyway.


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Oh my. (Chapter 5 Spoilers)

I got a tiny bit teary inside when I found out what happened on Lightnings birthday and when Serah told her she was a l'Cie.

crying.gif I really, really, really hope that Serah gets released from being made crystal. Poor girl. sad.gif

And so, everyone that got the collectors edition: where have you put your stickers!?!?! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

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I never understood why guides always suggest taking out the big guys before the little guys when there's more than one enemy. I find it's easier to eliminate the lesser enemies and then move on to the bigger one without the other too pissing you off.

Also Ruki, when you said you spent all your money earlier... what the hell? What did you spend cash on before upgrades were around? I'm pretty sure the only money I've ever spent has been on upgrading my weapons and accessories. I mean, potions become pretty much obsolete once you acquire a Medic.

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I never understood why guides always suggest taking out the big guys before the little guys when there's more than one enemy. I find it's easier to eliminate the lesser enemies and then move on to the bigger one without the other too pissing you off.

Also Ruki, when you said you spent all your money earlier... what the hell? What did you spend cash on before upgrades were around? I'm pretty sure the only money I've ever spent has been on upgrading my weapons and accessories. I mean, potions become pretty much obsolete once you acquire a Medic.


And I agree with your "kill the smaller guy" strategy, best way to go about things.

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Last night, I decided to upgrade my weapons. Is there any trick to what to use, or just use everything?

I upgraded Lightnings to level four, and the dual pistols to level 7.

Use small upgrade items wherever possible, as if you level up and get an exp+, it'll probably be more useful giving that exp+ to the 120 odd exp item you were about to use for 10 exp. (speaking in terms of my own experience. tongue.gif)

So, Crystarium... say I get a HP+10 in Ravager, is that an all around HP+10, no matter what class I'm in, or is it dependant upon the class? And is it the same with Strength and Magic?

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I have to agree that the character development/believability is definitely up there. It's nice to see fully-realized characters/the beginnings of fully realized characters in a Final Fantasy game. Admittedly I've almost always found at least one character per game that completely turns me off, if not more than one. Though I still find Vanille's voice annoying as fuck, Lightning way too much of a stereotypical BADASS LONER CHICK, and Hope at least for the moment is still a little bitch, things are looking up and from what I've heard things get better. So, rad.

Still, I think the game is far too slow and far too plotting in the beginning. It feels like work sometimes to stay with it and to me that isn't a good thing. It's not downright bad at all, just slow. Maybe 'far too slow' is a bit harsh, but it's just... ugh, I want things to carry on. I get the point of the slow beginning, but it pains me to think that I've played seven and a half hours and I'm basically halfway through the fucking slow part of the game, before it gets really good supposedly. That absolutely fucking kills me. The story is paced well and the slow reveals/changes in character is appreciated, but urgghhh... supposedly seven and a half more hours before it really opens up? Fuck. Shoot me.

That all said, though, Odin is rather badass.

Edit: Also, I think it was TKZ that it can be hard to keep up with the story, what with all the switching perspectives. I though the first few hours it was disgustingly overdone, but it's fine now. However, I do have to agree that at least for the moment Snow has been completely lost in all of this.That said, I have to give them credit for getting me to understand what the fuck is going on. I hadn't read up on the premise of the story and in the first hour or two I had no clue what the fuck was going on. Now, though, I have a general idea at least.

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Chapter 5 boss

Aster Protoflorian....man, that thing kicked my ass. Took three tries, used my sprays AND had to use Odin.

This, a thousand times this. I'm guessing you're a bit ahead of me now Ruki, and while I didn't have that much trouble with him (I beat him on the first try, I used Odin once, but I don't think he really did that much difference.) The trick is to use Libra and then Auto-Battle will start using the Magics that're effective against him. Otherwise, you're in the dark, and it becomes fucking unbeatable I'd assume. This was probably the tensest battle thus far though, I was almost on my feet as it looked like Lightning was about to be wiped out and Hope wasn't going to cure in time. (Speaking off Cure, Jesus NPC, could you, you know, maybe just use the Cure's you've got stacked now instead of waiting for me to be near death and THEN use all of them?!) Also I think this is the first FF where I've died more on Random Encounters than I have on Boss Battles. tongue.gif

My feeling towards the story is that it treats itself more like a film, in that it throws you in the deep end and then you pick up as you go along. The only problem is that in a film, this happens over the course of like the first half an hour, hour maximum of something like, 2-3 hours, where as it's spaced out here for about 5 hours of 'huh? what?'. It doesn't hurt the game all together, but it takes a little away from the cut scenes in the beginning and makes it a little harder to fully understand why you're doing anything.

On Lvl. 6 now, might give it a bit of break. I understand that Chapter 6 isn't quite as long as 5, or at least I'm hoping, because while I love the characters, I don't fancy not being able to rely on the NPC with the Medic Paradigm. I get the feeling that I'll end up forgetting I'm the one with it and then not heal.

Love this game more and more as it goes on, I can't wait until I reach the massive level where you get all the side quests and open world feel. I'm so looking forward to seeing those huge ass monsters on my HDTV. wub.gif

Also, since I mentioned them earlier, anyone else disappointed at how utterly useless Eidolons seem to be? When I first used one against a few random enemies, it didn't even finish them all off... I was hoping for a more old school style, where they'd fly in, deliver some killer damage and then disappear. sad.gif Is there a way to really utilise them and kick ass, or are they just kind of naff this time around? (well, for the second time around. >_>)

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I don't know. I've actually done more damage with Hope (using Quake) than I have with Odin.

(Though I did find out that

When fighting the Protoflorian, I did pretty good using Paradigms putting (I can't remember all the names right off-hand) (Lightning-Medic/Hope-Ravager), Supersoldier, and Slash & Burn. I actually did more damage with Lightning just beating the shit out of it than trying to keep her going along with the elemental shuffling act. Still took for-goddamn-ever, but I beat it.


Edited by TenaciousG
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