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Fuck Odin.

Use Yin and Yang, and lightning with Lightning

Well, I beat him. Which combo is Yin/Yang?

I used Medic/Medic when he was attacking, and Ravanger/Ravenger when shielding

its Ravenger/medic

Just beginning chapter 7 at palumpolom (sp?)

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Yeah, Yin/Yang and Lightning is awful advice Rich! tongue.gif I ended up using all my L1 stuff to prepare and then wail on him with two Ravengers when he was in Ultr Shield, then attacking him with Slash & Burn when he wasn't.

I'm working my way through the bit with the gates & the monsters that you must defeat to get rid of said gates (Chapter 5 I think). Bit of a bitch, mostly because it's so long. I get through one load only to find myself up against another load. Is anyone else wondering about the lack of weapons? I know the upgrade feature makes them a bit redundant, but I do miss having different ones. I believe there is in fact an Ultimate and Omega Weapon though, so hopefully there's a final weapon for everyone.

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Yeah, Yin/Yang and Lightning is awful advice Rich! tongue.gif I ended up using all my L1 stuff to prepare and then wail on him with two Ravengers when he was in Ultr Shield, then attacking him with Slash & Burn when he wasn't.

I'm working my way through the bit with the gates & the monsters that you must defeat to get rid of said gates (Chapter 5 I think). Bit of a bitch, mostly because it's so long. I get through one load only to find myself up against another load. Is anyone else wondering about the lack of weapons? I know the upgrade feature makes them a bit redundant, but I do miss having different ones. I believe there is in fact an Ultimate and Omega Weapon though, so hopefully there's a final weapon for everyone.

FUCK YOU! It worked for me really easy did that :angry:

Also not spoil much but:

I just got a couple of new weapons in chapter 6, which is lovely in terms of graphics


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I died like, straight away with that tactic. tongue.gif It's also easier with my way because Odion's Gaustalt gauge actually fills if you heal other party members. Not enough to stick to just healing, but enough that it speeds the process up nicely.

I did just get one for Hope an hour or so ago, but I've already upgraded Gladius and Airbend (or whatever it's called) to like, Lvl. 7 & Lvl. 5, so it was pretty poor in comparison.

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just starting to meet Bombs....this is not going to end well.

Ugh. They're awful. Make sure to take them out straight away and keep some of those L1 items (the ones that allow you to get Pre-emptive Strike) in stock, because you're going to need them to survive when you take on like... 3 bombs at a time + a Pulsework Soldier.

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Pulseworkers can suck a dick :angry:

Totally. Short of getting a rare pre-emptive strike in, I've never managed to get a 5* on them or beat them particularly quickly. It's okay if it's just one of them, but two or more is just... ugh.

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I hate how much of an oblivious arse Snow can be at times...

Edit: thats me done for the day fellas, abotu 15hrs in an I would assume getting towards the end of Ch.7 look forward to pressing on tomorrow, but for now I am gonna watxch some tv and get some sleep, as I believe that the stagger effect has made my eyes go squiffy...

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....I wanna click that spoiler....>_<

Chapter 5 character discussion

Wow, Hope doesn't seem like a complete tool anymore

He does become a bit less of a little bitch

On a very positive note, I don't think any FF game has had as good character progression as this one :)

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