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Hope is a reliable medic if you want something to do with him, he sucks ass in terms of HP though, meaning that unless he gets a boost later, he's straight off my team, I'm not wasting somebody Sentineling him all the time just so he can cure my only other attacker.

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I take it back a little, it turns out Sazh/Vanille/Hope with Smart Bomb + Tri-Disaster = Awesome. I can ruin pretty much anyones shit with that combo, usually in a short enough time that I'll manage 5 stars too.

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I am gonna say this now because its sure to bite me in the arse, but bar her running, Vanille is awesome :wub:

Pft. Does Vanille have a freakin' CHOCOBO in her hair? I think not. >_>

Pffft Sazh would be nothing with out it though, its like his only redeeming feature so far

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Rich are you now insinuating that Kaney is Czech and that's in fact a bad thing?

Racist. dry.gif

I'm now taking my first break from the game in a good 7 hours. Really enjoying it so far, though I can say that I see what people have said about the linear part. I'm enjoying it, but I am looking forward to reaching the 'calm lands' area where I can sit back, grind a little, maybe play a few mini-games or something.

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Vague character spoilers within, nothing detailed, but just in case people don't want to see. It's just me giving opinions, nothing major.

Sazh is by far my favourite character, he's shown the most believable character so far after initially seeming like a plain old comic relief version of Barret, I can see him being the one most people relate to (plus, as has been stated, he has a freaking chicobo in his hair!!). Lightning is interesting, initially she seemed like she was originally envisioned - a female version of Cloud, and was only interesting because she bitched out Snow so often, but she's had the most interesting interactions out of all the party so far. Hope is whiny little bitch, which is fine, because he's not the main character, I need to have one of the party I really hate, and I'm at a point now where he's actually toning it down. Vanille is initially quite annoying, but again, she's toned down and explained, though I really could have done with her story being more subtle... (spoilers for if you are an absolute imbecile who can't see it coming)...

... what with her being from Pulse and not Cocoon...

... because she may as well just have said it from the get go. So far I've enjoyed Fang, she's different, but she's not expanded yet, but she is an absolute demon in battle, any character who uses a spear and therefore can be classified as a dragoon is instantly awesome in my book. I saved the most debatable for last - Snow. Snow was extremely annoying, selfish, cliché'd hero, but just like I've said before, he's slowly changing, showing cracks in his character and blooming into something that I'm actually really enjoying. Keep an eye out for when Hope and Snow finally cross paths again because quite frankly it may be among some of my favourite character interaction in a Final Fantasy ever.

So yeah, as far as I initially saw, this cast seemed one-dimensional and full of cliché's and characters we've seen before, but they're developing well right now, I've hit the mid-point of the initial half of the game (yes, that's the right way to phrase it from what I've read) and whilst they took their sweet time it's really starting to turn into an intriguing story. My one issue is that thus far, I've not got a face to put to the name of the enemy, I mean yes, it's obvious we're going to be facing the fal'Cie in some way, shape or form, but who's going to abuse them? Seriously, I've not seen one character who I'd classify as even a mid-level bad guy, let alone the big bad.

We'll see. But yes, when you first start, don't expect a ton, but it does get a hell of a lot better when you hit Palumpolom.

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I'm fairly certain it's going to end up with FFIX/X fever here for the Final Boss, we'll probably not know much about who/what we're actually fighting until we fight it.

Man, the battles against the Eidolon's are just strange. I don't know where they got the idea for them from, but I don't think I'd have the slightly clue what to do if I didn't have the guide book.

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But in IX we had Brahne initially, then Kuja, in X it was obvious it'd come down to a showdown with either Jecht or Seymour, in XIII I've yet to see anybody I'd think of as an enemy except some forgettable silver haired guy who I'm quite sure will end up dead before I ever get to fight him one-on-one.

And also, if you didn't use Libra on the Eidolons you are a fool :P

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Sssh. Some of us don't know about the enemies yet. >_>

I reckon it'll be one of the fal'Cie in all of it's monster form. Probably with about 15 different forms, one of which will be centred around annoying attacks on your status that'll leave you poisoned, slow, silenced... and so on and so forth.

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I think I am near the end of chapter 2, but I am really enjoying this. The battle system makes it feel more like a FF game than XII, although all I have done so far is attack/blitz/grenade. And I am liking every character, they all have their place....although Hope is getting on my nerves.

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Yes. And thank fuck Sazh gets the Commando Paradigm or I would be crying right about now.

It would appear we are up to the same spot, then. I'm still getting used to the fighting system. It can be a bit frustrating at times, but I can understand why they don't have you control EVERY character in fighting, because it is so fast paced.

I get annoyed that if I change a paradigm mid-attack, the attack gets stopped.

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