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I'm getting tired of seeing a slightly different pattern of platforms on one background for an hour or two before moving on to another, very similar set of platforms on a different (well, I say different, if it's not forest or crystalised it's non-existent so far) for another hour or two. Yes, it looks nice, but how about some damn variation?

EDIT 1: And then the game shuts my mouth by giving me an extremely cool Calm Lands looking valley. Awesome.

EDIT 2:I cannot wait for Hi-Potions to become available, Potions just aren't cutting it. Also, beware the Scalebeast if you're in a hurry, the game warns you about them when you get there, they're not tough, they're just ridiculously well defended, as the name would suggest.

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So, Watchdrones - fuck them. fuck them hard in the rectum.

The battle system seems to get more insane as it goes on, the more abilities you unlock, the harder it is to keep up with what the hell is going on. I was pretty much just Blitzing everything earlier when I was up against like 7 frog things, didn't realise until it was over if I was hitting any of them or not. tongue.gif So how do you level up the Crystal Level Things? I've completed Commando & Ravager etc as far as nodes go, but it's still only on Lvl. 1?

Working my way through Chapter 3 and the Temple surrounded by the Crystals.

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So how's everyone been battling so far? I've been relying on Slash & Burn, switching to Dualcast when the Stagger Gauge is about three quarters full and pulling back into War & Peace whenever needed. The time with Sazh & Vanille was a bitch without a Commando for the most part.

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I have only just started chapter 4... thus I am only still unlocking stuff <_<

I tend to use Diversity when I need to heal, and then just generally use Slash and Burn, changing and playing about as i see fit

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Ah Diversity, yes, here's a gameplay spoiler but not necesarily major story spoiler...

Get used to not having a 3rd person in your party, I've had to deal with two person teams for quite some time >_>

Oh and all complaints about the same area over and over again are out the windows since I got to Palumpolum, which is excellent news because that was my biggest gripe.

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I'm finding myself going with a Commando/Ravenger/Medic combination a lot of the time, maybe switching to Commando/Sentinal/Medic if the situation calls for it. I need to remember to make a Ravenger/Ravenger/Medic combo, because I keep running into enemies that're hurt more by Magic, but Lightning only really has Attack, Blitz & Ruin.

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