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Honestly, coming from a PS3 lover, apart from the BluRay & the fact that PS3 has free online, it's really not a big deal which you get. I mean, by now aren't the exclusives for either console down to pretty much Uncharted & Metal Gear on the PS3, L4D and Mass Effect on the 360? And even then, most 360 games are available on PC if you really want to play them.

*cough* Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea 3 for PS3 *cough* shifty.gif

I'd just go by what your friends have got, because you'll have more fun with it if you can play online with your mates.

Definitely agree with this, though. I only know one person who that likes video games that owns a PS3 which has made online a non-entity for me, really. Admittedly, I only have two games worth playing online (Soul Calibur 4 and Rock Band - which my other PS3 owning friend doesn't own dry.gif) so it doesn't really affect me as much as if, say, I was into games like Modern Warfare 2 or FIFA. Depends what you're into really, games-wise.

Edited by badotori
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They are supposed to be 110 for new PS3 games. Everyone had it out for 99, Target advertised for 85. I got the last copy. It's why I don't buy many games in Australia. I either buy it, if it's something like this, or if it's for the PC, I get it off steam or get it... "some other way".

I also never shop at EB, as they are the biggest rip off merchants in this country.

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My copy arrived today, but I'm yet to finish FF8. I am level 70 something in the Ragnarok back from space on disc 3. How long will it take roughly to finish the game? >_>

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I went to get FFXIII this morning, but was $25 short. My friend then gave me their PS3 copy of MUA2 and I was able to get an hours play in before wrk. Now I've told my boss I likely wont be in tomorrow, which makes my night completely set.

The visuals are awesome, and the story intrigues me so far. Can't wait to see what happens.

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You should probably just go right on ahead and send me your copy of XIII then Kaney. You've got at least 1000 hours of play on VIII to do.

Sigh. What must be done, I guess :(

Whats your addy?

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