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Just better items, as well as sometimes giving you benificial status effects (Protect/Shell), as well as healing.

I swear, sometimes I think I have OCD. I'm thinking of re-starting another game of XII, just because I let it set on the pause screen and added like 15 hours to my playing time. That, and I want to re-do everything to level at the beginning.

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Well, to be fair, I left it on overnight. I'm pretty sure I was on the pause screen. Not that it makes a difference, what matters is that it bugs the shit out of me.

I just wish the game as harder, or had more easily defined characters. Like the level system for X. I find it difficult to keep myself to building archtypes, which is something I really want to try to do in my next go around.

Vaan - Theif

Basch - Knight/Fighter

Penelo - White Mage

Fran - Black Mage or Ranger

Balthier - Ranger/Archer

Ashe - Paladin

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Well, to be fair, I left it on overnight. I'm pretty sure I was on the pause screen. Not that it makes a difference, what matters is that it bugs the shit out of me.

I just wish the game as harder, or had more easily defined characters. Like the level system for X. I find it difficult to keep myself to building archtypes, which is something I really want to try to do in my next go around.

Vaan - Theif

Basch - Knight/Fighter

Penelo - White Mage

Fran - Black Mage or Ranger

Balthier - Ranger/Archer

Ashe - Paladin

Don't waste Vaan on being just a thief, make him a Ninja class character instead.

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I believe you get them from the Eruyt Village IIRC.



Golden Amulet - LP x2


1. Treasure:

- Ozmone/ The Shred

- Henne Mines/ Phase 1 Dig

- Cerobi Steppe/ North Liavell Hills

- Nabreus Deadlands/ Vale of lingering Sorrow

2. Shop:

- Eruyt Village ............ 4500 gil (after Henne Mines)

- Bur Omisace .............. 4500 gil

- Mosphoran Highwaste ...... 4500 gil

- Lowtown .................. 4500 gil (after Pharos at Ridorana)

3. Reward:

- "Back to Barheim Passage" quest,

you need to pass these items to Dantro's Wife before ending it:

a. Great Serpentskin x1

b. Semclam Shells x5

c. Nebralim x2

d. Valeblossom Dew x3

4. Bazaar goods, sell:

- Tattered Garment x1

Edited by rvdwannabe
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Depending on how much you've played, from where you suggested you were a couple of days ago, you seem a fair bit away from getting them.

The Eruyt village is in the Golmore Jungle, and as said in the text, will only be available after the Henne Mines. That's the first place you can get them from, I believe.

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Guest strongarm85

Don't worry Enuyt is the next town you visit. Its in part of the forest that you'll go to after meeting with the chief. You can be there in less than an hour of play time. There will be some Moogles set up shop at the front of the village when you get there. Buy it from them.

Theres also a hunt you can do for the Jarhara after you go through Henne mines the first time (thats pretty easy too since its your fighting a ghost thats weak against holy spells) and that gives you another one.

Edited by strongarm85
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