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They are supposed to be 110 for new PS3 games. Everyone had it out for 99, Target advertised for 85. I got the last copy. It's why I don't buy many games in Australia. I either buy it, if it's something like this, or if it's for the PC, I get it off steam or get it... "some other way".

I also never shop at EB, as they are the biggest rip off merchants in this country.

Sorry to go off on a tangent but say what?

I've lost count of the amount of great discounted games that I've got from EB. Granted I've found them to be overpriced on a few things here and there but overall I owe a lot of my gaming in recent years to sweet deals from EB.

Back on topic I've still yet to finish both VIII and IX. I'm just so lazy. blush.gif

Also what did you have to do to get Vincent Valentine in VII? I went through the whole game and didn't run across him. I also never finished the quest in Yuffies hometown, what do you get if you complete that?

Edited by The Ego II
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He was hanging out in a crypt in the basement of Shinra Manor where that evil scientist dude who cloned Jenova worked. It seems like you had to find some monster in the field first. Once you got Vincent, of course, you would never, ever use him again because he sucked.

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He was hanging out in a crypt in the basement of Shinra Manor where that evil scientist dude who cloned Jenova worked. It seems like you had to find some monster in the field first. Once you got Vincent, of course, you would never, ever use him again because he sucked.

No, you got Yuffie through random field encounters. Vincent, you had to go through a longwinded quest in Shinra Manor looking for the numbers to a safe's combination, then fight a boss where depending on how you fight it, it either gains extremely strong magic or physical attacks.

But yeah, both of them are shit in battle. Yuffie's annoying and has a shitty sidequest (with the exception of the presence of DON F'N CORNEO), and Vincent's got crap stats, not to mention an uncontrollable limit break regardless of level.

As for the Yuffie sidequest, you get the opportunity to scale Godo's Tower; completion nets you Yuffie's Level 4 Limit manual and the Leviathan Materia, I think.

Oh, and here's the details on Vincent's stats:

  • Despite his popularity, Vincent is not well endowed in terms of stats. He has the least HP at level 99 of all characters, and possesses only marginally more strength than Aerith, whilst still having far less MP and Magic power. Along with Cait Sith, he has the least Vitality at the highest levels, and his Dexterity is average.

Edited by TenaciousG
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Okay so I've been playing a number of hours so far, and I'm loving this. Everything is great for me... I love the way the battles are, makes them fun and I can see that when it comes to grinding later it'll be more fun than a chore. The story is waaay more gripping and fast moving than that of XII which is wonderful, and it's nice to see elements of the last couple of games in the series with some new stuff too. Not to mention the game is beautiful. Loving all the characters thus far, even Vanille who while she does have a somewhat annoying run/voice... she's kinda hot :shifty:

Anyhow, I'm having trouble with the first eidelon battle :/

I just can't seem to get Nix's gauge up fast enough before the Doom counter runs down. I have used Libra and I'm following the hints it gives.... but it's just not fast enough. Any tips?

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Vanille's like, 14, isn't she? In any case, I hate her.

Vanille's age is...

EDIT: This spoils the story don't read it unless you want it spoiled.

19 unless you count the time spent in a crystal, which would make her 519.

Unlike Ollie, I quite like her, she is a refeshing change to the normal annoying little girl FF brings out, see Selphie/Penello

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Yeah, agreed with Ollie :/

Despite it being in a spoiler tag, I also expected some kind of pedo joke or something >_<

Also, beat the Eidolon... was pretty easy once I started entering manual commands instead of just 'Autoing' everything.

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Fuck you rich. Before I played this game I had literally never seen a single trailer, read a single preview or review, i'd only seen the character designs of Lightning and Snow and I'd literally avoided every single thing that could have potentially given me any clue as to what would happen within the game. You are the first person to break that. You're a gay.

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Fuck you rich. Before I played this game I had literally never seen a single trailer, read a single preview or review, i'd only seen the character designs of Lightning and Snow and I'd literally avoided every single thing that could have potentially given me any clue as to what would happen within the game. You are the first person to break that. You're a gay.

Fuck you Ollie, if It wasn't something about the story I wouldn't have put it in bloody spoiler tags, I only spoiler tag things that people wouldn't want to see, i.e spoilers, such as in this case, but you went and clicked it, don't hate the player hate the game <_<

Storyline Spoilers

Yeah that boss Barthandelous (sp?) is a bitch, muct admit I didn't expect that Primarch guy to be fal'Cie

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But by the nature of your posts, one would think that you'd probably go ahead and make some kind of joke. If you were actually spoilering, you could have at least said "yeah, this is an actual spoiler, not a joke to go along with Ollie's subtle dig at Avenged for being a pedo". I mean, yeah, fair enough, that was a bit presumptuous on my part, but you could have at least had some tact and apologized. I don't take FF lightly.

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But by the nature of your posts, one would think that you'd probably go ahead and make some kind of joke. If you were actually spoilering, you could have at least said "yeah, this is an actual spoiler, not a joke to go along with Ollie's subtle dig at Avenged for being a pedo". I mean, yeah, fair enough, that was a bit presumptuous on my part, but you could have at least had some tact and apologized. I don't take FF lightly.

Fair enough, I apologies for doing that and I perhaps should have marked them more clearly, I would hate it if things had been spoiled for me. I am now more disappointed that I didn't make a paedo joke at Avended's expense :(

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Agreed. This is the only time in my life I think I wouldv'e preferred someone to make a pedo joke about myself instead of what really happened :/ Ah well, I'm still going to love this game, give or take the minor spoiler.

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