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That's pretty much the FF equivalent of mocking someone for not liking the Star Wars prequels.

So, let me just get this straight. You're comparing Final Fantasy IX, the first JRPG that I ever loved and a game that, by your own admittance, you liked the first time round, to Attack of The Fucking Clones.


Thou art dead to me, sir. sad.gif

Maybe that was a little far to take it. shifty.gif

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When you take my hatred of Attack of the Clones fully into account, you'll find it doesn't go nearly far enough, TKz. thumbsdown.gif

Attack of the clones wasn't that bad...I mean it wasn't that good either, but it was better than TPM and if you were to take it on its own merit its no worse than the majority of films out there in the big wide world...

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VIII is awesome, and you should feel bad for not liking it. XIII has a lot of VIII feel to it with some of the weapons, which is awesome, as long as no one like Irvine shows up.

Status reports upcoming, I just took the X and will be playing some FF after I eat and watch some Survivor Series 87. Team Savage (I'm sure the had some gimmick name, but fuck if I know what it is) is the awesome. Savage, Steamboat, Snake, and Hacksaw? It's worth putting up with Beefcake for!

You take a pill to watch wrestling and play games?


Ehhh, I had some left over from plans that fell through, I don't have work or class, and I felt like doing it. Think what you want.

Fair enough, just seemed rather odd, 'tis all.

Oh, if I had bought them for that specific purpose, I'd completely agree.

Also, fuck Odin. Well, at least until I used my shrouds. Then LOL fuck your life Odin!

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I don't like VIII, I said it, I hate drawing, I don't like Squall, Zell is a cunt nugget, Selphie needs to die and the story is generally wank compared to other FF's. I don't like Gunblades, and because of my Zell dislike I automatically bore a grudge against Snow.




I will. ^_^


Yeah I know the post wasn't really aimed at me, but I really don't care.

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Finished Chapter 8, won't get any further until Monday due to work, but damn, Sazh. crying.gif

The whole last half of Chapter 8 made me like Sazh more than any other character in the entire FF series; but Brynhildr can go fuck itself with that giant crossbow gun/axe thing of its.

And I can't get "Atonement" (that sad-sounding song that plays in the last parts of Chapter 8) out of my head. Not that that's a bad thing, because I love the song. I don't know exactly who they got to do the music in this game, but it's probably the best since Nobuo stepped down. (I know he still helps, but I'm talking about I through X, when he was doing the entire soundtrack)

Edited by TenaciousG
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Agh, Chapter Five is so fucking repetitive. If it wasn't for the character development between Hope and Lightning, it'd be unbearable. Just 'fight, fight, fight, open gate, rinse, repeat'.

Also, I want fucking Snow back! I want to punch things!

Other than how repetitive this segment is, I'm really enjoying them game, however. I don't think it's in my top 3 (VIII, X/X-2, VII in no particular order) but its moving up the list quickly.

EDIT: Also, any clue on what leveling up a role does? I'm very unclear on that.

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Agh, Chapter Five is so fucking repetitive. If it wasn't for the character development between Hope and Lightning, it'd be unbearable. Just 'fight, fight, fight, open gate, rinse, repeat'.

Also, I want fucking Snow back! I want to punch things!

Other than how repetitive this segment is, I'm really enjoying them game, however. I don't think it's in my top 3 (VIII, X/X-2, VII in no particular order) but its moving up the list quickly.

EDIT: Also, any clue on what leveling up a role does? I'm very unclear on that.

It allows you to reach the next level of that role on the Crystarium, and learn new abilities.

The Final Fantasy wikia site has articles on the six classes and who's best for them if anyone's wondering. <_<

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Final Fantasy IX was everything a Final Fantasy should encompass, that's why I always say it's my favourite Final Fantasy, it's not everything everybody would love, it's not an absolutely perfect game, but as far as Final Fantasy goes it is the very definition of the series, even the series' creator says so.

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Anyone wanna help a brother out on the Chapter 7 boss? Seriously, it attacks so relentlessly that eventually my medic can't keep up and heal in time.

The Skytank, that is. I know to attack separate parts, but it still fucks me in the ass before I can get my medic to heal me.

Edit: Scratch that, my medic was just being a butthole. That was easy when he stopped being a butthole.

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I don't like VIII, I said it, I hate drawing, I don't like Squall, Zell is a cunt nugget, Selphie needs to die and the story is generally wank compared to other FF's. I don't like Gunblades, and because of my Zell dislike I automatically bore a grudge against Snow.




I will. ^_^


Yeah I know the post wasn't really aimed at me, but I really don't care.



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